
美国律师协会(ABA)关于生成式AI的512号正式意见书 (中英文对照版)

法科生之家 2024年09月02日 21:39



Formal Opinion512 July29,2024 

Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools 




To ensure clients are protected, lawyers using generative artificial intelligence tools must fully consider their applicable ethical obligations, including their duties to provide competent legal representation, to protect client information, to communicate with clients, to supervise their employees and agents, to advance only meritorious claims and contentions, to ensure candor toward the tribunal, and to charge reasonable fees. 




Many lawyers use artificial intelligence (AI) based technologies in their practices to improve the efficiency and quality of legal services to clients.1 A well-known use is electronic discovery in litigation, in which lawyers use technology-assisted review to categorize vast quantities of documents as responsive or non-responsive and to segregate privileged documents. Another common use is contract analytics, which lawyers use to conduct due diligence in connection with mergers and acquisitions and large corporate transactions. In the realm of analytics, AI also can help lawyers predict how judges might rule on a legal question based on data about the judge’s rulings; discover the summary judgment grant rate for every federal district judge; or evaluate how parties and lawyers may behave in current litigation based on their past conduct in similar litigation. And for basic legal research, AI may enhance lawyers’ search results. 


This opinion discusses a subset of AI technology that has more recently drawn the attention of the legal profession and the world at large – generative AI (GAI), which can create various types of new content, including text, images, audio, video, and software code in response to a user’s prompts and questions.2 GAI tools that produce new text are prediction tools that generate a statistically probable output when prompted. To accomplish this, these tools analyze large amounts of digital text culled from the internet or proprietary data sources. Some GAI tools are described as “self-learning,” meaning they will learn from themselves as they cull more data. GAI tools may assist lawyers in tasks such as legal research, contract review, due diligence, document review, regulatory compliance, and drafting letters, contracts, briefs, and other legal documents. 


GAI tools—whether general purpose or designed specifically for the practice of law—raise important questions under the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct.3 What level of competency should lawyers acquire regarding a GAI tool? How can lawyers satisfy their duty of confidentiality when using a GAI tool that requires input of information relating to a representation? When must lawyers disclose their use of a GAI tool to clients? What level of review of a GAI tool’s process or output is necessary? What constitutes a reasonable fee or expense when lawyers use a GAI tool to provide legal services to clients? 



At the same time, as with many new technologies, GAI tools are a moving target—indeed, a rapidly moving target—in the sense that their precise features and utility to law practice are quickly changing and will continue to change in ways that may be difficult or impossible to anticipate. This Opinion identifies some ethical issues involving the use of GAI tools and offers general guidance for lawyers attempting to navigate this emerging landscape.4 It is anticipated that this Committee and state and local bar association ethics committees will likely offer updated guidance on professional conduct issues relevant to specific GAI tools as they develop. 






Model Rule1.1 obligates lawyers to provide competent representation to clients.5 This duty requires lawyers to exercise the “legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness and preparation reasonably necessary for the representation,” as well as to understand “the benefits and risks associated” with the technologies used to deliver legal services to clients.6 Lawyers may ordinarily achieve the requisite level of competency by engaging in self-study, associating with another competent lawyer, or consulting with an individual who has sufficient expertise in the relevant field.7


To competently use a GAI tool in a client representation, lawyers need not become GAI experts. Rather, lawyers must have a reasonable understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the specific GAI technology that the lawyer might use. This means that lawyers should either acquire a reasonable understanding of the benefits and risks of the GAI tools that they employ in their practices or draw on the expertise of others who can provide guidance about the relevant GAI tool’s capabilities and limitations.8 This is not a static undertaking. Given the fast-paced evolution of GAI tools, technological competence presupposes that lawyers remain vigilant about the tools’ benefits and risks.9 Although there is no single right way to keep up with GAI developments, lawyers should consider reading about GAI tools targeted at the legal profession, attending relevant continuing legal education programs, and, as noted above, consulting others who are proficient in GAI technology.10


