
安射波 | 杰罗尼莫·沃斯

卷中逃 夹山改梁 Jasagala

海报:Martin Stiehl

杰罗尼莫·沃斯在广州南非酒吧展示的录像装置是一份基于图像,文本,影像和字幕的蒙太奇。在视觉上,它受到了广州和法兰克福之间因应这次合作而召开的多次网络会议的影响。这是一些讨论的片段,关于在1927年之前出现在广州的另一种社会主义,关于未曾走过的路,以及其他对话。安射波(Ansible)这个词是“Answerable”的缩略语,在科幻小说中,它常被用于指代一种可以跨越极大距离的通讯设备——这个词是由厄休拉·勒古恩在1966年首次提出的,在她1974年的小说《弃权者》(The Dispossessed)中得到充实。在这部小说中,厄休拉创作了一个模棱两可的乌托邦,一个与世隔绝的共产主义星球——一种无政府版本的共产主义,与一颗由民族国家构成的星球相邻。在故事中,安射波是“所有世界联合起来”的技术前提,厄休拉称之为伊库盟(Ekumen)。这是杰罗尼莫·沃斯的视觉装置的历史和叙事背景。它强调了新冠危机下艺术复制的条件——当艺术交流转向网络会议、在线观看室和社交媒体,全球化的进程却据称在倒退。杰罗尼莫·沃斯挪用了厄休拉的概念,日常生活的即时远程传输理念和安射波的隐喻不再只是一种乌托邦式的投射,而是成为了当下社会互动和参与的条件。
杰罗尼莫·沃斯在法兰克福和巴塞尔工作和生活。他在瑞士巴塞尔的HGKHNW艺术性别自然研究所任教。他的媒体装置是历史和平行世界的模型,将过去、现在与未来融合在一起。自2019年起,杰罗尼莫是Synnika团体及其在法兰克福/美因河畔中央车站区的实验实践和理论空间的成员。他曾于世界各地的美术馆及机构举办个展或参与群展,包括利萨邦的Galeria Boavista、利物浦的FACT、阿姆斯特丹的Stedelijk博物馆、都柏林的Galeria Municipal do Porto、爱尔兰现代艺术博物馆、孟买的Clark House Initiative。贝尔格莱德MOCA;维也纳Secession;米兰Fondazione Trussardi;林茨Lentos博物馆;柏林世界文化之家(HKW);法兰克福MMK现代艺术博物馆,弗赖堡新艺术博物馆;柏林Cinzia Friedlaender画廊和第十三届卡塞尔文献展。
The video installation by artist Jeronimo Voss at Nanfei Bar in Guangzhou is based on a montage of image and text, video and captions. It is visually influenced by the various web conferences that accompanied this collaboration between Guangzhou and Frankfurt/Main. Discussions on Guangzhou’s other socialism before 1927, the path not taken, appear next to different fragments of conversation. The term Ansible is a contraction of “answerable” and is frequently used in science fiction for a communication device that allows to bridge the physics of large distances – it is first coined by Ursula K. Le Guin in 1966 and is most extensively developed in her 1974 novel “The Dispossessed”. In the book she creates an ambiguous utopia of a communist planet in isolation – an anarchist version of communism neighboring to a planet of nation states. According to le Guin this communism in crisis is inspired by Daoist principles. In her stories the Ansible is the technical precondition for the “union of worlds” that she calls the Ekumen. This historical and narrative background is the experimental setting for Jeronimo Voss' visual installation. It highlights the conditions of artistic reproduction in a moment of pandemic crises – when communication of artistic work is being pusshed towards online viewing rooms, web conferences and social media, while at the same time globalization is claimed to take a reversed direction. Jeronimo Voss appropriates the metaphor of the Ansible in a moment when immediate tele-transmission of everyday life appears not just as an utopian projection - but as a requirement for social interaction and participation in the here and now.
Jeronimo Voss works in Frankfurt/Main and Basel. He teaches at the Institute Art Gender Nature, HGKFHNW in Basel(CH).
His media installations can be seen as models of history and parallel worlds that blend the past, present and future into each other. Since 2019 he is a member of the Synnika collective and its space for experimental practice and theory in the Frankfurt/Main Central Station district. He has participated in numerous solo- and group shows in museums and institutions worldwide, including at the Galeria Boavista, Lissabon; FACT Liverpool; Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam; Galeria Municipal do Porto, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin; Clark House Initiative, Mumbai; MOCA Belgrade; Secession Vienna; Fondazione Trussardi, Milano; Lentos Museum, Linz; House of the World’s Cultures (HKW), Berlin; MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main, Museum für Neue Kunst, Freiburg; Gallery Cinzia Friedlaender, Berlin and dOCUMENTA (13) in Kassel.


