
拾萬北京 | 即将展出 | 申亮:神仙回收处

拾萬空间 拾萬 Hunsand Space


HunsandSpace (Beijing) is honored to present the solo exhibition titled "ImmortalsRecycling Station" by the artist Shen Liang on April 14th, 2024. This exhibition showcases nearly three hundred paintings and installation works representing Shen Liang's artistic practice over the past three years.


展期:2024年4月14日 - 5月19日
开幕:2024年4月14日 周日16:00






自在手 Free Hand

木板丙烯 | Acrylic on wood               






2024年,神仙回收处,拾萬空间,北京; 2021年,心跳草,当代唐人艺术中心,曼谷,泰国; 2021年,毛嗑,大未来林舍画廊, 台北; 2021年,申亮个人项目,香港巴塞尔,香港; 2019年,申亮·大画西游,独立项目,西岸艺术与设计博览会,上海;2017年,山水也霓虹,大未来林舍画廊,台北;2015年,申亮,大未来林舍画廊,台北;2013年,长物志 申亮个展,蜂巢当代艺术中心,北京;2012年,三年二班,半岛维画廊,香港;2012年,橱窗,鼎峰空间,北京;物·拓·图,空间站,北京;2011年,远·山,秀瓷画廊,北京;2008年,练习薄,Michael Schultz 画廊,德国柏林;2008年,This is a book,今日美术馆,北京;2008年,Hope to see you there,Michael Schultz 画廊,韩国首尔;


2023年,团体作为方法——中央美术学院艺术团体研究与抽样展,中央美术学院美术馆,北京 ;2022年,文明的印记——敦煌艺术大展,民生美术馆,北京;2021年,The way we eat,新南威尔士州立美术馆,澳大利亚;2020年,2020武汉第五届美术文献展,湖北美术馆,武汉;2019年,白兔美术馆十周年特展,白兔美术馆,澳大利亚悉尼;2017年,轨迹——申亮、张震宇作品展,当代唐人艺术中心香港,香港;2016年,单行道:李文栋/魏兴业收藏展,OCAT西安馆,西安;2015年,破图集——中国当代艺术家处理图像的方法,寺上美术馆,北京;2014年,N12新绘画展,大未来林舍画廊/北京公社,台北/北京;2009年,China Total,罗斯托克美术馆,德国罗斯托克;2006年,展开的现实主义——1978年以来中国大陆油画,台北市立美术馆,台湾;

Artists : Shen Liang
Exhibition:Immortals Recycling Station
Duration:April14 - May 19, 2024
Opening: 4:00 PM, Sunday, April 14, 2024

This exhibition features three series of works, with Series One titled 'The Book Painting Project'.In his earlier period, Shen Liang painted a collection of oil-on-canvas pieces that were themed around vintage book covers, with his Journey to the West series being widely recognized by the public. However, in this phase of 'The Book Painting Project,' compared to previous series, the forms and expressions have become more diverse and vivid. The impetus for this particular series stemmed from Shen Liang's search for old paper to copy ancient paintings; due to the scarcity of such paper, he stumbled upon old books one day. The unique colors, textures, and age of these books imparted a sense of history and time quite unlike any other. It was as if he had unlocked a magical door. Shen Liang began by copying the back covers of oldillustrated books, and eventually, taking advantage of the varying sizes and contents of the books, he moved on to creatively altering them in a way that was both site-specific and whimsical. The use of humor, satire, and playful language in his work broke free from all constraints on the canvas. When confronted with old books, Shen Liang was able to create spontaneously, resulting in works that burst forth like long-absent hormonal outbursts—raw, genuine, and utterly without pretense or disguise.

In Series Two, titled "Liang's Sojourn",Shen Liang has long been an enthusiast with a penchant for collecting antique artifacts and admiring ancient architecture. When confronted with these centuries-old structures, there appears to be a distant voice speaking—a voice that might manifest as a pigeon perched atop the edifice, a cat nestled in a corner, or perhaps a small dog resting at the foot of a statue. This elusive yet persistent voice echoes through time, while the divine figures worshipped by people stand equally close, as tangible as a water cup at one's fingertips. The intricate web of intertwined time and space, coupled with a hazy blend of emotions, moved Shen Liang to capture this labyrinthine chronotope and the resonating sense of time-travel within his work. Where words may falter to articulate, art speaks volumes.

