

三影堂厦门 三影堂摄影艺术中心 2023-11-29








展期:2023.11.11 - 12.17(周一闭馆)

开幕:2023.11.25 15:00


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Fissure of a Sweetdream Series



Fissure of a Sweetdream Series



Fissure of a Sweetdream Series


Fissure of a Sweetdream Series



Fissure of a Sweetdream Series


● 文/肖瑞昀



严 佳林


她的作品赢得了2023年首届女性纪实摄影基金会支持,并入围了2022年的Lensculture Critics' Choice Awards ,日本IMA Next主题摄影奖等。她的作品被英国British Journal of Photography ,加拿大Broad Magazine,法国Fisheye Magazine等杂志收录推荐,并在纽约、罗马、茨城市等地展出。她于2022年以策展人的身份参与集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季“在地行动”单元。

Jialin Yan’s Solo Exhibiton

Fissure of a Sweetdream

Curator: Xiao Ruiyun

Art Director: Teng Qingyun


Organiser: Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre

Duration: Nov 11, 2023 - Dec 17, 2023

Opening: Nov 25, 2023 15:00


Venue: 3rd Floor of Building 2, Xinglinwan Business Centre, Jimei District, Xiamen

"Fissure of a Sweetdream" is a series talking about where the shadow of reality hides between the shiny dream.

Jialin Yan documented a group of young people living in Wanning, Hainan. These young people are rebels against the mainstream adult life. They go deep into the ocean with their surfboards, far away from the noise and constrained code of the city, while experiencing a very divergent rhythm of life. They are filled with vitality, restlessness, and brightness both physically and mentally.


Fissure of a Sweetdream Series


Through the series of images, in which a naturalistic and hippie spirit integrated, it is clear to see the original inspiration from the ocean and the forest for people living with. The group built their own biological clock to freely live at the moment by exploring and enjoy the nature even it looks like they were letting go of adulthood responsibility. Moreover, the photographs taken from dawn to dusk, which demonstrate a sense of mercy and healing, bring the mysterious and melancholic atmosphere for audiences. As the last part of this exhibition, the night-fall video presents in poetic form with Jialin Yan's monologue. It will lead the audience gently sneak into the deep night with the back of a woman in the video. 


Fissure of a Sweetdream Series

When it comes to the core of this series, Jialin Yan concentrated more on individual emotional journey currently rather than researching in a way of fieldwork. To be more specific, she insisted that the sincere conversation was the premise of every shutter click consistently and consequently felt a projection of her own predicament through it. Besides, many people from the group were gazing at the camera when their desire are explicitly captured by the lens. That it is why the audience are easily touched by delicate flows of every private emotion once they get close to the detail of each piece of work. Generally, these flows are caught in the “fissure” of conversations, which consist of the short pauses occurred in the conversation between Jialin Yan and the person in her photo. A sense of alienation and absence result in a real flow, although the camera interfered direct eye contact from the photographer to the photographed people.


Fissure of a Sweetdream Series

Due to the reason that people have adjusted to the island life with soaring cost of living caused by the rapid growth of tourism, one idea came up to them that their imaginary utopia has gradually fading and it was more likely to become a sort of self-fulfilling illusion. As a matter of fact, some began to doubt the authenticity of this “sweet dream” and take a break from it. People, like this group, come and go instead of gaining a sense of belonging to the land afterwards after this promising land had used to carrying the expectations among them. For the meantime, the boundaries between reality and illusion become loosen, they came, left and finally became a sort of representative metaphor of utopia.


Fissure of a Sweetdream Series

Back to the exhibition, an installation of a swing, which is facing the entrance, is set right upon the wallpaper of a green pool. In addition, there is a rattan bed for audience in the middle of the venue to simulate of the situation when people wake up interrupted from "Fissure of a Sweetdream". Their pleasure and comfort might be accidentally intervened by the inevitably consequent anxiety as the uncertainty of reality gradually surge into the forefront of their mind. As Baudrillard's discussion of modernity, the carnival of freedom is a painful correction of modernity, which is inevitably contradictory. (1)

 Text/ Xiao Ruiyun


(1) Le Paroxyste indifférent. Entretiens avec Philippe Petit, a interview with a contemporary philosopher Jean Paudrillard and French journalists Philippe Pelit.


Jialin Yan

Jialin Yan,born in 1992, Fuzhou, China. Her photography mainly revolves around the lost memories and emotions of individuals and groups while she always tries to explore the process of memory abandonment through image taking. She graduated from Newcastle University, UK, majoring in International Financial Analysis in 2016. Currently, she works mainly as a photographer, curator and article contributor.

Her photography ran into the finalist of the first Female Documentary Photography Foundation 2023, and shortlisted for Lensculture Critics' Choice Awards 2022, IMA Next, etc. Her work has been featured by the British Journal of Photography (UK), Broad Magazine (CA), Photography of China, Fisheye Magazine (FR), WUL Magazine (IL) and other magazines and has been exhibited in New York, Rome, Ibaraki, etc. She has taken part in curation of Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival  "Local Action" 2022.


“无界”是三影堂厦门摄影艺术中心于2018年启动的Open Call展览项目,旨在发掘优秀的视觉艺术创作者,为其提供专业的展示平台。希望以此联结艺术爱好者,使“无界”成为一个广阔的展示与交流平台。无界个展持续征集中,期待大家的投稿。


艺术家以“个人姓名+无界展览计划投稿”为邮件和附件主题,发送作品资料至xiamen@threeshadows.cn邮箱投稿。 作品资料包括:200字作品陈述,艺术家简介,图片小样(每个系列作品10-30幅、单张照片大小不大于5M),或视频文件(单个视频限200M,MP4格式)。





