
McaM 展览丨“无声之后”展览作品介绍 丨Channel d. 环境电台

McaM McaM上海明当代美术馆




Is it possible to detect Hertz in soundless environments, or even transform the deep sea and mountains into a kind of environmental radio station? Throughout this journey, we trace artists’ experiments in “listening” and reshaping the soundless worlds, from the use of neutrino detectors to memory metal. We will explore the deeper meanings of these soundscapes emerging from "soundless environments," moving beyond mere instrumentalization and representation of nature. These practices open up possibilities for cross-species communication while also examining the deployment of transmission infrastructures that accompany the process of modernization in specific geographical contexts, including islands and indigenous territories.



Julie Freeman

Allusive Protocols (3 prototypes - AP: Space, AP: Land, AP: Sea)



Brass, nitinol wire (shape memory alloy), data relating to satellite communication, data centers, and subsea cabling, Arduino, wooden base

25 x 25 x 15 厘米,3件

25 x 25 x 15 cm, 3 pcs


Courtesy of the artist



Julie Freeman, Allusive Protocols (3 prototypes - AP: Space, AP: Land, AP: Sea)

Installation view at "Postscript of Silence", McaM, 2023

《隐秘协议》是一组系列作品,包含三个由数据驱动的动态作品原型,分别为《隐秘协议:太空、陆地、海洋》,创作欲艺术家在开放数据研究所(the Open Data Institute)驻留期间所做的一个思维实验,在此期间她考察了物质网络中的权力、外交和生态,包括使万物互联的的电缆、卫星和数据中心网络。这些材料构成信息基础设施,通常(误)被视为是瞬息万变的,并不受到现实世界环境影响。







Allusive Protocols (prototype) is a series of three kinetic data-driven artwork prototypes - AP: Space, AP: Land and AP: Sea. It was created as a thought-experiment during a residency at the Open Data Institute investigating power, diplomacy and ecology in the material internet: the vast networks of cables, satellites and data-centers that connect us. These materials create an infrastructure of information that is often (mis)perceived as ephemeral, and therefore not connected to real-world environmental impacts.

The piece speaks of fragility, echoing how this connectivity relies upon billions of tiny off/on switches continually flipping between two states. By subjecting analogue materials to real-world forces the artist asks us to consider the contradictions and imbalances inherent to these systems. The work refers to the implicit, often hidden powers that control them and to the implicit power that nature holds over us.

Within the work, data fluctuations drive an electrical current which alters the state of shape memory wires, held in anticipation by a brass balancing mechanism. The degree and speed of the transition is determined by data. These wires move organically and slowly, almost acting as physical line drawings.

The form each small wire adopts refers to the specific data driving it: The zigzag shape of AP: Space is inspired by the signals transmitted to and from the satellites orbiting the Earth and their ground-based receivers. AP: Land’s irregular graph-like shape is inspired by the speed and size of large-scale data transfer. AP: Sea is an undulating shape. Responding to subsea cable data, it is inspired by the speed and distance of data travel.



Darkish Matter Radio Studio Jeetze (DMRS Jeetze)



Dried plants, laptop with audio software, audio file




Courtesy of the artist and Radio KAL


Supported by Pro Helvetia Shanghai, Swiss Arts Council



knowbotiq, Darkish Matter Radio Studio Jeetze (DMRS Jeetze)

Installation view at "Postscript of Silence", McaM, 2023



在2021年11月和12月,《暗物质电台工作室-耶策》联合KAL电台(https://www.yesterdaytomorrow.space/radio-kal/)共同制作了一些广播节目。工作室的窗户敞开,来自外部景观的声音与广播节目在这里进行混音。KAL电台是一个自制的跨洋广播平台,“在某种语言里,kal既表示昨天,也代表明天”,由The Many Headed Hydra艺术集体的阿兹兹·索哈伊尔(Aziz Sohail),苏扎·胡瑟(Suza Husse)以及普洛莫娜·森古普塔(Promona Sengupta)共同照料。


《种子幻影:翠绿的殖民主义幽灵》,knowbotiq和Promona Sengupta,KAL电台“虎杖频率”广播系列,2021。

Darkish Matter Radio Studio Jeetze (DMRS Jeetze) is a temporary radio studio in a small village in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, which is impacted by infrastructure deficiencies, renewable energy systems and high-tech agriculture. knowbotiq has set up a translocal radio station here, through whose equipment and infrastructure, among other things, the over-fertilized soils spewing incredible masses of so-called weeds, the subcutaneous infrasound of the ubiquitous wind turbines, and the cawing calls of the pair of barn owls on their nightly hunt, leaving their bloody droppings all over the garden, can interfere with on- or off-site produced audio programs. The windows of the studio are wide open to the garden and the landscape, and the walls are covered with an ornament of dried organic material from the plants growing “outside.” These panels function not as Sound Absorbers, but as Sound Resorbers. The plant material used for this purpose consists of the weeds, actually medicinal and kitchen herbs and plants and affect guests and listeners physically (acoustically) and psychologically (mentally).