preview of images,2022



by Jeronimo Voss




持续时间 04/07/2022 - 08/10/2022

7:30pm - 11:30pm


Opening on July 3, 2022, 8pm at Nanfei Bar

No. 17 Guoxingzheng Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China

Duration: 04/07/2022 - 08/10/2022, 7pm - 1am


For visit please contact:
Wechat :x89y56b23




“Involution”是由中文中的内卷这个词翻译而来。这个词在2020年初出现在中国的社交媒体上,描述了一种既停滞不前又忙碌不安的生存状态和社会环境。内卷是一种为了避免落在别人后面而不得不越跑越快的感觉。它意味着无休止的加班和在办公桌后面度过的许多个夜晚。内卷意味着在学校、大学、工厂或婚姻市场上被竞争所压倒。它指的是社会压力逼迫人们购买房产并且在资产阶梯上向上攀登,与此同时,房价的上涨速度却远远超过工资。内卷指的是父母在他们的空闲时间带着四岁的孩子去参加私人辅导班,学习芭蕾、餐桌礼仪、钢琴、油画、空手道、乐高等等。内卷意味着失去了改变这个社会以造福普罗大众的希望。内卷这个词由“内(inside)”和“卷(roll)”或“转(to roll)”组成,可以直观地理解为“转向内部”——在学术语境中,它被翻译为内卷,即进化的反义词,它所体现的不仅仅是一种怪异的中国现象。Johannes Agnoli用内卷这一概念去描述“民主国家、政党、理论倒退到前民主或反民主的形式”。在一个停滞和强化反动倾向的世界里,内卷化是一种全球性的发展吗?为了达到个人及集体协作,该项目目前正在两个遥远的城市之间传递,感谢李筱天、Christoph Plutte、Tetsuro Pecoraro、左牵羊、Naomi Rado、Jeronimo Voss、Vanessa Opoku、Philisha Kay、Martin Stiehl、陈逸飞、欧飞鸿的贡献,以及他们在小洲村和法兰克福所进行的干预。

The installation is part of ESCAPING INVOLUTION, a transnational collaboration project of a group of artists, curators and writers from Guangzhou and Frankfurt/Main unfolding through various interventions and openings in the two cities.
"Involution" is translated from the Chinese word :“  内卷(Neijuan)”. The term went viral in Chinese social media in April 2020, describing a social environment that is both stagnant and restlessly busy. Neijuan is the feeling of having to run faster and faster just to avoid falling behind. It means endless overtime and late evenings behind office desks. Neijuan means being overwhelmed by competition at schools, universities, factories or on the marriage market. It refers to the social pressure of buying real estate and entering the property ladder while housing prices rise much faster than wages. Neijuan means parents spending their free time taking their four year old to private tutoring classes for ballet, table manners, piano, oil painting, karate, Lego school etc. Neijuan means having lost hope of changing the society for the betterment of all. The word “ 内卷
( Neijuan) is composed of the characters for "inside" and "roll" or "to roll" and is intuitively understood as something like "turning inwards" – "Involution" is the opposite of evolution, and it makes sense to see more in it than just a curious Chinese phenomenon. Johannes Agnoli used the concept of Involution to describe the "regression of democratic states, parties, theories into pre- or anti-democratic forms." Is Involution a global development in a world of stagnation and reinforcement of reactionary tendencies? In search of individual as well as collaborative and collective measures the project is flashing lights between two distant cities, to the contributions of Xiaotian Li and Christoph Plutte, Tetsuro Pecoraro, Qiangyang Zuo, Yifei Chen, Feihong Ou, Naomi Rado,Jeronimo Voss, Vanessa Opoku and Philisha Kay, Martin Stiehl, and their interventions in Guangzhou and Frankfurt/Main.





ESCAPING INVOLUTION is a collaboration between Times Museum's HB-Station in Guangzhou and Synnika in Frankfurt/Main, supported by the Visual Art Project Fund of the Goethe-Institute and the Kulturamt Frankfurt/Main.

ESCAPING INVOLUTION ist eine Kooperation zwischen der HB-Station des Times Museums in Guangzhou und Synnika in Frankfurt/Main, unterstützt u.a. durch den Visual Art Project Fund des Goethe-Instituts und das Kulturamt Frankfurt/Main.


夹山改梁 Jasagala

