
拾萬石家庄 | 即将展出 | 阎洲:刀子的最后一扭

拾萬当代艺术中心 拾萬 Hunsand Space 2023-11-22



展期:2022年8月13日 - 10月16日

开幕:2022年8月13日 周六16:00


阎洲,1986年生于西安, 目前工作生活于北京。


ArtistYan Zhou
Exhibition: The Last Twist of the Knife
Opening: 16:00, Saturday, 13th August 2022
Period: 13th August  - 16th October 2022

Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang) will bring the artist Yan Zhou's solo project "The Last Twist of the Knife" on August 13, 2022. The exhibition will present the latest video and sculpture works created by the artist.

In recent years, Yan Zhou has taken the sensitive reality of today's art practitioners as a starting point, and by introducing an examination of the history and culture of medieval China, especially by re-citing archaeological relics, historical materials and historical notebook novels, he has developed an imagination of events and changes in history, and thus expects to provide a certain tentative response to today's urgent reality, trying to provide new historical "evidence "and "narrative" paths for today. This exhibition is the latest chapter in this practice, focusing on the Hebei region of medieval China. The wandering borders of the Chinese Empire crossed this area, which was both the scene of civilizational exchange and a zone frequently involved ethnic disagreements and entanglements, and where complex geopolitical dynamics brewed internal and external concerns and choices of rebellion.

The exhibition revolves around the dreams of one of the most pivotal rebels of medieval China (An Lushan) on the night before his execution. Several places where characters from historical fiction interacted are inserted into his dream, creating a vision of a dream within a dream. In the dream, he meets the "Snowy Lady," a parrot that, like a ghost of history, recalls distant events to the forefront, haunting the rebel in the vortex of change. His emotional monologue in this dream tells of everything that happened at that time, while revealing his legendary life and doubts about his image as the "Hercules".

In the exhibition, the artist conducts a two-way examination of the historical field and its possible connection to the reality: he draws from the resemblance between the present and the past to construct an imaginary "edifice" and stares at the moment when it is about to fall. A kind of uneasiness hidden in the present pervades the work. Through the action of "re-copying" or "topo-graphing" history, the artist reactivates the flattened, vague memories of China's distant history in this domain in our consciousness, and summons the "edifice" that is about to collapse. The artist revitalizes the flattened memories of China's distant past in this field of our consciousness, and calls up the double of the falling "building" and its ruins behind.

The title of the exhibition comes from T. S. Eliot's "Rhapsody on a Windy Night," a poem that repeatedly confuses memory and reality through a continuous progression of temporal notations. Underneath the seemingly everyday atmosphere of the poem, there is an accumulating "unease". The street scenes and smells under the streetlights gradually unfold, while memories keep surfacing and becoming clear. At the end of the poem, with the turning key of memory, the ordinary scenes of life are suddenly and violently interrupted by the "The Last Twist of the Knife".

Yan Zhou,born in 1986 in Xi'an, currently works and lives in Beijing.

Through the language of photography, video and writing, Yan observes and dialogues with today's cultural ecology and the situation of practitioners. His works for the current social environment are deeply rooted in his visits to and imagination of the cultural drive and situations constituted by historical places, cultural relics and people.

墨方现场 | 阎洲:连夜,打制一些箭镞出来
OCAT西安角 | 阎洲:从何开始?

主       持:焦雪雁
艺  术  家:高索都、阎洲

Online Guide | 
Gao Suodu : Stool, chili pepper and small hotel
Yan Zhou : The Last Twist of the Knife
Live Broadcast: 15:00 14th August
Host: Jiao Xueyan
ArtistGao Suodu, Yan Zhou
Attended via: Scan Yitiao‘s QR Code for Live Broadcasting


Hunsand Space (Beijing) was established in Caochangdi Art District in 2014, relocated to the 798 Art Zone in 2018. At the end of 2021, Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang) was opened in Shijiazhuang. As a professional gallery, Hunsand Space (Beijing) keeps vigilance in presenting art exhibitions with conventional way in white cubes, aiming to take the semantics and syntax from the language of contemporary art as a point of departure and expand them into a broader field. Through its vigorous programs of exhibitions and projects, Hunsand Space (Beijing) hopes to stimulate the neglected aspects in contemporary culture and brings the values of contemporary art into our lives. In addition to exhibiting contemporary art exhibitions, Hunsand Center for Contemporary Art (Shijiazhuang) as an art complex is dedicated to presenting public programs, lectures, art workshops, art merchandise, catering and many other activities and services. Relying on geographical differences, the Center's mission is to integrate artistic and audible practices into geographical and humanistic dimensions, by which to experience and pursue the differences and connections between being traditional and modern, local and international, on-site and territorial, personal and historical, spiritual and physical, bringing the ideas of contemporary art into more people's lives.

北京画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:30-18:30

石家庄画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周一-周日 MON-SUN 10:00-19:00



微信 | WeChat: hunsandspace



T:010-57623059 (北京)

T:0311-66600320 (石家庄)


W: www.hunsand.com