With the ability to quickly create new, seemingly human-crafted content in response to user prompts, GAI tools offer lawyers the potential to increase the efficiency and quality of their legal services to clients. Lawyers must recognize inherent risks, however.11 One example is the risk of producing inaccurate output, which can occur in several ways. The large language models underlying GAI tools use complex algorithms to create fluent text, yet GAI tools are only as good as their data and related infrastructure. If the quality, breadth, and sources of the underlying data on which a GAI tool is trained are limited or outdated or reflect biased content, the tool might produce unreliable, incomplete, or discriminatory results. In addition, the GAI tools lack the ability to understand the meaning of the text they generate or evaluate its context.12 Thus, they may combine otherwise accurate information in unexpected ways to yield false or inaccurate results.13 Some GAI tools are also prone to “hallucinations,” providing ostensibly plausible responses that have no basis in fact or reality.14


Because GAI tools are subject to mistakes, lawyers’ uncritical reliance on content created by a GAI tool can result in inaccurate legal advice to clients or misleading representations to courts and third parties. Therefore, a lawyer’s reliance on, or submission of, a GAI tool’s output—without an appropriate degree of independent verification or review of its output—could violate the duty to provide competent representation as required by Model Rule1.1.15 While GAI tools may be able to significantly assist lawyers in serving clients, they cannot replace the judgment and experience necessary for lawyers to competently advise clients about their legal matters or to craft the legal documents or arguments required to carry out representations. 


The appropriate amount of independent verification or review required to satisfy Rule1.1 will necessarily depend on the GAI tool and the specific task that it performs as part of the lawyer’s representation of a client. For example, if a lawyer relies on a GAI tool to review and summarize numerous, lengthy contracts, the lawyer would not necessarily have to manually review the entire set of documents to verify the results if the lawyer had previously tested the accuracy of the tool on a smaller subset of documents by manually reviewing those documents, comparing then to the summaries produced by the tool, and finding the summaries accurate. Moreover, a lawyer’s use of a GAI tool designed specifically for the practice of law or to perform a discrete legal task, such as generating ideas, may require less independent verification or review, particularly where a lawyer’s prior experience with the GAI tool provides a reasonable basis for relying on its results. 



While GAI may be used as a springboard or foundation for legal work—for example, by generating an analysis on which a lawyer bases legal advice, or by generating a draft from which a lawyer produces a legal document—lawyers may not abdicate their responsibilities by relying solely on a GAI tool to perform tasks that call for the exercise of professional judgment. For example, lawyers may not leave it to GAI tools alone to offer legal advice to clients, negotiate clients’ claims, or perform other functions that require a lawyer’s personal judgment or participation.16 Competent representation presupposes that lawyers will exercise the requisite level of skill and judgment regarding all legal work. In short, regardless of the level of review the lawyer selects, the lawyer is fully responsible for the work on behalf of the client. 


Emerging technologies may provide an output that is of distinctively higher quality than current GAI tools produce, or may enable lawyers to perform work markedly faster and more economically, eventually becoming ubiquitous in legal practice and establishing conventional expectations regarding lawyers’ duty of competence.17 Over time, other new technologies have become integrated into conventional legal practice in this manner.18 For example, “a lawyer would have difficulty providing competent legal services in today’s environment without knowing how to use email or create an electronic document.”19 Similar claims might be made about other tools such as computerized legal research or internet searches.20 As GAI tools continue to develop and become more widely available, it is conceivable that lawyers will eventually have to use them to competently complete certain tasks for clients.21 But even in the absence of an expectation for lawyers to use GAI tools as a matter of course,22 lawyers should become aware of the GAI tools relevant to their work so that they can make an informed decision, as a matter of professional judgment, whether to avail themselves of these tools or to conduct their work by other means.23 As previously noted regarding the possibility of outsourcing certain work, “[t]here is no unique blueprint for the provision of competent legal services. Different lawyers may perform the same tasks through different means, all with the necessary ‘legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness and preparation.’”24 Ultimately, any informed decision about whether to employ a GAI tool must consider the client’s interests and objectives.25