In November and December 2021, several radio programmes were produced and broadcast at the DMRS Jeetze in the context of the KAL Radio (https://www.yesterdaytomorrow.space/radio-kal/). The windows of the studio were wide open and the sounds of the landscape mixed with the content of the radio programme. Radio KAL is a DIY radio stream of the transoceanic platform “a language where yesterday and tomorrow are the same word. kal” and is collectively cared by Aziz Sohail and Suza Husse of The Many Headed Hydra collective and Promona Sengupta. The Knotweed Frequencies episode #1:

knowbotiq, Promona Sengupta: Spectre in My Seed: Verdant Ghostcolonialisms, Radio Kal series Knotweed Frequencies. 2021



Jol Thoms

Radio Amnion: Sonic Transmissions of Care in Oceanic Space




Glass, electronics, brass, steel, aluminum, rubber, Peli-case, cables, headphones; single-channel 4K video

40 x 40 x 50厘米,3件;时长可变

30x40x40cm, 3pcs; various durations


Coutesy of the artist



Jol Thoms, Radio Amnion: Sonic Transmissions of Care in Oceanic Space

Installation view at "Postscript of Silence", McaM, 2023



Radio Amnion: Sonic Transmissions of Care in Oceanic Space is a multi-year ocean-lunar soundart project for the life bearing waters of Earth. Since June 2021 they have been commissioning and relaying new artists’ compositions of affirmation, love, and lament 2.3 kms deep with/in -- and addressed to -- the Pacific Ocean. During each full moon, 300 kms from the shores of Vancouver Island, the ancestral abyss of the Pacific’s Cascadia Basin resonates with the elegiac frequencies, voices, and soundings of critical emerging contemporary artists and experimental musicians interested in caring for the hydrosphere of Earth. “Radio Amnion” is a “cosmopolitical” ArtScience project attached to an experimentally submerged neutrino telescope developed by the SFB1258: Neutrino and Dark Matter Group at the Technical University of Munich, and is in partnership with Ocean Networks Canada. During each full moon, listeners can tune into the nonlocal transmisison by way of the dedicated website: 




Nastassja Simensky

Rings on Water



Stereo audio



田野录音、人声、文本 – 娜斯塔莎·西蒙斯基

Field recordings, vocals, text - Nastassja Simensky

声音处理、编辑、传输、混音 – 瑞贝卡·李

Processing, editing, transmissions, mixing - Rebecca Lee



Nastassja Simensky, Rings on Water, 2022

Courtesy of the artist








Rings on Water is a collection of sonic fieldnotes developed as part of “Leaky Transmissions”, an ongoing body of research and artwork shaped by the unruly entanglements of the Blackwater Estuary in Essex.

Rings on Water uses a variety of recording and transmission technologies, from FM radio, magnetic tape, coil receivers, hydrophones and contact mics to traverse the protected saltmarshes and shale banks of the Dengie Peninsula and industrial arable land. Slow Scan Television, and the politics of “radio” as a means of transmission, collision, translation and interference are used to consider the material legacies of changing land-use and energy production.

Many types of human transmission commingle and leave their mark on the Estuary, which is itself an increasingly regulated and privatized space. Cellular networks coalesce with wireless connections, electrical substations with Bluetooth signal, slow-scan television with ham radio transmissions. High-frequency short wavelengths of irradiated graphite within Bradwell A Power Station occupy the opposite end of radio spectrum to the long wavelengths of amateur radio and VLF signals generated by thunderstorms and solar weather. Non-human forces persist, from the Estuary's conductive geology, to sputtering background radiation, to the Earth's vast and sweeping electromagnetic fields.

Recorded Black Water Estuary Essex, and Primary, Nottingham, spring/summer 2022.



Nastassja Simensky

Ythancaestir: Atoms on the Wall



Single-channel HD 4:3 video


16’44” (color, stereo sound)


Coutesy of the artist



Nastassja Simensky, Ythancaestir: Atoms on the Wall

Installation view at "Postscript of Silence", McaM, 2023


Ythancaestir: Atoms on the Wall is the first episode in a four-part moving-image work. Working in the Blackwater Estuary and Bradwell in Essex, ham radio is used as a tool to generate experimental audio and video recordings; contact microphones are used to record vibrations; coil receivers to record electromagnetic signals; and hydrophones to record sounds in the intertidal mud of the estuary itself. This moving image work uses the contemporary material culture of the estuary as means to reflect upon the changing politics of land use, stewardship and industrial afterlives. The film includes material from Atoms on the Wall, a performance in the Chapel of St. Peter on-the-wall by The Keeling Curve and sounds from Rings on Water by Nastassja Simensky and Rebecca Lee.



