
9.30-10.7 | The Golden Trip with Wigwam

wigwam 2022-04-13

海报 by:YAYING

The Golden Trip with Wigwam

Millions of years ago, the world was torn apart from one continent, Pangaea, into seven spectacular continents, each with its own distinctive flora and fauna, human civilization.

亚洲、欧洲、非洲、大洋洲、北美洲、南美洲、南极洲,另加有着常年冰封冰层的北极,组成了这个蓝色星球上的八个世界,国庆八天,DJ 们将用音乐展现这八个各具特色的美丽世界。
Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, North America, South America, Antarctica, plus the ice-bound arctic, makeing‍ up eight worlds on the blue planet, and DJs will be playing music to present all eight of them in eight days.



北京地下电子音乐地标ECHO INC.唱片店的老板Kai.F, 是当下中国电子音乐场景中为数不多的真正的唱片骑师。从眼下浩如烟海的唱片出产中,Kai.F始终保有其对电子音乐本真的追求,精致细腻地整合出自己的黑胶收藏。植根于对唱片历史和厂牌的丰厚知识与理解,Kai.F发展出自己的DJ风格,独树一帜的选曲与编排在持久绵延的minimal groove浓厚底色中,潜伏着dub techno的稳健暗涌,不时浮现soulful house的温热色彩,为听众带来的旅程跨越一时一地的精神体验,友好而绵延。

Kai.F, owner of Beijing underground electronic music record store ECHO INC., is one of the few true record jockeys in China's current electronic music scene. From the current vast sea of record production, Kai.F has always maintained its pursuit of electronic music true, exquisite integration of their own vinyl collection. Rooted in the rich knowledge and understanding of music history and the labels, Kai. F developed their own DJ style, unique selections and choreography in persistent stretches of minimal groove deep impression, lurking dub the techno robust swells, from time to time emerge the  warm colors of soulful house, bring to the audience the spiritual experience of journey across time and space.

“强有力的 FAT BASS 与不容忽视的现场主宰能力”
“中国电子音乐 MASTER 级别的人物”

"Powerful FAT BASS and undeniable dancefloor dominance"
"MASTER Figure of Electronic Music in China"
"A Living fossil witnessing the Development of Electronic Music in China"

wen liang原名杨文亮,出生在中国东北吉林,作曲家影视音乐制作人 音乐编辑,个人风格例求自由创作的探求理念 作品曾得到张亚东,陈伟伦等知名音乐制作人的认可,与南非诗人Lethokuhle Msimang 合作音乐项目,曾在中国与南非建交20周年钓鱼台国宾馆晚宴表演;第四届中欧国际文学节闭幕BGM,参与过摩登天空氛围厂牌sound blanc清醒梦现场,近年来为视觉及电影等配乐,在艺术空间 美术馆 俱乐部等地方表达内容,自己是莫须有工舍的成员之一。

Born in Jilin, North-East of China, he is a young composer, music producer and music editor, engaged in film and television music production and editing. His personal style is built upon the concept of free exploration. His works got approval by Zhang Yadong, Chen Weilun and other well-known music producers. He has been working in the field of visual design and film scoring, performing in varied places  including art spaces, museums, clubs, etc.


A classifier for noises. Field recording, electro-acoustic composition, improvisation and composition with object/body, performance/experiment from sense of hearing


Petr-ichor 厂牌主、ShadowPlay 联合创始人。以对地下电子音乐场景的博识理解、敏锐细腻的文化嗅觉,多次策划令人难忘的电子音乐活动现场。作为 DJ 从幕后到台前,选曲广泛多样,综合稳健,趣味卓越。

With a profound understanding of the underground electronic music scene,  Mengmeng has been planning impressive and unique electronic music activities of ShadowPlay for many years. As a DJ from behind the scenes to the stage, she plays a selection of styles. From Ambient to balanced minimal music with a futuristic Electro twist that's locked with the enduring sense of Techno.

招待所驻场DJ,音乐厂牌DCYY/到此一游的创始人之一,英国DIY音乐场景的忠实拥护者,Slowcook可以随时随地在舞池施展她的魔力。在利兹学习期间,Slowcook深入接触到黑胶收藏及DJ行业并深受英国地下派对和马拉松式after party影响。作为当地重要非盈利派对组织Brudenell Groove的核心成员之一,这位选曲及风格极具想象力的DJ很快便在利兹小有名气。随后,Slowcook创立了平权DJ组织Equaliser,旨在促进当下由男性主导的跳舞文化中的性别平等,在创立两年内引起多方关注,广受好评。


stalwart of the thriving UK DIY scene and a resident of prime Beijing underground club Zhaodai, Slowcook needs little time to cast her spell. Thrown into a world of obsessive record collecting and marathon after parties whilst studying in Leeds, the imaginative selector made a name for herself as a central member of non-profit party collective Brudenell Groove before founding the explosive Equaliser community that has taken aim at male-dominated dancefloors. Digging deeper and casting a wider net than even the most voracious collectors, her penchant for the strange doesn’t acknowledge trends so much as redefine them. Whether dropping writhing acid lines, 2-step riddims or the most immersive jazz, her approach remains unchanged: stimulus for the brain, power for the feet.


