
BANK|梁浩参加2023年度Para Site慈善筹款预展及拍卖 Para Site Benefit Auction


2023年度 Para Site 慈善筹款拍卖
2023 Para Site Benefit Auction

线上竞投 Online Auction

拍卖预展 Auction Preview
开幕 Opening: 2023.11.15
展期 Duration: 2023.11.16-11.20 12pm-8pm 

香港上环德辅道西33号Soho House Hong Kong,22楼
22/F, Soho House Hong Kong, 33 Des Voeux Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

BANK欣然宣布艺术家梁浩捐赠作品将参加香港Para Site艺术空间2023年度筹款拍卖,在无声拍卖环节接收竞投。无声拍卖部分将于2023年11月22日晚上11:30(HKT)截止,点击文末“阅读原文”即可进入Para Site艺术空间2023年度慈善筹款线上竞投页面。

今年 Para Site 获得了由世界各地艺术家、画廊及好友慷慨捐赠的六十件拍品。拍卖预展已于2023年11月15日于Soho House Hong Kong开幕,展至11月20日。


BANK is proud to announce that the artwork donated by artist Liang Hao to the 2023 Para Site Benefit Auction, is on view in the section of silent lots, which are available for online bidding until 11:30pm HKT on 22 November 2023. The auction is now live at www.ps2023auction.com (click "Read More" at the bottom to access).

The 2023 Para Site Benefit Auction has received sixty artworks and experiences, generously donated by artists, galleries and friends from all over the world. Drop by the opening reception of the auction preview on 15 November 2023 at Soho House Hong Kong to check out the artworks in person. The auction preview will be on view through 20 November 2023. 

The work Melencolia I donated by Liang Hao is a new painting created in September 2023 and debuted in this auction preview.


 Artwork Preview 

梁浩 Liang Hao
忧郁之一 Melencolia I
布面油画 Oil on linen
60 x 40 cm

白色的桌面与深色调的背景,九本书摞在一起,光线来自右上方。最上面的一本书被双手翻开,印有 Melencolia I , Albrecht Dürer 的字样,(引自Albrecht Dürer 1514年创作的版画“Melencolia I”。)从上自下的书脊中同样伴随着一些文字的出现,这些文字多半是对Albrecht Dürer 1514年创作的版画“Melencolia I”的解读。

Nine books are stacked on top of each other on a white tabletop against a dark background, with the light coming from the upper right. The top book is opened with both hands and bears the inscription "Melencolia I" , "Albrecht Dürer" (from Albrecht Dürer's print "Melencolia I" from 1514). The spine of these books, from top to bottom, is also accompanied by a number of texts, most of which are interpretations of Albrecht Dürer's print "Melencolia I" of 1514.

 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

梁浩 Liang Hao


梁浩的个展包括:“高手”BANK画廊,上海,2023;“重现” ⽟兰堂,北京,2022;“时间的褶皱” 10号赞善⾥画廊,⾹港,2020;“⼀种⽬光” ⽟兰堂,上海,2019;“映像与猎场” ⽟兰堂,北京,2017。他的作品亦在不同机构参与展出,其中包括纽约 Art OMI艺术中⼼、韩国Daechumoo Fine Art、上海⺠⽣现代美术馆、北京今⽇美术馆、冰岛Offshore Project Space、北京中央美术学院美术馆。他曾参加美国纽约Art OMI(2016年)和冰岛塞济斯菲厄泽Island Iceland Offshore Project(2015年)的艺术家驻地项⽬,并于2018年和2016年⼊围“约翰‧莫尔绘画奖”。

Liang Hao (b. 1988, Guangdong Province) currently lives and works in Beijing. He graduated from the Painting Department of the Academy of Arts and Design at Tsinghua University, Beijing, in 2012. His practice focuses on painting while extending to other media. He is interested in the dynamics between the hand, gaze and mind, reconsidering the technicality of the hand and the affects that flow through it by constructing illusions of technical production and making references to images in art history or texts. 

His recent solo exhibitions include: Gesture and Speech (BANK, Shanghai, 2023); Present, Again (Line Gallery, Beijing, 2022); Unfolding into the Expanse (10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Hong Kong, 2020); A Kind of Gaze (Line Gallery, Shanghai, 2019); Image and Hunting Ground (Line Gallery, Beijing, 2017). His work has been exhibited in worldwide institutions that include: Art OMI, New York; Daechumoo Fine Art, Korea; MinSheng Art Museum, Shanghai; Today Art Museum, Beijing; Offshore Project Space, Iceland; CAFA Art Museum, Beijing. His past artist residencies include: Art OMI International Artist Residency (New York, 2016); Island Iceland Offshore Project (Seydisfjordur, 2015). His award nominations include: John Moores Painting Prize (2018,2016).

↙︎点击文末“阅读原文”进入Para Site线上竞投
↙︎Click the "Read More" to access the Para Site Online Auction

 - 正在展出 Current Exhibition - 

BANK 10th Anniversary Show

《生日派对!》Birthday Party!

展览时间/Duration: 2023.11.10-2024.01.10‍

No.2 Lane 298 An Fu Road, Shanghai

🔗 十周年庆生会回顾 Recap of BANK's 10th Birthday Party


