
讲座 | Beat Lippert在紫色艺术泡沫的包围下尽情自拍


Photo by Albertina Museum @albertina_museum




Have you ever experienced the particular episode as museum guards prohibited the audiences from taking photos with/of the paintings? Even if there isn't such limitation, will there be a certain level of awkwardness, as you adjusted poses in front of the staring crowds? Selfie, or no selfie, that is a question that emerges along with the evolution of digital or smartphone cameras.

Since March 2015, major museums around the world, such as The National Art Gallery of London, MoMA in New York, and Centre Pompidou in Paris started banning selfie sticks from exhibition halls. As a possible mockery of this policy, distressed art lovers initiated this campaign that led to an online museum displaying "selfies" of figures in the artworks.

“秒卡冥想亭”前的自拍,摄影/Charlie Wang

瑞士艺术家Beat Lippert研究了这种现象,觉得中国的“自拍”文化特别有意思。他借用著名概念派艺术家丹·格雷厄姆的话说:“艺术应与社会息息相关。艺术家应该从持续不断的艺术气泡中抽身出来,思考如何将文化遗产与当代生活相互对接,并让广大受众感到容易接受。”


Swiss artist Beat Lippert found the "Selfie" culture prevalent among us Chinese audience quite interesting. He quoted influential conceptual artist Dan Graham, “Art should be about society. The artist should have to get out of their artistic perpetual art bubble, and think about how our cultural heritage can be connected with our contemporary reality while being accessible to a very large public.”

Thus, an exhibition that responds to the audiences by creating a "selfie-friendly" setting comes to being.

“永恒的艺术气泡” Perpetual Art Bubble

Beat Lippert也在研究如何将西方的文化元素运用到东方文化中去,他决定和瑞士著名巧克力品牌妙卡合作,该品牌以紫色为主色调,并采用奶牛斑纹。他特别打造了一间“禅室”,让观众在独具瑞士风情的环境中,能够静静地思考或美美地自拍。

Beat Lippert’s research engages with the idea of using westerner codes in oriental culture. He decided to work with Milka products, a typical brand of Switzerland,  whose branding is purple in colour and uses cow spots.  He created a meditation box that the audience can use for meditation, welcoming to be both reflective and selfie practices. 


Last Saturday, Lippert has unvealed his showcase exhibition "The Milka Meditation Hall" as a result of his residency project hosted by MoCA Shanghai and supported by Pro Helvetia Shanghai. This exhibition at MoCA Pavilion will last till May 15. Visitors are welcome to attend an artist talk on May 12 inside MoCA Pavilion.

Beat Lippert的艺术独白 An Artist Talk by Beat Lippert
主讲人:Beat Lippert时间:2016年5月12日(周四)19:30-20:30

Speaker: Beat LippertTime: 12th. May,2016, Thursday, 19:30—20:30Language: English /ChineseVenue: MoCA Pavilion(People’s Park, Gate 7)

Speaker's Profile

Beat Lippert 1977年生于瑞士洛桑,曾在德国波恩的阿兰努斯艺术与社会科学大学学习雕塑;后转而从事考古工作。2007年毕业于瑞士的日内瓦艺术设计大学。其作品曾受邀参加多项展览,包括YIA Art Fair Paris,22.48㎡画廊;巴塞尔艺术展个人项目,TM Project 画廊;瑞士伯尔尼美术馆/特雷维桑宫,威尼斯双年展/Art licks 伦敦/日内瓦现当代艺术博物馆/卡尔马当代艺术博物馆/苏黎世美术馆等。

Beat Lippert was born in Lausanne, Switzerland 1977.  After studying sculpture at Alanus-hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Bonn, Germany, he oriented himself to archaeology practice. In 2007, he graduated from High School of Art and Design Geneva, Switzerland. His works has been shown at YIA Art Fair Paris, gallery 22.48㎡; Solo project at Basel Art Fair, Gallery TM Project/Kunsthalle Berne/Palazzo Trevisan, Venezia Biennale/Art licks London/MAMCO Geneva/Kalmar Contemporary Art Museum/Kunsthaus Zurich.

活动预约方式Admission & Booking
本次活动免费,但需提前预约。请关注“上海当代艺术馆”微信公众号,发送“Beat+ 您的姓名+ 联系方式+ 预约人数”预约
Free for entrance. Reservations are required.For event booking and more information, please follow “MoCA-shanghai” on Wechat and provide MoCA with [Beat, your name, contact number, and number of people in your party].


摄影/ZoeVan, Kelly McIlvenny, 瑞士文化基金会上海办公室。