A lawyer using GAI must be cognizant of the duty under Model Rule1.6 to keep confidential all information relating to the representation of a client, regardless of its source, unless the client gives informed consent, disclosure is impliedly authorized to carry out the representation, or disclosure is permitted by an exception.26 Model Rules1.9(c) and1.18(b) require lawyers to extend similar protections to former and prospective clients’ information. Lawyers also must make “reasonable efforts to prevent the inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of, or unauthorized access to, information relating to the representation of the client.”27


Self-learning GAI tools into which lawyers input information relating to the representation, by their very nature, raise the risk that information relating to one client’s representation may be disclosed improperly, even if the tool is used exclusively by lawyers at the same firm. This can occur when information relating to one client’s representation is input into the tool, then later revealed in response to prompts by lawyers working on other matters, who then share that output with other clients, file it with the court, or otherwise disclose it. 


In other words, the self-learning GAI tool may disclose information relating to the representation to persons outside the firm who are using the same GAI tool. Similarly, it may disclose information relating to the representation to persons in the firm (1) who either are prohibited from access to said information because of an ethical wall or (2) who could inadvertently use the information from one client to help another client, not understanding that the lawyer is revealing client confidences.


Accordingly, because many of today’s self-learning GAI tools are designed so that their output could lead directly or indirectly to the disclosure of information relating to the representation of a client, a client’s informed consent is required prior to inputting information relating to the representation into such a GAI tool.


When consent is required, it must be informed. For the consent to be informed, the client must have the lawyer’s best judgment about why the GAI tool is being used, the extent of and specific information about the risk, including particulars about the kinds of client information that will be disclosed, the ways in which others might use the information against the client’s interests, and a clear explanation of the GAI tool’s benefits to the representation.


Part of informed consent requires the lawyer to explain the extent of the risk that later users or beneficiaries of the GAI tool will have access to information relating to the representation. To obtain informed consent when using a GAI tool, merely adding general, boiler-plate provisions to engagement letters purporting to authorize the lawyer to use GAI is not sufficient.


Because of the uncertainty surrounding GAI tools’ ability to protect such information and the uncertainty about what happens to information both at input and output, it will be difficult to evaluate the risk that information relating to the representation will either be disclosed to or accessed by others inside the firm to whom it should not be disclosed as well as others outside the firm.


“专注 AIGC 法律应用领域的专业社区,关注OpenAI等大语言模型商业化应用落地,聚焦法律AI的市场研究,帮助法律工作者拥抱AI,成为AI时代的弄潮儿,欢迎关注!”

As a baseline, all lawyers should read and understand the Terms of Use, privacy policy, and related contractual terms and policies of any GAI tool they use to learn who has access to the information that the lawyer inputs into the tool or consult with a colleague or external expert who has read and analyzed those terms and policies.


Lawyers may need to consult with IT professionals or cyber security experts to fully understand these terms and policies as well as the manner in which GAI tools utilize information.


Today, there are uses of self-learning GAI tools in connection with a legal representation when client informed consent is not required because the lawyer will not be inputting information relating to the representation. As an example, if a lawyer is using the tool for idea generation in a manner that does not require inputting information relating to the representation, client informed consent would not be necessary.


C. Communication

C. 沟通

Where Model Rule1.6 does not require disclosure and informed consent, the lawyer must separately consider whether other Model Rules, particularly Model Rule1.4, require disclosing the use of a GAI tool in the representation.


Model Rule1.4, which addresses lawyers’ duty to communicate with their clients, builds on lawyers’ legal obligations as fiduciaries, which include “the duty of an attorney to advise the client promptly whenever he has any information to give which it is important the client should receive.”


