
博尼·拉米雷斯 Bony Ramirez|个展 Solo Show @纽瓦克艺术博物馆 Newark Museum of Art



Bony Ramirez: Cattleya

开幕 Opening: 2024.04.18

Newark Museum of Art,New Jersey



BANK is pleased to announce the opening of Bony Ramirez's solo exhibition "Cattleya" at the Newark Museum of Art, marking the artist's first solo exhibition at an art museum. 

Over the course of a year, Ramirez explored the Museum’s collections broadly, with a focus on historic portraiture, landscape, and contemporary art. Childhood memories of the Dominican Republic and the complicated histories of the Caribbean inform his surreal narrative style. Cattleya is a genus of orchid native to Central and South America that Ramirez associates with colonialism. The exhibition probes the legacy of colonialism and the effects of the tourism industry in the Caribbean, while also reimagining what resistance can look like.


Exhibited works

博尼·拉米雷斯 Bony Ramirez

卡特兰 Cattleya


Acrylic, soft oil pastel, color pencil, wallpaper, Bristol paper on wood panel

Φ 96 inch

©Bony Ramirez. Photo by Daniel Greer

Please turn your phone landscape to view 

博尼·拉米雷斯 Bony Ramirez

加勒比快车/加勒比之旅 Caribe Express/Caribe Tours


Acrylic, soft oil pastel, color pencil, wallpaper, plywood, painted horse skull, screws, Bristol paper on wood panel

80 x 320 inches

©Bony Ramirez. Photo by Daniel Greer

 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

博尼·拉米雷斯 Bony Ramirez‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

博尼·拉米雷斯曾在 Bradley Ertaskiran(蒙特利尔)、Franqois Ghebaly(洛杉矶) 、BANK画廊(上海)、 Jeffrey Deitch(纽约)等画廊及机构展出,并于2023年入选Forbes 30 Under 30 艺术与时尚类榜单,且于2021年入选The Artsy Vanguard 2021。他的作品最近被迈阿密当代艺术学院、波士顿美术博物馆、西雅图弗莱艺术博物馆、迈阿密佩雷斯艺术博物馆以及北京X美术馆永久收藏。

Bony Ramirez was born in 1996 in Tenares, Salcedo, Dominican Republic. He currently works in Jersey City, New Jersey. His rural upbringing in the Dominican Republic, his first encounters with Catholic imagery, and his deep interest in sources as varied as Italian mannerism, Renaissance portraiture, and children’s illustrations reverberate within and around the fictional characters he creates. 
If each figure appears to be transposed into a changing theatre of symbolic surroundings and backdrops, it is the artist’s technique that renders this possible. Ramirez creates his heavily stylized, proportionally distorted figures on paper, and adheres them onto wood panels featuring idyllic, colourful backdrops of Caribbean imagery. As Ramirez’s characters, developed separately and simultaneously in oil stick, paint, and coloured pencil, make their way onto his works, so too do various other symbolic appendages. 
Bony Ramirez has exhibited at Bradley Ertaskiran (Montreal), François Ghebaly (Los Angeles), Bank/Mabsociety (Shanghai), Jeffrey Deitch (New York), among others, and was recognized in the Forbes 30 Under 30 Arts & Style category in 2023, and The Artsy Vanguard 2021. His work has recently been acquired by the permanent collection of the Institute of Contemporary Art Miami, as well as the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the Frye Art Museum, the Perez Art Museum Miami, and the X Museum in Beijing.

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