
拾萬石家庄 | 即将展出 | 开幕展 | 4月27日

拾萬当代艺术中心 拾萬 Hunsand Space








1. 预约观展时间为每周五至周日(10:00-18:00),如遇其他法定节假日请及时查看画廊官方微信通知,其他时间段预约请发送邮件说明来意及特殊原因,我们会酌情处理。

2. 预约方式可扫描下方二维码直接预约,也可以通过扫描下方二维码添加客服微信,说明参观人数、日期及具体时间段,我们将根据当时具体情况确认是否预约成功。为了您能够选择到合适的时间段,建议提前一周预约。

3. 位置及停车:请按照以下定位导航前往教堂空间,北障城村村北和村南(甘陶河边)均可停车。

观展预约Exhibition Reservation:

客服微信二维码WeChat QR Code:


1. 出于画廊和教堂的管理考虑,我们谢绝以纯商业拍摄为目的的个人或小型拍摄团队,尤其是个人写真、婚纱亲子、服装拍照等。欢迎每一位观众以尊重艺术和艺术家创作的态度前来观展。

2. 如携带摄影师和专业器材进行个人拍摄,请务必提前与我们联系,否则我们有权终止您的参观。


1. 请务必按照预约时间参观,如遇特殊情况需更改预约时间,请提前与我们联系进行调整。

2. 为了让大家近距离地感受教堂空间及展览中的作品,我们在展览空间内并未设置隔离带,请大家与展品保持一定的安全距离,不要触摸作品,如因个人行为造成艺术品损坏,须照价赔偿。

3. 如遇特殊情况导致展览暂停或取消,我们将及时通知您,并为您调整观展时间。





131 8004 0291

186 3308 5897



Thank you all for your continued attention and affection towards Hunsand Space (Shijiazhuang) at the Jingxing Church site.

Following six months of renovation work, the foundational structure of the church has been reinforced, and the roof, windows, and walls have been restored, meticulously reviving the appearance of this village-level church prior to its abandonment. Consequently, our team is delighted to announce the inaugural opening of the church space for an exhibition on April 27th.

During the preparation for the opening exhibition, we have been pondering over what type of exhibition should be presented in such a specific space and how to conceptualize it. Though numerous ideas for exhibition planning have crossed our minds, whenever we are in the village of Beizhangcheng where the church is located, these curatorial plans and concepts seem deliberate and pale in the face of this ancient village. Especially at the end of 2023, when we, along with artists, came here after a heavy snowfall and saw several elderly people sunbathing in the village, one of them holding a baby not yet a year old - dressed in thick overalls, with a rosy red face, and a layer of chapped skin - the natural, primitive health, and vitality were unforgettable, gradually dissipating our somewhat superficial cultural imagination of this space...

Thus, for this opening exhibition, we have decided not to impose a specific theme and to forego the conventional release of a list of participating artists. Instead, we will rely on personal perceptions to select appropriate artists and their works to gradually enter this space, allowing a gradual connection to form between them, with time facilitating the revival and transformation of the space, and the inherent power of art guiding the space's attributes. After the exhibition opens, we will periodically introduce featured artworks and artists, together witnessing the process of their integration with this village church space under natural light.

So, we warmly welcome everyone to personally.

Exhibition Guidelines:

Due to its location within the Taihang Mountains, Hunsand Space (Shijiazhuang) is relatively remote, and thus, except for the exhibition opening, daily visits require prior reservations.

1.The scheduled visiting times are from Friday through Sunday every week(10:00-18:00). During other national holidays, please refer to the official WeChat notifications from the gallery for timely updates. For requests to visit during unscheduled periods, kindly send an email detailing your purpose and any exceptional circumstances; we will consider such requests on a case-by-case basis.

2.Reservation can be made either directly by scanning the QR code below or scan the QR code to add the gallery's customer service WeChat account. When contacting them, be sure to indicate the number of visitors, the desired date, and the specific time slot. Based on the prevailing conditions at that time, we will confirm whether the reservation has been successfully made. In order to secure your preferred time slot, it is recommended to book at least one week in advance.

3.Location and Parking: Please navigate to the church space using the provided GPS coordinates or directions. Parking is available both in the northern and southern areas of Beizhangcheng Village, near the banks of the Gantao River.

观展预约Exhibition Reservation:

客服微信二维码WeChat QR Code:

Photography Guidelines:

1.In consideration of gallery and church management, we do not permit personal or small-scale photography sessions for purely commercial purposes, especially those involving individual portraits, wedding and family photoshoots, or clothing photography. We warmly welcome all visitors to appreciate the exhibitions with a respectful attitude towards art and the artists' creative endeavors.

2.For individuals who wish to bring along a photographer and professional equipment for personal non-commercial shoots, it is essential to contact us in advance. Failure to do so may result in our right to terminate your visitation.

Important Notices:

1.Please ensure you adhere to your reserved visiting times; should any special circumstances arise necessitating a change in your appointment, kindly inform us beforehand to make the necessary adjustments.

2.To allow everyone an intimate experience with the church space and the exhibited works, we have not installed barriers within the exhibition area. We kindly request that visitors maintain a safe distance from the exhibits and refrain from touching them. Should any artwork be damaged due to personal actions, compensation at its full value will be required.

3.In the event of unforeseen circumstances leading to the suspension or cancellation of the exhibition, we will promptly notify you and arrange for an alternative viewing time.

Once again, we express our sincere gratitude for your interest in Ten Thousand Space. We look forward to welcoming you to the heart of the Taihang Mountains.

For any inquiries or assistance needed, please feel free to contact us anytime. 



131 8004 0291

186 3308 5897



拾萬 Hunsand Space

