
Open Call | 公开征集:待办事项/ It's time to reduce the backlog!

LATITUDE Gallery LATITUDE Gallery 2023-10-30

历史上,很少会有一个事件的影响力足以牵动全人类的兴衰成败。它猝不及防的改变着我们的生活,虽然没有通过战争、政治或经济。但是,这些因素却因此发生了巨大变化。被改变的包括我们所处的环境,还有一些要做却没做的事情。当我们麻木的说服自己,现在的一切已成常态,所谓的 “正常生活 ”不在眷恋我们的时候,也许它却给我们创造了一个新的契机,让我们更新人生的待办事项。也许是被封尘很久的计划,列入已完成的成就,还是崭未曾想过实现的幻想。无论是什么,我们各自的人生的待办事项也许在为自己指引方向。

LATITUDE画廊携策展人邀请年轻的艺术家朋友们,借此机会展开或完成自己的待办事项:这可能只是多投一份open call,可能是展出或者po出自己最近的艺术作品,也可能是整理和讨论一下过去这特别的一年里的创作。
Seldom in history had one event been the defining moment for the majority of people on this planet. Out of the initial reactions of shock and disbelief emerged an overarching narrative that is now accepted as the general account of the past year, one of tragedy and heroism, heartbreaks and strength, schism and unity. 
However, to say that such narratives tell the whole story would run the risk of oversimplification and deprive us of a more nuanced response to what happened, which depends on a perhaps less definitive, more complex, and ultimately more enriching perspective. An artistic perspective. In this sense, the stories are yet to be completed, and we have much to do, to think, to feel, and to make sense of. The curators at Latitude Gallery invite fellow young artists to take this opportunity to reflect on recent history, to form a response to the questions that the past year had thrown at you, to explore different narratives other than the ones that dominated the news, and to find some meaning out of a year that has so far defied interpretation. 


展览地点174 Roebling St, 1L, Brooklyn New YorkLATITUDE Gallery New York
主办方LATITUDE Gallery New York
策展人李婧如 袁政


1. 作品媒介和形式无限制,平面作品尺寸在100cm*100cm之内;3D作品(包括installation,新媒体作品,雕塑,等)在70cm*70cm*70cm之内,主题和内容需与本次展览主题相关。
2. 所需资料:-作品图片:3-5张、分辨率300dpi、图片大小不小于3mb 每张图片请以同一使用此格式命名:“艺术家姓名_作品名_序号”(如:“张三_无题_01”)-作品/系列介绍150字左右。
-艺术家陈述(artist statement)-参展及获奖履历-艺术家近照
3. 投稿方式:以上资料请以zip.形式压缩并邮件至 info@latitudegalleryny.com邮件标题请注明:“姓名_作品名_LATITUDE”,请勿多次投送。
4. 投稿截止日期:2021年2月15日
5. 报名费$10/ ¥80, 请通过微信小程序支付https://rb.gy/kh8t9d。海外艺术家请通过Venmo支付,Venmo @latitudegallery-ny,并附报名费截图在提交的邮件里。艺术家需自理参展作品运输费用及装裱(如需)费用,展览主办方负责拆装及发件打包等相关工作。
6. 投稿作品为投稿人原创,未侵犯任何他人权益,包括但不限于著作权、商标权及其他知识产权,不得同期参加其他线下展览。
7. 本次征集由 LATITUDE Gallery New York主办,入选的艺术家将被邀请参加最终的群展。最终的群展将以独特的线上线下联动方式进行:线下的部分将在LATITUDE  Gallery  New  York位于纽约的的画廊空间中同步展示,而线上的部分则将同期在画廊网站系统上呈现。
LATITUDE Gallery New York 持有对本次展览细则的最终解释权。


李婧如(Jingru Li)独立策展人,设计师。本科毕业于芝加哥艺术学院(SAIC),研究生毕业于纽约大学视觉艺术管理专业。曾就职于芝加哥Sullivan gallery、Haven Gallery、芝加哥亚洲艺术研究所、上海宝龙美术馆,北京山水美术馆。2019年,作为策展人,在纽约策划了“Slow Design” Pop Up服装艺术跨界展览,”Slow Design“展览。还曾参与Wavelength 「出厂设置-上海站」沉浸式艺术体验展览,「持续反Ying Continuous  Refle(a)ction」环保艺术跨界展等大规模群展。


袁政(Leo Yuan)艺术评论人,作家,策展人。本科毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学艺术史系。来到纽约后,在苏富比艺术学院获得硕士学位,并在多个艺术机构有过工作经验,包括古根海姆美术馆发展部和Phillips拍卖行二十世纪及当代艺术部门等。


Founded in this special year of 2020, LATITUDE Gallery supports and represents young contemporary artists from not only China, Asian and but all around the world, featuring avant-garde exhibitions and performances in a variety of media. Through diverse programs such as open calls, exhibitions, screenings, interviews, talks, art salons, workshops, and online presentations, we are dedicated to fostering a creative community, stimulating intellectual discussions, and engaging a wide range of audiences. As an art boutique and online platform, we provide far-reaching opportunities for artists and designers to explore new ways of selling and promoting their works. As a boutique and a virtual art platform, we provide not only far-reaching opportunities for artists and designers to explore new ways of selling and promoting their works but also for all collectors to explore and engage.
图文编辑 |诗卉动态海报 |蔡爽


画廊地址|Address:LATITUDE Gallery New York, 174 Roebling St., 1L, Brooklyn, New York 11211
媒体联络 | Press:pr@latitudegalleryny.com  

©LATITUDE Gallery New York转载和任何形式使用请先获得授权

