
张怡 Patty Chang|新加坡艺术科学博物馆 ArtScience Museum in Singapore


张怡 Patty Chang‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍


New Eden: Science Fiction Mythologies Transformed



ArtScience Museum,Singapore


BANK欣然宣布艺术家张怡最新装置作品 《山(香格里拉)》目前正在新加坡艺术科学博物馆的展览 "新伊甸:科幻神话的变革"中展出。

《山(香格里拉)》是一件炫目的镜面三维艺术品,可以像转经轮一样缓慢旋转,向周围空间反射光线和发射能量。它由美籍华裔艺术家张怡(Patty Chang)创作,作品展现了一个神话般的东方天堂,它首先出现在詹姆斯﹒希尔顿(James Hilton)1933年的小说中,弗兰克-卡普拉(Frank Capra)在 1937 年的电影《失落的地平线》(Lost Horizon)中也对其进行了描绘。

好奇于小镇村民将他们的家乡命名为“香格里拉”的原由,张怡前往这个"人间天堂",并创作了一段 40 分钟的影像,与装置共同反映了旅游经济、乌托邦幻想和异国情调之间纠缠不清的联系。


Bank is pleased to announce that Chang's latest installation, Mountain (Shangri-la), is currently featured in the exhibition "New Eden: Science Fiction Mythologies Transformed" at the Art Science Museum in Singapore.

Mountain (Shangri-La) is a dazzling, mirrored, three-dimensional artwork that can be rotated slowly like a prayerwheel to reflect light and emit energy into the surrounding space. Created by American-born Chinese artist Patty Chang, it represents a mythical Eastern paradise first described in James Hilton 's 1933 novel and portrayed in Frank Capra's 1937 film Lost Horizon.

Curious about how it inspired the inhabitants of a rural farming town to rename their hometown' Shangri-la City', Chang travelled to this 'paradise-on-earth' and created an accompanying 40-minute video that, alongside the installation, reflects on the entangled links between tourism economies, fantasies of utopia, and notions of exoticism.

The exhibition will be on view up until March 3,2024.


Installation View

图片致谢 Ng Wu Gang

Courtesy of Ng Wu Gang

 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

张怡 Patty Chang‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

张怡(Patty Chang)是一位工作和生活于洛杉矶的艺术家和教育家。她使用表演、录像、装置的媒介和叙事的形式探讨身份、性别、跨国主义、殖民主义遗产、环境、大型基础设施项目和对主体性的影响。她在博物馆的展览和书籍“游移湖”(The Wandering Lake)调查了受大型水利工程项目影响的自然景观:如苏联从咸海引水的工程,以及世界上最长的供水渠道——中国的南水北调水利工程。她最近的合作项目 "学习结局"(Learning Endings)是一项以气候危机、海洋生态系统危机以及科学专业知识危机等作为多重背景的跨学科研究,由多部分组成。该项目针对科学家们以不为人知的关怀形式,对死亡的海洋哺乳动物进行尸体解剖的工作进行研究,并探讨了各种艺术实践如何支持这种关怀工作。



Patty Chang is a Los Angeles based artist and educator who uses performance, video, installation and narrative forms when considering identity, gender, transnationalism, colonial legacies, the environment, large-scale infrastructural projects, and impacted subjectivities. Her museum exhibition and book The Wandering Lake investigates the landscapes impacted by large scale human-engineered water projects such as the Soviet mission to irrigate the waters from the Aral Sea, as well as the longest aqueduct in the world, the South to North Water Diversion Project in China. Her most recent collaborative project, Learning Endings, is a multi-part interdisciplinary research that has surfaced amidst the overlapping contexts of climate crisis, threatened ocean ecosystems, and challenges to scientific expertise. It examines the work of scientists who perform necropsies of dead marine mammals as unacknowledged forms of attention and care, and explores how various kinds of art practice can support this care work.

Her work has been exhibited nationwide and internationally at such institutions as the Museum of Modern Art, New York; Guggenheim Museum, New York; New Museum, New York; M+ Museum, Hong Kong; BAK, Basis voor actuele Kunst, Utrecht; Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester, England; the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Times Museum in Guangzhou, China; and Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Sweden. 

She has received a United States Artist Fellowship, a Rockefeller Foundation Grant, a Creative Capital Fellowship, a Guna S. Mundheim Fellowship in the Visual Arts at the American Academy in Berlin, a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Art and the Environment grant, and an Anonymous Was a Woman Grant. She currently teaches at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA.

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 - 正在展出 Current Exhibition - 

BANK 10th Anniversary Show

《生日派对!》Birthday Party!

展览时间/Duration: 2023.11.10-2024.01.10‍

No.2 Lane 298 An Fu Road, Shanghai

🔗 十周年庆生会回顾 Recap of BANK's 10th Birthday Party


