
BANK|展位B1|北京当代·艺术博览会 2024 Beijing Dangdai Art Fair|5.23-5.26


BANK 参加北京当代·艺术博览会
Beijing Dangdai Art Fair 2024‍

 展位 Booth|B1

唐宋 Tang Song 
靳山 Jin Shan
王芮 Wang Rui
安德鲁·查普曼 Andrew Chapman
米格尔·安赫尔·帕亚诺 Miguel Ángel Payano Jr.

贵宾预览 VIP Preview
2024.05.23 (Thur 周四)  12:00-19:00
2024.05.24 (Fri 周五)  11:00-18:00

公众日 Public Days 
2024.05.25 (Sat 周六)  11:00-18:00
2024.05.26 (Sun 周日)  11:00-18:00

Hall 11, National Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing




As May transitions into summer, BANK returns to Beijing with a fresh exhibition project. Amidst the torrents of environmental and temporal change, we find ourselves reevaluating the state of our souls. The series of works presented this time aim to explore the nexus between the world's reality and our own selves.

Approaching the third anniversary of the passing of the artist Tang Song (1960-2022), we bring forth his celebrated series of paintings under the theme of wine, commemorating this solitary wanderer on the fringes of contemporary art. Echoing the inherent destructiveness encapsulated within his constructs, we also showcase two sculptural pieces by Jin Shan. Using specially crafted composite materials, the artist breaks free from classical image constraints, metaphorically delving into human ambition and desire. Treading the fine line between reality and the virtual, Wang Rui presents her new installation pieces, leaving behind a faintly warm sensation amidst the prolonged tug-of-war with materiality.

Meanwhile, we also feature two overseas artists. Andrew Chapman, a rising star in the New York art scene, brings his low-relief works imbued with a "forensic quality", toying with ambiguity while inviting viewers to decipher their every nuance. Meanwhile, Miguel Ángel Payano Jr., currently holding a solo exhibition at the UCCA Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing, marks BANK's second Central American artist. His series of paintings traverse humor and the bizarre, searching for identity and existence within the realms of the absurd.

 精选作品 Selected Works 

唐宋 Tang Song
习作-酒罈 Exercise - Wine Jar布面油画,丙烯,酒精 oil on linen, acrylic, alcohol95 x 125cm2007-2021




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Tang Song was born in Zhejiang, China in 1960. He graduated from the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now the China Academy of Art) with a degree in Chinese painting in the 1980s. He had served in the military since 1978 and then worked in a field survey team after retiring from the army. He describes himself as an artist of action and devotes himself to engage action instead of performance into his artistic creation. 

He is famed for his collaboration with the artist Xiao Lu to complete her performance art piece “Dialogue” with two shootings at the “China/Avant-Garde Exhibition” in 1989. This noted “shooting incident” has been called the milestone of the transition of Chinese modern art from the 1980s to the 1990s. His works have been shown at Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong; Chicago Cultural Centre, Chicago; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco; Asian Art Museum, San Francisco; Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver; Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney; Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Sydney. He has also participated in multiple international exhibitions and biennales in China, Australia, Korea, Japan, the United States, and Holland, such as China’s New Art, Post-1989 (1993) and Inside Out: New Chinese Art (1998). In 2007, his artwork has been co-exhibited with Ai Weiwei and Zhang Peili at Kogo-space, Hangzhou, China.

靳山 Jin Shan
档案II Archive II铁丝,超强石膏,塑料,氧化铁颜料Steel, Super plaster, Plastic, Iron oxide pigment142 x 32.5 x 29.8 cm2023

靳山(1977年出生于中国江苏)2000年毕业于华东师范大学艺术系,目前在上海工作生活 。



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A leading voice in an emerging generation of socially engaged contemporary artists in China, Jin Shan is an agent provocateur. While specifically describing aspects of contemporary China, his investigation of human motivation extends beyond national boundaries to the seemingly insatiable desire for power programmed into humanity's DNA. 

Jin Shan (b.1977, Jiangsu Province) graduated from Faculty of Fine Art of East China Normal University in 2000, currently works and lives in Shanghai. Jin Shan's work has been exhibited at the Singapore Biennale, The Venice Biennale, The Groninger Museum, Netherlands, David Winton Bell Gallery, Brown University, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Aurora Museum, HOW Museum, START Museum, and among many others. His works have been collected by M+ Museum, Hong Kong, China; White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney, Australia; the Kadist Foundation, Paris, France; the DSL Collection, Paris, France; Uli Sigg, Switzerland; Tiroche DeLeon Collection,and the Spencer Museum of Art, Lawrence, Kansas, USA,Los Angeles County Museum of Art, LA USA.