Of particular relevance, Model Rule1.4(a)(2) states that a lawyer shall “reasonably consult with the client about the means by which the client’s objectives are to be accomplished.” Additionally, Model Rule1.4(b) obligates lawyers to explain matters “to the extent reasonably necessary to permit a client to make an informed decision regarding the representation.”


Comment [5] to Rule1.4 explains, “the lawyer should fulfill reasonable client expectations for information consistent with the duty to act in the client’s best interests, and the client’s overall requirements as to the character of representation.” Considering these underlying principles, questions arise regarding whether and when lawyers might be required to disclose their use of GAI tools to clients pursuant to Rule1.4.


The facts of each case will determine whether Model Rule1.4 requires lawyers to disclose their GAI practices to clients or obtain their informed consent to use a particular GAI tool. Depending on the circumstances, client disclosure may be unnecessary.


Of course, lawyers must disclose their GAI practices if asked by a client how they conducted their work, or whether GAI technologies were employed in doing so, or if the client expressly requires disclosure under the terms of the engagement agreement or the client’s outside counsel guidelines.


There are also situations where Model Rule1.4 requires lawyers to discuss their use of GAI tools unprompted by the client. For example, as discussed in the previous section, clients would need to be informed in advance, and to give informed consent, if the lawyer proposes to input information relating to the representation into the GAI tool.


Lawyers must also consult clients when the use of a GAI tool is relevant to the basis or reasonableness of a lawyer’s fee.


Client consultation about the use of a GAI tool is also necessary when its output will influence a significant decision in the representation, such as when a lawyer relies on GAI technology to evaluate potential litigation outcomes or jury selection.


A client would reasonably want to know whether, in providing advice or making important decisions about how to carry out the representation, the lawyer is exercising independent judgment or, in the alternative, is deferring to the output of a GAI tool.


Or there may be situations where a client retains a lawyer based on the lawyer’s particular skill and judgment, when the use of a GAI tool, without the client’s knowledge, would violate the terms of the engagement agreement or the client’s reasonable expectations regarding how the lawyer intends to accomplish the objectives of the representation.


It is not possible to catalogue every situation in which lawyers must inform clients about their use of GAI. Again, lawyers should consider whether the specific circumstances warrant client consultation about the use of a GAI tool, including the client’s needs and expectations, the scope of the representation, and the sensitivity of the information involved.


Potentially relevant considerations include the GAI tool’s importance to a particular task, the significance of that task to the overall representation, how the GAI tool will process the client’s information, and the extent to which knowledge of the lawyer’s use of the GAI tool would affect the client’s evaluation of or confidence in the lawyer’s work.


Even when Rule1.6 does not require informed consent and Rule1.4 does not require a disclosure regarding the use of GAI, lawyers may tell clients how they employ GAI tools to assist in the delivery of legal services. Explaining this may serve the interest of effective client communication. The engagement agreement is a logical place to make such disclosures and to identify any client instructions on the use of GAI in the representation.


D. Meritorious Claims and Contentions and Candor Toward the Tribunal

D. 有根据的主张和内容以及对法庭的坦诚

Lawyers using GAI in litigation have ethical responsibilities to the courts as well as to clients. Model Rules3.1,3.3, and8.4(c) may be implicated by certain uses. Rule3.1 states, in part, that “[a] lawyer shall not bring or defend a proceeding, or assert or controvert and issue therein, unless there is a basis in law or fact for doing so that is not frivolous.”


Rule3.3 makes it clear that lawyers cannot knowingly make any false statement of law or fact to a tribunal or fail to correct a material false statement of law or fact previously made to a tribunal. Rule8.4(c) provides that a lawyer shall not engage in “conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.” Even an unintentional misstatement to a court can involve a misrepresentation under Rule8.4(c).


Therefore, output from a GAI tool must be carefully reviewed to ensure that the assertions made to the court are not false. Issues that have arisen to date with lawyers’ use of GAI outputs include citations to nonexistent opinions, inaccurate analysis of authority, and use of misleading arguments.


