

《园林》编辑部 园林杂志 2024-04-20






·全文引文格式:张浪.现代城市公共空间也属于城市基础设施范畴 [J].园林,2022,40(03):01.



Modern Urban Public Space Also Belongs to Urban Infrastructure





In 1933, urbanists, urban planners and architects from all over the world gathered in Athens and formulated The Athens Charter, a framework document of urban planning, which proposed the four major functions of a city: residence, production, recreation and transportation. The important logic of this document was to integrate the city and centrally arrange the same kind of functions and resources in the space to improve the utilization efficiency, which played an important role in solving the urban problems at that time. However, the trajectory of urban development is not a simple mechanical repetition, and the problems faced by cities at different stages are different. Therefore, the urban planning principles or planning models proposed in a specific period cannot be used once and for all. Taking transportation as an example, the “ultimate blue schema” urban planning idea has caused the “single pendulum” phenomenon of global urban transportation. The universal view holds that relying on population dispersion can solve the traffic congestion problem in large cities, which is also a misunderstanding in thinking. The problems faced by modern urban society are more complex and diversified. Only by scientific understanding of the law of urban development can we make the city more efficient and livable.

Since the second industrial revolution at the end of the 18th century, infrastructure has played an important role in the development of cities for more than 100 years, and has significantly promoted the process of urbanization. Concerning the relationship between urban infrastructure and urban public space, Stan Allen pointed out that infrastructure is the transportation and distribution of public resources, and because of its large number of repeatability and deep involvement in daily life, it is essentially a kind of public space, thus becoming the carrier of urban life. Infrastructure is no longer limited to conventional “grey infrastructure” (such as transportation, energy and water conservancy projects), but expands and strengthens the functional connotation of its basic social services and public products, involving green infrastructure, landscape infrastructure and innovation infrastructure (such as green space and ecological corridor). Thus, modern urban public space also belongs to urban infrastructure.

The topic of this issue, “Urban Infrastructure and Public Space”, systematically discusses the public spatialization of infrastructure from the aspects of theoretical interpretation, development paradigm and renewal mode. The concept of “field infrastructure” was proposed to discuss the the general law and evolution trend of infrastructure under the transformation of economic model and urban stock development model; The construction of multi-party coordination mechanism in practice, the spatial design of functional overlap, and the response and continuation of urban culture formed a “new daily life of urban infrastructure”; The the origin and type of landscape infrastructure and its organizational structure as urban growth, growth and evolution were explored, so as to maximize the benefits of social, economic and ecosystem services with the least land use; In addition, the possible development mode of infrastructure in response to uncertainty in modern urban development was explored to design a better urban relationship between the ecosystem and social system.

From how to reduce the negative impact of infrastructure on the daily life of urban residents, to strive to build positive public spaces to carry high-quality urban life, this change in construction concept is not only an effective response to the high-quality development of urban construction, but also an inevitable requirement of people’s urban construction. In the context of China, the public spatialization of infrastructure is gradually gaining consensus. By exploring interdisciplinary research approaches and perspectives, taking into account cross-scale practical issues and basing on an international perspective, the open proposition of infrastructure can better serve the organic renewal and development of modern urban public space.


编辑校对丨刘   杰              微信排版丨戴嘉旻              文章审核丨钱秀苇   戴嘉旻


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