
L@Collab|谈思远:《Chug, Chug/不论在⻋上还是⻋下,这件事已经发生了。》

LATITUDE Gallery LATITUDE Gallery 2023-10-30

Tutu Gallery荣幸宣布与LATITUDE Gallery共同呈现艺术家谈思远最新个展「Chug, Chug」下篇。本展览共分为上下两个篇章,上篇已于LATITUDE画廊空间展出,截止到本月10日。Tutu Gallery将于2021年7月10日开幕呈现展览下半部分,展览时间将持续至2021年8月16日。此次联合展览也将是艺术家谈思远位于纽约的第二次个展,两个部分共包含装置、雕塑、喷绘、纸上水彩等多种媒介为载体的二十余件作品。本次联展由独立策展人任艺粟策展。 

《Chug, Chug/ 不论在⻋上还是⻋下,这件事已经发生了。》



展览时间:2021年7月10日 至 2021年8月16日

画廊时间:周二至周五 12-6 pm (周一休息)




画廊地址:1028 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, New York 11206





每一个现在皆是“一个时代的间隙” ,将“已不再”与“尚未”规定划分。然而历史重蹈覆辙,我们也仅在经历第一次的人生。对于漂泊在现实社会的你我而言,生命似是一种存在主义式的流浪历程。我们站在时代的横截面,都在力图承担苦难、焦虑与空虚的个体美学经验,使得自己能够立足于生活世界(Lebenswelt / Lifeworld) 并有能力与魄力面对不确定性的未来。





谈思远(b. 1984, 中国辽宁阜新)毕业于鲁迅美术学院雕塑专业和萨凡纳艺术与设计学院雕塑专业,分别取得艺术学士和艺术硕士。现工作和生活于纽约。在福特汽车担任模型师的工作经历使谈思远接触到了各种用于艺术搭建和工业制作的材料,也将他的创作媒材拓展到包含手喷漆等工业材料在内更宽泛的领域。谈思远的作品曾在国内外广泛展览,作品足迹遍布中国北京、英国伦敦、意大利罗马、德国兰茨胡特、葡萄牙阿威罗、美国纽约和亚特兰大。过往展览包括:特伦顿美术馆,新泽西;玛丽埃塔/柯布艺术博物馆,亚特兰大;树美术馆(2021);印第安纳波利斯艺术中心,印第安纳波利斯(2020);否画廊,纽约(2019);墙势力-第四届墙报艺术家展,北京时代美术馆,中国北京(2019);我有多么爱你,三重奏画廊,亚特兰大(2018);对话中艺术 /移民,白立方国际艺术村项目,兰茨胡特,德国(2018)和SABA IV,特拉华当代美术馆,威尔明顿(2018)等。


SIYUAN TAN (b. 1984, Fuxin, Liaoning Province, China) earned his B.F.A. in Sculpture from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, Shenyang, China and M.F.A. in Sculpture from Savannah College of Art and Design. Now he works as an artist in New York. Tan previously worked at ID3 Group as Sculpture Studio Manager, and as a Q Studio Clay Modeler in Ford Motor Company. The various working experiences have exposed him to a variety of materials for art and industrial fabrication, which thus led to his usage of media like spray paint in his paintings and sculptures. Tan has participated in group exhibitions internationally including Beijing, China; London, U.K.; Rome, Italy; Landshut, Germany; Aveiro, Portugal; New York and Atlanta, U.S.A. Recent exhibitions include Trenton Museum, New Jersey; Marietta Cobb Museum of Art, Atlanta; Tree Museum, Beijing (2021); Indianapolis Art Center, Indianapolis (2020); Fou Gallery, New York (2019); 4th Wall Power, Time Museum, Beijing (2019); KUNST IM DIALOGUE / Migration, stichting White Cube Global Village, Landshut, Germany (2018); SABA IV, Delaware Contemporary Museum, Wilmington (2018) and Tan Siyuan: How Much I Love You, Trios Gallery, Atlanta (2017).

任艺粟 (Eva Ren),生于北京,现为独立策展人、撰稿人、平面设计师生活居住在纽约。目前于纽约前波画廊工作,亦是专注于NFT艺术策展项目ONBD的创始人之一。2020年毕业于纽约大学艺术管理专业硕士学位,2018年毕业于加州大学欧文分校实践艺术与理论专业、哲学专业学士学位。在当代艺术市场盈利与非营利领域都有着一定的工作经验,工作实习包括纽约Christie拍卖行、Heritage拍卖行、The Armory Show艺术博览会、TEFAF纽约艺术博览会、Chart Gallery、The FLAG Art Foundation,中国国家美术馆等。早先在区块链与人工智能应用领域的风险投资平台、基金就职,主要负责市场、对外发展部分。

Eva Yisu Ren is an independent curator, writer, and designer based in New York. Currently, she is working at Chambers Fine Art Gallery. She received a Master of Arts inVisual Arts Administration at New York University in 2020, and a Bachelor of Arts inboth Fine Art / Contemporary Art Theory and Philosophy from the University of California, Irvine, in 2018. She has work experiences both from for-profit and nonprofit sectors of the art industry, including Christie’s, Heritage, The Armory Show, TEFAF NewYork, Chart Gallery, The FLAG Art Foundation, and National Museum of China. Beforeher art world journey, she worked in the Blockchain Industry and Venture Capital andwas responsible for Marketing Strategy and Public Relations. Recently, she co-foundeda curatorial project, ONBD, which dedicates to NFT based art. 


编辑|Yi / 周诗卉

关于 collab gallery

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Tutu Gallery is a feline-owned DIY space located in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, founded in July 2019 by Tutu (cat) and her human assistant April Zhu.

Tutu is dedicated to under-the-radar talents who are self-trained, immigrants, or students. We display works that stay true to our shared and ordinary experience of being. Tutu hopes to nurture the start of a career for our artists and encourage you to live with art by creating a piece of your own or discovering beauty everywhere in your daily life.

To this date, the gallery has hosted 9 exhibitions, 2 off-site or joint exhibitions and 2 online exhibitions including collaborations with Field Projects, Hunter East Harlem Gallery and Gallery Cubed. Additionally, the gallery has been featured on Harper’s BAZAAR China, Bomb Magazine and the Coastal Post. 



截至今日,突突已经举办了9场独立展览、2场联合展览以及2场线上展览,曾与Field Projects, Hunter East Harlem Gallery和Gallery Cubed合作。此外,突突曾经被时尚芭莎中国、Bomb Magazine以及Coastal Post所报道。

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画廊地址|Address:LATITUDE Gallery New York, 174 Roebling St., 1L, Brooklyn, New York 11211
媒体联络 | Press:info@latitudegalleryny.com  

电话 | Tel:+1 3125082615