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王芮 Wang Rui

河童:表面的深渊 Kappa: The Abyss of The Surface


Aluminum plates, metallic pigments, paper, graphite, copper on tin, ceramics, silver foil

90 x 113 x 300 cm



王芮于2018年及2022年在上海BANK画廊举办个展,并在北京 salt 项目、大卫·卓纳画廊(香港),苏州艺术博物馆,深圳何香凝美术馆,武汉剩余空间展出过。王芮还参加了汉斯·乌尔里希·奥布里斯特在 FIAC 2017的“89+和谷歌艺术与文化”座谈会。

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Wang Rui (born in Sichuan 1989) graduated from the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and now lives and works in Shanghai. She currently explores the body and consciousness through pencil drawings and handmade objects. 

Wang Rui has held her solo exhibitions at BANK/Mabsociety, Shanghai respectively in 2018 and in 2022. Wang's work has been shown at Salt Projects, Beijing; David Zwirner Gallery, HK; Suzhou Art Museum; He Xiangning Art Museum Shenzhen as well as Surplus Space, Wuhan. Wang also participated in Hans Ulrich Obrist's "89+ and Google Arts & Culture" Conversation Room at FIAC 2017.

安德鲁·查普曼 Andrew Chapman长磁场扫描 Long Field Scan板面油画 Oil on panel45.7 x 40.6 x 1.9 cm2024


查普曼曾在多家画廊和教育机构展出作品,个展项目包括在纽约 The Meeting画廊、旧金山 Et al.画廊、纽约独立艺术展、纽约新艺术经销商联盟艺术展,群展项目包括纽约 Petra Bibeau画廊、墨西哥城 Daniela Elbahara画廊、瑞士日内瓦 Portmanteau画廊、旧金山芳草地艺术中心和旧金山 The Popular Workshop画廊。他曾获得 Peter S. Reed 基金会个人艺术家奖项、Jack & Gertrude Murphy 奖学金,以及 Edwin Anthony & Adelaine Bordeaux Cadogan 艺术奖学金。

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Andrew Chapman was born in San Francisco and lives and works in Los Angeles, California. He received his MFA from Stanford University and his BFA from California College of the Arts in San Francisco. 

Chapman has shown work at several galleries and educational institutions including solo presentations at The Meeting in New York, Et al. in San Francisco, and Independent and NADA art fairs. Group exhibitions include Petra Bibeau, New York, Daniela Elbahara, Mexico City, Portmanteau, Geneva, Switzerland, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, and The Popular Workshop, San Francisco. He was awarded the Peter S. Reed Foundation Individual Artist Grant and Jack & Gertrude Murphy Fellowship and the Edwin Anthony & Adelaine Bordeaux Cadogan Fellowship in the Fine Arts.

米格尔·安赫尔·帕亚诺 Miguel Ángel Payano Jr.

轻轻的 Gentle Lips

综合材料,胶合板 Mixed media on plywood

32 x 31 x 6.5 cm (Frame dim.)

30.6 x 28 x 2.7 cm




作品曾于美国纽约Charles Moffett(2023)、意大利米兰Galeria Poggiali(2022)和美国洛杉矶Make Room(2021)展出。他还参加了圣巴巴拉当代艺术博物馆(美国加州,2022)和沙特阿拉伯迪里耶双年展(沙特阿拉伯,2021)等群展。

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Miguel Ángel Payano Jr. (b. 1980, New York, lives and works in Beijing) is an Afro-Caribbean visual artist. After completing his dual B.A. degree at Williams College in Chinese Language and Studio Art in Williamstown, Massachusetts (2003), Payano moved to Beijing, where he completed his M.F.A. in Oil Painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (2008). He also obtained an M.F.A. degree in Studio Art from Hunter College, The City University of New York (2020). 

Having had the experience of navigating between different languages and cultures, Payano became increasingly attuned to the importance of language and its application in our understanding of and relation to one another. His previous solo exhibitions include “Out From” (Charles Moffett, New York, USA, 2023); “Sojourn Summits” (Galleria Poggiali, Milan, Italy, 2022); and “Elusive Nature” (Make Room, Los Angeles, USA, 2021). He has also participated in group shows such as “This Basic Asymmetry” (Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara, California, USA, 2022) and “Ad-Diriyah Biennale: Feeling the Stones” (Saudi Arabia, 2021).

 - 即将参展 Upcoming Art Fairs - 

画廊周北京 2024Gallery Weekend Beijing 2024 2024.05.23-2024.06.02

北京798艺术区A07大楼Building A07, 798 ArtDist, Beijing

北京当代·艺术博览会 2024Beijing Dangdai Art Fair 2024
北京全国农业展览馆11号馆Hall 11, National Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing

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