
论坛回顾 | VS-A三十周年外表皮设计展暨建筑外表皮设计专题演讲会成功开幕

The following article is from Apark建筑公园 Author vs-a

VS-A Group 是一间成立于1989年的国际事务所,分别在法国里尔、韩国首尔、中国香港及深圳设有办公室,致力于在传统的建筑精细化设计框架内运作,为世界顶级的建筑师提供顾问服务。

VS-A Group is an international firm established in 1989 with offices in Lille, Seoul, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen, as well as a laboratory dedicated to research. It operates within the frame work of exquisite traditional architectural design and provides consultancy services to the world’s top architects.

庆祝VS-A三十周年外表皮设计展暨建筑外表皮设计专题演讲会于2019年11月17日在深圳万科云设计公社Cube Station方站成功开幕。

VS-A’s 30th Anniversary Facade Design Conference and Exhibition was held on November 17th , 2019 at the Cube Station of Shenzhen Vanke Cloud Design Commune.

深圳万科云设计公社 B612 Cube Station方站
VANKE Cloud Design Commune B612 Cube Station

17日下午,万科云设计公社阶梯报告厅内大咖云集,座无虚席。专题讲座由VS-A创始人Robert-Jan Van Santen主持, AREP法铁设计集团中国分公司设计总监武洋、JFA雅克·费尓叶中国区总监Aurelien PASQUIER、SHA斯蒂文·霍尔建筑师事务所合伙人Roberto BANNURA、OMA大都会建筑事务所建筑师Matteo BUDEL、John THURTLE和卢陈、以及VS-A.KR合伙人Naree KIM分别就建筑外表皮设计的国际实践展开了一轮轮的分享与交流。整场讲座持续了整整五个小时,250多名来自多家建筑设计公司、地产公司、材料供应商和媒体的专业人士,以及建筑院校的学生到场聆听、探讨、学习。

During the afternoon of the 17th, Vanke Cloud Design Commune's lecture hall was filled design enthusiasts to share and exchange ideas on the international practice of building envelopes. The seminar was hosted by:Robert-Jan Van Santen, founder of VS-A; Wu Yang, Design Director of AREP China; Aurelian PASQUIER, JFA Jacques Ferrier Architects China Director ; Roberto BANNURA, Partner of Steven Holl Architects; Matteo BUDEL, John THURTLE, and LU Chen, Architects from OMA  and Naree KIM, Partner of VS-A.KR . The entire lecture lasted for five hours, with more than 250 professionals from a number of architectural design firms, real estate companies, materials suppliers and the media, as well as students from architecture colleges to listen, explore and learn.

VS-A 创始人Robert-Jan VAN SANTEN 担任专题讲座主持人并介绍VS-A三十年历程 / VS-A founder Robert-Jan VAN SANTEN serving as moderator and introducing VS-A's 30-year history

AREP法铁设计集团中国分公司设计总监武洋介绍京张铁路清河站项目 /  Wu Yang , Design Director of AREP China, introducing the Jinghe Railway Qinghe Station Project

JFA雅克·费尓叶中国区总监Aurelien PASQUIER分享JFAVS-A合作的上海华鑫天地项目 / Jacques Ferrier Architecture China Office Director Aurelien PASQUIER sharing the Shanghai HuaxinTiandi project in collaboration with VS-A

VS-A.KR合伙人Naree KIM介绍VS-A研发的新型开启窗产品UBLO / VS-A.KR Partner Naree KIM introducing innovative operable windows - UBLO

SHA斯蒂文·霍尔建筑师事务所合伙人Roberto BANNURA 讲述 SHA 的建筑设计理念 / Steven Holl Architects Partner Roberto BANNURA talks about SHA's architectural design philosophy

OMA大都会建筑事务所建筑师 Matteo BUDELJohn THURTLE和卢陈(从左至右)分别介绍了韩国Galleria、意大利 Fondazione Prada 及北京 UCCA三个项目的外表皮材料研究 / OMA Architects Matteo BUDEL, John THURTLE and LU Chen (left to right) introduced the envelop materials of the Galleria in Korea, Fondazione Prada in Italy, and UCCA in Beijing.