Series Three is titled 'The Immortals Recycling Station', which also serves as the origin for the name of this solo exhibition. Two years ago, Shen Liang acquired over two hundred vintage picture frames through an online platform akin to a secondhand marketplace (referred to as "Xianyu"). These frames were eclectic, each carrying a rich patina of time and emotion. This very patina inspired Shen Liang with the idea of transforming discarded items into treasures. With the material premise of "responding to objects and depicting their shapes" now in place, Shen Liang was granted immense creative freedom. He started dismantling the frames, examining them closely, and basing his paintings on the distinctive patterns and textures found within each frame. Decisions about what images to use, which frames to select, and what techniques to apply—choices that might seem to require deliberation—were typically made by Shen Liang in a flash. He painted whatever content came to mind, whatever resonated with the frames, allowing everything he'd long wanted to paint but hadn't to find its place within these antique borders. The vintage frames served as a sort of image recycling depot, indiscriminately welcoming highbrow and lowbrow subjects alike. The process was invigorating, thrilling, and deeply authentic.

The combined body of work consisting of over three hundred pieces across these three series is so substantial that it elevates the act of painting to become the very essence of everything.

About Artist

Shen Liang, born in Liaoning, China in 1976, graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a Master's degree in 2003 and currently teaches at the School of Art and Design, Beijing University of Technology. He currently resides and works in Beijing.

Selected Solo Exhibitions

2024, Immortals Recycling Station, Hunsand Space, Beijing, China; 2021, Ever Young, Tang Contemporary Art, Bangkok, Thailand; 2021, Mao Ke, Lin & Lin Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan; 2021, Shen Liang,Solo Project, Hong Kong Artbasel, Hong Kong, China; 2019, Journey to the West, West Bund Art & Design, Shanghai, China; 2017, Neon Landscapes, Lin & Lin Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan; 2015, Shen Liang, Lin & Lin Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan; 2013, Superfluous Things I: Shen Liang, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China; 2012, Third Grade Second Class, VA Gallery, Hong Kong, China; 2012, Showcase, China Space, Beijing, China; 2012, Material.Engraving.Picture, Space Station, Beijing, China; 2011, Far.Mountain, Michael Schultz Gallery, Beijing, China; 2008, Undercover, Michael Schultz Gallery, Berlin, Germany; 2008, This Is a Book, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China; 2008, Hope to See You There, Michael Schultz Gallery, Seoul, Korea; 

Selected Group Exhibitions

2023, Group as Method: Research and Samples of Art Groups from Central Academy of Fine Art, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China; 2022, The Trace of Civilization——The Great Art of Dunhuang, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing; 2021, The Way We Eat, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; 2020, Physis: Production of Nature, Human and Technology, Hubei Museum of Art, Wuhan, China; 2019, THEN. The First Ten Years of the White Rabbit Gallery, White Rabbit, Sydney, Australia; 2017, Trace - Shen Liang, Zhang Zhenyu, Tang Contemporary Art, Hong Kong, China; 2016, Each to His Own: Li Wendong / Wei Cingye Collection Exhibition, OCAT Xian, XIan, China; 2015, BREAKING THE IMAGE: Methods in the Treatment of Imagery by Contemporary Artists from China, Si Shang Art Museum, Beijing, China; 2014, N12 - No.6, Lin & Lin Gallery/Beijing Commune, Taipei/Beijing, Taiwan; 2009, China Total, Rostock Museum, Rostock, Germany; 2006, Extended Realism - The Oil Painting of China Mainland from 1978, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan; 

拾萬 | 杭州


2024年4月6日 - 2024年5月12日







拾萬杭州|公园项目 |莫倪健:和睦

拾萬 | 石家庄







拾萬空间 | 六年书发布


Hunsand Space was established in 2014 in the Caochangdi Art Zone of Beijing. In 2018, it relocated to the 798 Art District in Beijing. At the end of 2021, Hunsand Space opened a branch, Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art, in Shijiazhuang, and by the end of 2023, it had moved to Beizhangcheng Village in Jingxing, Shijiazhuang. In early 2023, a new branch was established in Fujiwan, Zhuantang, Xihu, Hangzhou. The Beijing headquarters of Hunsand Space is located within a sunken two-story building in the Bauhaus architectural complex within the 798 Art District. The Shijiazhuang branch delves deep into an old church within a historic village in the Taihang Mountains, while the Hangzhou space has been transformed from a farmhouse near the Longwu Tea Plantation. Hunsand Space remains vigilant against the standardization of exhibitions and aims to respond to our shared existential experiences, sparking the often overlooked aspects of contemporary culture through ongoing exhibitions and projects.

北京画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:30

石家庄画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周一-周日 MON-SUN 10:00-19:00

杭州画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:00(冬季)11:00-19:00(春夏秋)


微信 | WeChat: hunsandspace
微博|Weibo: 拾萬空间
Instagram: hunsand_space

T:010-57623059 (北京)
T:0311-66600320 (石家庄)
W: www.hunsand.com

拾萬 Hunsand Space

