
BANK 金库 THE VAULT|安德鲁·查普曼:常态之见 Andrew Chapman|6月2日开幕



Andrew Chapman: Seeing in Normal Circumstances

开幕式/Opening: 2024/06/02 周日 Sun 15:00 - 18:00
展览时间/Show Duration: 2024/06/02 - 2024/07/13
地点/Address: 上海市徐汇区安福路298弄2号楼底楼 
Basement, No.2, Lane 298, An Fu Rd, Shanghai




安德鲁·查普曼于工作室 Andrew Chapman in his Studio


哲学家阿弗拉姆·斯特罗(Avrum Stroll)曾言:“……视觉正如一个为两方工作的双面间谍。它看似准确地报告了所发现的内容,同时也对其进行了歪曲。因此,它既是知识的来源,也是错误的来源。” 



安德鲁·查普曼工作室 Photo of Andrew Chapman's Studio

In Seeing in Normal Circumstances, an initial glance may appear to be the offerings of some type of collective: possibly, a group show of artists pivoting around a rolodex of thematic drivers.

What belies this, however, is a particularly solitary and singular practice. One in which the artist's hand, or in some cases the obfuscation of, is imbued in every stage of the work's production. The studio becomes a sieve through which a range of references are carefully folded into the apparatus of painting. Low relief works function as "paintings through sculptural means" as Chapman describes, and as uncanny facsimiles of the vaguely familiar. 

Beneath all of this is an underpinning of ambiguity. The mechanics of painting function like a breadboard for iterative connections: paint serves as the raw ore in the fabrication of image and association.


Installation view, Andrew Chapman's works at BANK's booth, Beijing Dangdai, 2024

For Chapman, painting is an emblem of a resolute, idiosyncratic record. At once both an ineffable yet materially grounded object, there is an aspect of his work that is almost forensic in nature. It wants to be linked; to meaning, to a time, to a thing, to a place. The surface properties of the works are often akin to a screen or photograph, where mark making and ground become fused. Attention to details such as this reflect an intrinsic conceit: the slipperiness of cognition, memory, and truth is woven into the fabric of painting, which is like a strange reverse engineering of some phenomenological subject. 

The philosopher Avrum Stroll wrote "...vision is like a double agent that works for both sides. It seems accurately to report what it finds and also to distort it. It thus seems to be both the source of knowledge and a source of error." 

Seeing in Normal Circumstances continues a recurring theme in Chapman’s output, namely, a body of disparate works that are arrived at through a self-catalyzing process. They are fostered in relation to one another and operate like a key to his oeuvre at large.

(Text from the artist, translated and organized by BANK. All right reserved)


Selected Works

安德鲁·查普曼 Andrew Chapman

宝藏的标记(1)Tresor's Survey Marker(1)
Acrylic on wood, cast plastic elements, and epoxy clay
27.9 x 24.1 x 1.9 cm

安德鲁·查普曼 Andrew Chapman

板上布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas over panel
88.9 x 78.7 x 3.5 cm

安德鲁·查普曼 Andrew Chapman

行星的破裂/再融合 Planatary Rupture/Reintegration
板面油画 Oil on panel
27.9 x 24.1 x 1.9 cm


 About the Artist 


Andrew Chapman


查普曼曾在多家画廊和教育机构展出作品,个展项目包括在纽约 The Meeting画廊、旧金山 Et al.画廊、纽约独立艺术展、纽约新艺术经销商联盟艺术展,群展项目包括纽约 Petra Bibeau画廊、墨西哥城 Daniela Elbahara画廊、瑞士日内瓦 Portmanteau画廊、旧金山芳草地艺术中心和旧金山 The Popular Workshop画廊。他曾获得 Peter S. Reed 基金会个人艺术家奖项、 Jack & Gertrude Murphy 奖学金,以及 Edwin Anthony & Adelaine Bordeaux Cadogan 艺术奖学金。

Andrew Chapman was born in San Francisco and lives and works in Los Angeles, California. He received his MFA from Stanford University and his BFA from California College of the Arts in San Francisco. 

Chapman has shown work at several galleries and educational institutions including solo presentations at The Meeting in New York, Et al. in San Francisco, and Independent and NADA art fairs. Group exhibitions include Petra Bibeau, New York, Daniela Elbahara, Mexico City, Portmanteau, Geneva, Switzerland, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, and The Popular Workshop, San Francisco. He was awarded the Peter S. Reed Foundation Individual Artist Grant and Jack & Gertrude Murphy Fellowship and the Edwin Anthony & Adelaine Bordeaux Cadogan Fellowship in the Fine Arts.

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 - 正在展出 Current - 

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北京798艺术区A07大楼Building A07, 798 ArtDist, Beijing

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上海市徐汇区安福路298弄2号楼底楼 Basement, No,2, Lane 298, An Fu Rd, Shanghai

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