现场提问环节及休息时间深入交流及探讨 / In-depth discussions between , during and after presentations

当晚,荷兰驻广州总领事馆总领事毕肯思(Michiel BIERHENS)携夫人出席庆祝酒会,为VS-A三十周年外表皮设计展开幕剪彩并致辞。

During the evening,Michiel BIERHENS, Consul General of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Guangzhou, accompanied his wife to the event’s Reception, ‘cut the ribbon’ to formalize VS-A’s 30th Anniversary envelope Design Exhibition.Emotional speeches were delivered.

荷兰驻广州总领事馆总领事毕肯思 Michiel BIERHENSVS-A 创始人Robert-Jan VAN SANTEN 共同为展览开幕剪(彩带为常见的幕墙组件-胶条)/  Miciel BIERHENS, Consul General of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Guangzhou, and Robert-Jan VAN SANTEN, founder of VS-A, cutting the ribbon ofthe opening ceremony (the ribbon is in fact a common facade component –a gasket)

荷兰驻广州总领事馆总领事毕肯思Michiel BIERHENS致辞 / Speech by Bichensi Michiel BIERHENS, Consul General of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Guangzhou


The exhibition is taking place in the Cube Design Square Station in Shenzhen. While VS-A has worked on over 800 projects across 30 countries, the exhibition show cases 38 carefully selected projects that are representative of the firm’s design ethos. Each project is displayed through VS-A’s own design patented panel–The Origami Display Board. Also in display are various working models , tests , and video materials.

VS-A三十周年外表皮设计展设计专利-折纸工艺铝制展板 / Exhibition Projects being displayed on The Origami Display Board

VS-A三十周年外表皮设计展 UBLO、风洞试验及其他模型、模具 / Model displays: UBLO, Wind Tunnel Test, extrusion molds, and other curiosities
VS-A三十周年外表皮设计展乒乓球互动/The Ping Pong table as the heart of our design ethos

 VS-A三十周年外表皮设计展彩色绘图互动 / Colour by numbers: Interactive Color Drawings

VS-A三十周年外表皮设计展现场情况 / The panels displayed in Situ.
VS-A三十周年外表皮设计展现场情况 / A girl concentrated on IGN 1, a France based project

VS-A三十周年外表皮设计展将在万科云设计公社B612方站持续展出至12月8日。12月8日上午,VS-A创始人Robert-Jan Van Santen将带着VS-A的设计师们亲临展厅举行面对面工作坊,跟大家一起探索建筑表皮的世界。同日下午,在隔壁的阶梯报告厅,还会有一场以表皮设计的本地实践为主体的专题演讲会,届时,各路本地建筑设计大咖、建造大咖、材料大咖集结,又会是一番怎样的盛景,敬请期待!


VS-A’s Exhibition will continue to be displayed at the Cubic Station B612 in Vanke Cloud Design Commune until December 8th, where the second conference will begin.

During the morning Robert-Jan Van Santen will bring his team of VS-A Designers, Engineers , and Project Managers to the exhibition hall . We will hold an open format face-to-face workshops with visitors and this will be a chance for you to discuss interesting problems that you have encountered, or even get a consultation on projects you are currently working on. If you’re into Architecture, have a Development, or even need to submit a coursework for school come say “Hello”! The free form nature is flexible so feel free to discuss anything… within reason!

In the afternoon, the neighbouring lecture theatre will be filled with local specialists from various fields ranging across Architectural / Construction Design,Material Specialists,and even a handful of Geneticists! It will be fantastic.So stay tuned and we’ll keep you up to date with the various speakers who will attend.

Hopefully you’ll be able to join us on the December 8th. Shenzhen Vanke Cloud Design Commune and VS-A are looking forward to meeting you all!



Cube Station/方站

Cube Station并非严格意义上办公室,因为你不仅可以在那里办公、开会,还能开讲座、办展览、喝咖啡、读杂志、开沙龙、洽谈、社交等。





