

「卷中逃」 盤絲洞TheCaveOfSpiderWitches

海报:Martin Stiehl

在广州小洲村盤絲洞的空间里,艺术家佩科拉罗(Tetsuro Pecoraro,1987)将展出装置作品《不知名艺术家的生活》。在佩科拉罗作品的中央,悬挂着艺术家母亲和他本人小时候的画像,画中有一个旋转的图像。这幅画是佩科拉罗的母亲香川优子在1988年制作的,并以各种形式——墙上的图案、地毯和马克杯——一再出现在装置中。香川优子(*1955)在东京的武藏野艺术大学学习绘画,1977年毕业后移居柏林。在装置展示的一份出版物里,观众将了解到香川在32岁时成为母亲,然后开始担任幼儿园教师,她的儿子也跟随了她的脚步。


In the space of Pansi Cave in Xiaozhou Village, Guangzhou, the artist Tetsuro Pecoraro (*1987) exhibits the installation “The Lives of Unfamous Artists“. In the center of Pecoraro’s work hangs a portrait of the artist’s mother and himself as a baby child with a rotating image of a painting. The painting is made by Pecoraro’s mother, Yuko Kagawa, in 1988, and reappears in the installation in various forms – as a pattern on the wall, carpets and mugs. Yuko Kagawa (*1955) studied painting in Tokyo at the Musashino Art University and moved to Berlin after her graduation in 1977. In a publication displayed in the installation the visitor reads that Kagawa became a mother at the age of 32 before she started working as a Kindergarten teacher, and that her son followed her biographical steps in concrete terms.

Tetsuro Pecoraro graduated from the HfBK Städelschule Frankfurt/Main in 2017 and started working as a Kindergarten teacher in 2016. His postpainting practice developed from reflections on his own artistic and biographical subjectivity involving narrative as well as digital and painterly methods of image making. He is currently on parental leave with two children in Frankfurt am Main and has been a member of Synnika since 2019.





Tetsuro Pecoraro: The Lives of Unfamous Artists
Duration: 6.18-8.18
Opening: 7pm, 18th of June


For visit please contact:
Wechat :woshizuoqianyang
or Contact:yishidemaozhiguo@163.com



“Involution”是由中文中的内卷这个词翻译而来。这个词在2020年初出现在中国的社交媒体上,描述了一种既停滞不前又忙碌不安的生存状态和社会环境。内卷是一种为了避免落在别人后面而不得不越跑越快的感觉。它意味着无休止的加班和在办公桌后面度过的许多个夜晚。内卷意味着在学校、大学、工厂或婚姻市场上被竞争所压倒。它指的是社会压力逼迫人们购买房产并且在资产阶梯上向上攀登,与此同时,房价的上涨速度却远远超过工资。内卷指的是父母在他们的空闲时间带着四岁的孩子去参加私人辅导班,学习芭蕾、餐桌礼仪、钢琴、油画、空手道、乐高等等。内卷意味着失去了改变这个社会以造福普罗大众的希望。内卷这个词由“内(inside)”和“卷(roll)”或“转(to roll)”组成,可以直观地理解为“转向内部”——在学术语境中,它被翻译为内卷,即进化的反义词,它所体现的不仅仅是一种怪异的中国现象。Johannes Agnoli用内卷这一概念去描述“民主国家、政党、理论倒退到前民主或反民主的形式”。在一个停滞和强化反动倾向的世界里,内卷化是一种全球性的发展吗?为了达到个人及集体协作,该项目目前正在两个遥远的城市之间传递,感谢李筱天、Christoph Plutte、Tetsuro Pecoraro、左牵羊、陈逸飞、欧飞鸿、Naomi Rado、Jeronimo Voss、Vanessa Opoku、Philisha Kay、Martin Stiehl的贡献,以及他们在小洲村和法兰克福所进行的干预。

The installation is part of ESCAPING INVOLUTION, a transnational collaboration project of a group of artists, curators and writers from Guangzhou and Frankfurt/Main unfolding through various interventions and openings in the two cities.
"Involution" is translated from the Chinese word :“  内卷(Neijuan)”. The term went viral in Chinese social media in April 2020, describing a social environment that is both stagnant and restlessly busy. Neijuan is the feeling of having to run faster and faster just to avoid falling behind. It means endless overtime and late evenings behind office desks. Neijuan means being overwhelmed by competition at schools, universities, factories or on the marriage market. It refers to the social pressure of buying real estate and entering the property ladder while housing prices rise much faster than wages. Neijuan means parents spending their free time taking their four year old to private tutoring classes for ballet, table manners, piano, oil painting, karate, Lego school etc. Neijuan means having lost hope of changing the society for the betterment of all. The word “ 内卷
( Neijuan) is composed of the characters for "inside" and "roll" or "to roll" and is intuitively understood as something like "turning inwards" – "Involution" is the opposite of evolution, and it makes sense to see more in it than just a curious Chinese phenomenon. Johannes Agnoli used the concept of Involution to describe the "regression of democratic states, parties, theories into pre- or anti-democratic forms." Is Involution a global development in a world of stagnation and reinforcement of reactionary tendencies? In search of individual as well as collaborative and collective measures the project is flashing lights between two distant cities, to the contributions of Xiaotian Li and Christoph Plutte, Tetsuro Pecoraro, Qiangyang Zuo, Yifei Chen, Feihong Ou, Naomi Rado,Jeronimo Voss, Vanessa Opoku and Philisha Kay, Martin Stiehl, and their interventions in Guangzhou and Frankfurt/Main.




ESCAPING INVOLUTION is a collaboration between Times Museum's HB-Station in Guangzhou and Synnika in Frankfurt/Main, supported by the Visual Art Project Fund of the Goethe-Institute and the Kulturamt Frankfurt/Main.

ESCAPING INVOLUTION ist eine Kooperation zwischen der HB-Station des Times Museums in Guangzhou und Synnika in Frankfurt/Main, unterstützt u.a. durch den Visual Art Project Fund des Goethe-Instituts und das Kulturamt Frankfurt/Main.


盤絲洞The Cave of Spider Witches:蜘蛛精洞天