Some courts have responded by requiring lawyers to disclose their use of GAI. As a matter of competence, as previously discussed, lawyers should review for accuracy all GAI outputs. In judicial proceedings, duties to the tribunal likewise require lawyers, before submitting materials to a court, to review these outputs, including analysis and citations to authority, and to correct errors, including misstatements of law and fact, a failure to include controlling legal authority, and misleading arguments.


E. Supervisory Responsibilities


Model Rules5.1 and5.3 address the ethical duties of lawyers charged with managerial and supervisory responsibilities and set forth those lawyers’ responsibilities with regard to the firm, subordinate lawyers, and nonlawyers. Managerial lawyers must create effective measures to ensure that all lawyers in the firm conform to the rules of professional conduct, and supervisory lawyers must supervise subordinate lawyers and nonlawyer assistants to ensure that subordinate lawyers and nonlawyer assistants conform to the rules.


These responsibilities have implications for the use of GAI tools by lawyers and nonlawyers. Managerial lawyers must establish clear policies regarding the law firm’s permissible use of GAI, and supervisory lawyers must make reasonable efforts to ensure that the firm’s lawyers and nonlawyers comply with their professional obligations when using GAI tools.


Supervisory obligations also include ensuring that subordinate lawyers and nonlawyers are trained, including in the ethical and practical use of the GAI tools relevant to their work as well as on risks associated with relevant GAI use. Training could include the basics of GAI technology, the capabilities and limitations of the tools, ethical issues in use of GAI and best practices for secure data handling, privacy, and confidentiality.


Lawyers have additional supervisory obligations insofar as they rely on others outside the law firm to employ GAI tools in connection with the legal representation. Model Rule5.3(b) imposes a duty on lawyers with direct supervisory authority over a nonlawyer to make “reasonable efforts to ensure that” the nonlawyer’s conduct conforms with the professional obligations of the lawyer. Earlier opinions recognize that when outsourcing legal and nonlegal services to third-party providers, lawyers must ensure, for example, that the third party will do the work capably and protect the confidentiality of information relating to the representation. These opinions note the importance of: reference checks and vendor credentials; understanding vendor’s security policies and protocols; familiarity with vendor’s hiring practices; using confidentiality agreements; understanding the vendor’s conflicts check system to screen for adversity among firm clients; and the availability and accessibility of a legal forum for legal relief for violations of the vendor agreement. These concepts also apply to GAI providers and tools.


Earlier opinions regarding technological innovations and other innovations in legal practice are instructive when considering a lawyer’s use of a GAI tool that requires the disclosure and storage of information relating to the representation. In particular, opinions developed to address cloud computing and outsourcing of legal and nonlegal services suggest that lawyers should:

• ensure that the [GAI tool] is configured to preserve the confidentiality and security of information, that the obligation is enforceable, and that the lawyer will be notified in the event of a breach or service of process regarding production of client information;

• investigate the [GAI tool’s] reliability, security measures, and policies, including limitations on the [the tool’s] liability;

• determine whether the [GAI tool] retains information submitted by the lawyer before and after the discontinuation of services or asserts proprietary rights to the information; and

• understand the risk that [GAI tool servers] are subject to their own failures and may be an attractive target of cyber-attacks.


• 确保[GAI工具]配置为保密和安全信息,该义务是可执行的,并且在发生客户信息生产的违规或服务过程时律师将被通知;

• 调查[GAI工具]的可靠性、安全措施和政策,包括[工具]责任的限制;

• 确定[GAI工具]在服务中止前后是否保留律师提交的信息或声称对信息拥有专有权;以及


Model Rule1.5, which governs lawyers’ fees and expenses, applies to representations in which a lawyer charges the client for the use of GAI. Rule1.5(a) requires a lawyer’s fees and expenses to be reasonable and includes a non-exclusive list of criteria for evaluating whether a fee or expense is reasonable. Rule1.5(b) requires a lawyer to communicate to a client the basis on which the lawyer will charge for fees and expenses unless the client is a regularly represented client and the terms are not changing. The required information must be communicated before or within a reasonable time of commencing the representation, preferably in writing. Therefore, before charging the client for the use of the GAI tools or services, the lawyer must explain the basis for the charge, preferably in writing.