Beichen Zhang

The sun rises, the Great Northern Telegraphy Station sinks into the sea



Courtesy of the artist



Beichen Zhang, The sun rises, the Great Northern Telegraphy Station sinks into the sea

Installation view at "Postscript of Silence", McaM, 2023

项目“太阳升起,大北电报站沉入海底”聚焦在中国东南海岸线的鼓浪屿,项目搜寻了“光线”、“电报”、“旗语”等一系列通信手段与丛林、土地及鼓浪屿海岛所构建的物理连接与历史联系;探查了这些信息媒介经由探险者传入,在岛民和外来者的共同编排下进行交换和重组的过程,进一步梳理了其介质在不同时空中传送与接收的线索,从信息传播路径的层面映射岛屿的历史想象与当下图景。在本次展览的第一个章节中,地下通讯设施重联了地上来者与过客,光信号跟随“探险者”在丛林与历史遗址中游荡,回溯了这座岛屿曾经在20世纪初期作为“国际社区”的过往。彼时,夜间照明系统被视为一种“先进”的发明引入海岛,它们不仅传递出安全的信号,也完成了对岛屿丛林和海岸线的祛魅。在第二个章节中,艺术家以岛屿上的历史遗址——丹麦大北电报站(The Great Northern telegraph Company)旧址为入口,通过档案、历史文本展开了鼓浪屿大北电报站的历史图像的回溯和想象;基于电报图传技术以及慢扫描信号的发射、传输技术的媒介考古,挖掘了鼓浪屿被动卷入横跨亚欧大陆的电报网络这一事件,观察了深埋于地下通讯基础设施建设对于海岛的历史永久转变的现象。在第三个章节中,地下通讯设施与历史纠葛并以庞杂的触角盘踞与再造着海下的面貌。博物馆中的藏品图像以及金属探测器探测遗址的声音采样,呈现了漫长海底电缆铺设,以及向海面下挖掘的隐秘历史。在此之上的“旗语”这一海上通讯方式的编码,挖掘了北美旅行者的远洋航行日记、天气以及抵达鼓浪屿陆地的历史见闻,以呈现海上信息传递和海岛历史空间的隐秘联系。

Through a series of interplay between communication technologies, forests and islands, the project "The sun rises, the Great Northern Telegraphy Station sinks into the sea" traces the historical connotations and geophysical reverberance embedded in Kulangsu, an island on the Southeast coastline of China. The project probes the traces of communication technology, its gradual transformation and encryption when localized, delineating a chain of temporal evidence that reflects the historical imagination and contemporary conditions of the island. In chapter one, the underneath communication tools reconnect the “explorer” and “traveler”. The lit ray follows the footsteps of the “explorer” wandering in ruins, kneading the island’s past, where it was a destination for “international settlement” in the 20th century, a time when nighttime lighting was considered an “advanced” import to the island. The chapter two is composed of the installation works and the photos, spotlighting the Great Northern Telegraphy Company, one of the historical sites on the island. Through archaeological interrogations of archives, texts and images, slow-scan TV and transmission technologies, the chapter unveils the passive emergence of Kulangsu into the Eurasian telegraph network, querying the alternating forces of communication infrastructures in relation to local history. In the final chapter, the underneath communication infrastructures, local history forming an entangled web of evidence that demystifies the deep sea. The Chapters highlights the use of semaphores, a standard marine communication technology. The conjunction of photo-based and installation works seeks to recompose the mundane and historical encounters of North American voyagers as speculative specimens that bare the invisible correlation between marine communication and archipelago narrative spaces.



Riar Rizaldi

Tellurian Drama



Single-channel video (color, sound)




Courtesy of the artist



Riar Rizaldi, Tellurian Drama

Installation view at "Postscript of Silence", McaM, 2023


May 5th, 1923. The Dutch East Indies government celebrated the opening of a new radio station in West Java. It was called Radio Malabar. In March 2020, the local Indonesian government plans to reactivate the station as a historical site and tourist attraction. Tellurian Drama imagines what would have happened in between: the vital role of mountain in history; colonial ruins as an apparatus for geoengineering technology; and the invisible power of indigenous ancestral. Narrated based on the forgotten text written by a prominent pseudo-anthropologist Drs. Munarwan, Tellurian Drama problematizes the notion of decolonization, geocentric technology, and historicity of communication.



McaM 展览丨“无声之后”艺术家介绍 Vol.4/5



2023.11.4 - 2024.2.25





Vibeke Mascini & Ella Finer 、费亦宁 Fei Yining、Julie Freeman、刘窗 Liu Chuang、Nicole LHuillier、许家维 Hsu Chia-Wei、Knowbotiq、Jeroen van Loon、Nicholas Mangan、Yuri Pattison、Diana Policarpo、Shubigi Rao、Riar Rizaldi、Susan Schuppli、Nastassja Simensky、Himali Singh Soin、苏郁心Su Yu Hsin、Jol Thoms、Nomeda & Gediminas Urbonas、Richard Vijgen、Susanne M. Winterling、黄美婷 Cosmo Wong、张北辰 Zhang Beichen











常规票 90元

* 残障人士、现役军人、1.2米以下儿童及70周岁以上




McaM 展览丨“无声之后”展览作品介绍 丨Channel c. 声音作物

McaM 展览丨“无声之后”展览作品介绍 丨Channel b. 时间里的录制

McaM 展览丨“无声之后”展览作品介绍 丨Channel a. 无声之后

McaM 回顾丨“无声之后”开幕周公教及演出回顾

McaM 展览丨“无声之后”开幕回顾


