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Returning to the Origin of Landscape Architecture Education





On December 9th, 2022, the World Conference on Catechism and Online Education released The Infinite Possibilities- World Higher Education Digital Development Report (hereinafter referred to as The Development Report). The Development Report, as the world’s first strategic report on the digitalization of higher education led by China, fits the current trend of digital development of higher education under the wave of digitalization, and puts forward six major initiatives such as building a global higher education community for digital transformation, promoting innovation in digital education models pointed to comprehensive development, and adhering to the laws of education and education ethics in the digital era. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has anchored a new direction for education development, proposing to deeply implement the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and education, and must solidly take the “first step” of prioritizing the development of education.In this context, promoting the strategic action of education digitization, building a networked, digital, personalized and lifelong education system, and accelerating the construction of a “big thinking course” education pattern are new areas and new tracks for the development of education modernization.

Nowadays, the professional education model of the discipline is passively involved in the context from closed to open, static to dynamic, solidified to change, and is undergoing rapid changes, but no matter how it is changed, its origin should be the same. Landscape architecture, in its original nature, is the study of outdoor livable space and its relationship with the environment. Its main research fields include habitat identification and assessment, human settlement behavior laws, protection and utilization of natural and cultural resources, promotion of ecological balance and supply of service value through engineering design and construction, as well as intelligent assistance, construction materials and facilities. Therefore, the basic attribute of landscape architecture discipline is to give consideration to its process and openness while firmly grasping its original premise, so that its education is necessarily a “process concept” that can reflect the process attributes of educational activities. The newly released Catalogue of Graduate Education Disciplines (2022) has adjusted the degree training of landscape architecture, which makes landscape architecture education face a broader application interface and a more severe discipline examination, which will inevitably lead to the reform and transformation of landscape architecture teaching content and methods.

The topic of this issue, “Innovative Practice of Landscape Architecture Education and Teaching”, takes into account both ideological and theoretical discussions and practical exploration of technical paths. At the ideological and theoretical level, the construction ideas of “whole process and openness” of landscape architecture design courses in the new era were discussed; the trend of international education and teaching development of landscape architecture majors was analyzed; The methods of relying on theoretical courses to enhance students’ international design thinking ability were summarized; The design of teaching activities and the objectives of the curriculum in teaching practice were explored; The mode of ideological education in the context of “school-enterprise-local” co-construction based on the practice of community garden was summarized. The ideological and theoretical discussion on landscape gardening education is of great value in building cultural confidence, cultivating national sentiment and improving cultural literacy. At the level of technical paths, in response to the Ministry of Education’s request of “digitalization to enable high-quality development of higher education”, the reform and innovation paths of teaching landscape gardening history courses based on virtual reality technology and computer adaptive technology were explored to provide technical support for the digital transformation of landscape gardening courses.

“You can’t know spring without gardens”, Mr. QIAN Xuesen said when talking about gardening, “Garden art is a unique art department created in China; Chinese garden art is a pearl in cultural heritage, with a glorious history of thousands of years; for landscape architecture art, we need to dig, study, and keep moving forward”. As Mr. QIAN said, landscape architecture is a discipline that carries forward the past and ushers in the future. It plays an important role in the construction of ecological civilization and beautiful China as well as in the inheritance of Chinese fine traditional culture. Its learning roots, inheritance values, and education models are exactly the problems that contemporary landscape architects, especially landscape architecture educators, need to deeply think and explore.


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