GAI tools may provide lawyers with a faster and more efficient way to render legal services to their clients, but lawyers who bill clients an hourly rate for time spent on a matter must bill for their actual time. ABA Formal Ethics Opinion93-379 explained, “the lawyer who has agreed to bill on the basis of hours expended does not fulfill her ethical duty if she bills the client for more time than she has actually expended on the client’s behalf.” If a lawyer uses a GAI tool to draft a pleading and expends15 minutes to input the relevant information into the GAI program, the lawyer may charge for the15 minutes as well as for the time the lawyer expends to review the resulting draft for accuracy and completeness. As further explained in Opinion93-379, “If a lawyer has agreed to charge the client on [an hourly] basis and it turns out that the lawyer is particularly efficient in accomplishing a given result, it nonetheless will not be permissible to charge the client for more hours than were actually expended on the matter,” because “[t]he client should only be charged a reasonable fee for the legal services performed.” The “goal should be solely to compensate the lawyer fully for time reasonably expended, an approach that if followed will not take advantage of the client.”

GAI工具可能为律师提供更快速和更高效的方式来向客户提供法律服务,但按小时收费的律师必须按实际时间收费。ABA正式伦理意见93-379解释道,“同意按花费的时间收费的律师,如果向客户收取的时间超过她实际上花费在客户事务上的时间,则未履行其伦理义务。”如果律师使用GAI工具起草诉状,并花费15分钟将相关信息输入GAI程序,律师可以收取15分钟的费用以及律师花费的时间来审查结果草稿的准确性和完整性。正如意见93-379进一步解释的那样,“如果律师同意按[小时]收费,并且事实证明律师在完成给定结果方面特别高效,那么仍然不允许向客户收取超过实际花费在该事务上的时间的费用,”因为“[客户]应只为所提供的法律服务支付合理费用。” “目标应仅仅是充分补偿律师合理花费的时间,这种方法如果遵循,将不会利用客户。”

The factors set forth in Rule1.5(a) also apply when evaluating the reasonableness of charges for GAI tools when the lawyer and client agree on a flat or contingent fee. For example, if using a GAI tool enables a lawyer to complete tasks much more quickly than without the tool, it may be unreasonable under Rule1.5 for the lawyer to charge the same flat fee when using the GAI tool as when not using it. “A fee charged for which little or no work was performed is an unreasonable fee.”


The principles set forth in ABA Formal Opinion93-379 also apply when a lawyer charges GAI work as an expense. Rule1.5(a) requires that disbursements, out-of-pocket expenses, or additional charges be reasonable. Formal Opinion93-379 explained that a lawyer may charge the client for disbursements incurred in providing legal services to the client. For example, a lawyer typically may bill to the client the actual cost incurred in paying a court reporter to transcribe a deposition or the actual cost to travel to an out-of-town hearing. Absent contrary disclosure to the client, the lawyer should not add a surcharge to the actual cost of such expenses and should pass along to the client any discounts the lawyer receives from a third-party provider. At the same time, lawyers may not bill clients for general office overhead expenses including the routine costs of “maintaining a library, securing malpractice insurance, renting of office space, purchasing utilities, and the like.” Formal Opinion93-379 noted, “[i]n the absence of disclosure to a client in advance of the engagement to the contrary,” such overhead should be “subsumed within” the lawyer’s charges for professional services.


In applying the principles set out in ABA Formal Ethics Opinion93-379 to a lawyer’s use of a GAI tool, lawyers should analyze the characteristics and uses of each GAI tool, because the types, uses, and cost of GAI tools and services vary significantly. To the extent a particular tool or service functions similarly to equipping and maintaining a legal practice, a lawyer should consider its cost to be overhead and not charge the client for its cost absent a contrary disclosure to the client in advance. For example, when a lawyer uses a GAI tool embedded in or added to the lawyer’s word processing software to check grammar in documents the lawyer drafts, the cost of the tool should be considered to be overhead. In contrast, when a lawyer uses a third-party provider’s GAI service to review thousands of voluminous contracts for a particular client and the provider charges the lawyer for using the tool on a per-use basis, it would ordinarily be reasonable for the lawyer to bill the client as an expense for the actual out-of-pocket expense incurred for using that tool.


As acknowledged in ABA Formal Opinion93-379, perhaps the most difficult issue is determining how to charge clients for providing in-house services that are not required to be included in general office overhead and for which the lawyer seeks reimbursement. The opinion concluded that lawyers may pass on reasonable charges for “photocopying, computer research, . . . and similar items” rather than absorbing these expenses as part of the lawyers’ overhead as many lawyers would do. For example, a lawyer may agree with the client in advance on the specific rate for photocopying, such as $0.15 per page. Absent an advance agreement, the lawyer “is obliged to charge the client no more than the direct cost associated with the service (i.e., the actual cost of making a copy on the photocopy machine) plus a reasonable allocation of overhead expenses directly associated with the provision of the service (e.g., the salary of the photocopy machine operator).”


These same principles apply when a lawyer uses a proprietary, in-house GAI tool in rendering legal services to a client. A firm may have made a substantial investment in developing a GAI tool that is relatively unique and that enables the firm to perform certain work more quickly or effectively. The firm may agree in advance with the client about the specific rates to be charged for using a GAI tool, just as it would agree in advance on its legal fees. But not all in-house GAI tools are likely to be so special or costly to develop, and the firm may opt not to seek the client’s agreement on expenses for using the technology. Absent an agreement, the firm may charge the client no more than the direct cost associated with the tool (if any) plus a reasonable allocation of expenses directly associated with providing the GAI tool, while providing appropriate disclosures to the client consistent with Formal Opinion93-379. The lawyer must ensure that the amount charged is not duplicative of other charges to this or other clients.


Finally, on the issue of reasonable fees, in addition to the time lawyers spend using various GAI tools and services, lawyers also will expend time to gain knowledge about those tools and services. Rule1.1 recognizes that “[c]ompetent representation requires the legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness and preparation reasonably necessary for the representation.” Comment [8] explains that “[t]o maintain the requisite knowledge and skill [to be competent], a lawyer should keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology, engaging in continuing study and education and comply with all continuing legal education requirements to which the lawyer is subject.” Lawyers must remember that they may not charge clients for time necessitated by their own inexperience. Therefore, a lawyer may not charge a client to learn about how to use a GAI tool or service that the lawyer will regularly use for clients because lawyers must maintain competence in the tools they use, including but not limited to GAI technology. However, if a client explicitly requests that a specific GAI tool be used in furtherance of the matter and the lawyer is not knowledgeable in using that tool, it may be appropriate for the lawyer to bill the client to gain the knowledge to use the tool effectively. Before billing the client, the lawyer and the client should agree upon any new billing practices or billing terms relating to the GAI tool and, preferably, memorialize the new agreement.


III. Conclusion


Lawyers using GAI tools have a duty of competence, including maintaining relevant technological competence, which requires an understanding of the evolving nature of GAI. In using GAI tools, lawyers also have other relevant ethical duties, such as those relating to confidentiality, communication with a client, meritorious claims and contentions, candor toward the tribunal, supervisory responsibilities regarding others in the law office using the technology and those outside the law office providing GAI services, and charging reasonable fees. With the ever-evolving use of technology by lawyers and courts, lawyers must be vigilant in complying with the Rules of Professional Conduct to ensure that lawyers are adhering to their ethical responsibilities and that clients are protected.




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