Forged from the isolated, windswept hills of Aotearoa, melded by the breakneck BPM of modern China, Kaishandao (Mandarin for ‘machete’) is a Chengdu-based guitarist and hardware producer who creates a hard-hitting sound of complex origins and eccentric imperfections that chops a lost and found heritage into a playful mash-up of delirious dance music. Inspired by the DIY spirit and party stamina of Chengdu’s multiplex underground, Kaishandao creates a chapter of anti-utopia electronic music within her lost-and-found cultural identity.

忘掉 人 
是一只搬家的蚂蚁 是一颗蠕动的水母 是同个漩涡里的一条金枪鱼  

This is a Chinese poem, please follow your first feeling.

WhiTe 小白 来自深圳的DJ
擅长四四拍音乐 温暖细腻的合成器之声
曾活跃于深圳Vinyl House,北京wigwam

WhiTe, based in Beijing, from Shenzhen. Influenced by jazz, ambient, techno, house, experimental music, etc, WhiTe, is good at playing 4/4 and gentle exquisite synthesizer music. 

拥有多年的电子舞曲音乐聆听经验,曾作为电子派对现场报 道记者、活动策划参与到北京电子乐场景中,2013年进入DJ行业, 热衷Disco、House音乐。2014年加入北京电子乐与艺术影像结合的派对厂牌Shadowplay,同时与好友共同策划在多个派对,并一直活跃于京城本地人气俱乐部。

As a Electronica music and party report journalist for years, events host in Beijing, Darcy turned into DJ in 2013 to creat a versatile mood to the scene. She tends to bring melodic Disco and gentle House to the crowd. Darcy joins the artsy party label Shadowplay in 2014,to drop her subtle glamour with other innovative DJs in the arena. She is a representative power of Beijing's underground scense,

Aida 在俄罗斯乌法长大,经常参加 techno, house or drum’n’bass 类派对。2009 年她在北京定居,常去灯笼的她在那里对电子音乐有了更深的了解,于是她和一群密友开始了 DJing。很快,Aida 开始在诸如灯笼和 Haze 之类的俱乐部中放歌,并收到了各种活动的邀请,其中最著名的是 INTRO 音乐节。

Aida Minibaeva had been in night clubs for as long as she can remember. Growing up in Ufa, Russia, Aida would frequently visit techno, house or drum’n’bass parties. Her journey into sound continues in Beijing, where she settled in 2009. Becoming a regular party goer in Lantern Club had drawn Aida deeper into electronic music, so she began DJing with a group of close friends. Soon enough, Aida’s engagement became greater and she was spinning in underground hangouts such as Lantern and Haze, and received invitations for various events, most notably INTRO Festival. 

DJ,从事当代艺术创作。2013年起,与北京著名电子音乐厂牌ShadowPlay的密切合作,将多年的视觉、听觉经验结合地下电子音乐场景进行音乐创作。擅长的音乐类型跨越Ambient、Minimal、Techno、Deep、Dub、Hypnotic、Psychedelic、Experimental。偏爱冷静严肃的音乐,探索实验电子音乐与舞曲的创造性结合,关注音乐表达的深层的自我反思与自身体验,从而追寻有限时间线中,心灵与身体的无限自由。目前主持Techno音乐的活动厂牌“隧道 - Tunnel”,招待所(Zhao Dai)常驻DJ,同时运营活动厂牌“海市蜃楼 Eerawai”。

DJ/contemporary artist. Based in Beijing. Since 2013, he has worked closely with ShadowPlay, a famous electronic music label in Beijing, to produce music with his years of visual and auditory experience in the context of underground electronic music scene. Music genre ranging from Techno, Deep hypnotic, Psychedelic, Minimal, Ambient, to Experimental. He prefers calm and serious music, explores the creative combination of experimental electronic music and dance music, pays attention to the deep self-reflection and self-experience of music expression, and pursues the infinite freedom of mind and body in the limited timeline.

Currently, he runs Techno music event label "隧道-Tunnel", as well as cooperating with DJ Zhiqi to operate "海市蜃楼 Eerawai", Resident DJ at Zhao Dai.


A handsome chimpanzee.


X.X was born and raised in Chongqing. He thinks that the basis of music should be frequencies and waves, and electronic music is the genre of music that approaches the that very basis. He likes to use mechanical but organic electronic sound to tell narratives, and convey emotions, and he also likes to explore the limitations of the genre. He values the purist nature of electronic music, but he also focuses on the groove and the textures.

DTD成员,cicipark、EchoBay 俱乐部联合创始⼈Sunyoung,致⼒于传播锐舞⽂化推动地下舞曲发展来表达 peace & love 的理念。多年的⾳乐累积和派对组织让他对电⼦舞曲具有独特的理解与品味~ 热爱 Minimal Deep House 融合Soulful 以及Jazz music,热衷于即兴构建与抽象化的表达,拥有独特的故事性混⾳⻛格以及想象⼒。这也形成了Sunyoung 的思维构架以及⾳乐创作的主要⽅向。并在2018年创建独立⾳乐⼚牌:cAcTi Music,与伙伴们⼀起尝试着更多的⾳乐探索与可能性!

Sunyoung is the crew member of DTD group, founder of the CICIPARK, EchoBay and the soul of Chongqing’s underground Dance development.With his unique taste and main genres being soulful & Jazz music with Minimal Deep House. You could feel his passion for improvisation and abstract expression, the unique mixing style and imagination. And this also forms Sunyoung's main direction of music productions ! In 2018, his independent music label: cAcTi Music was born, try to explore more music and possibilities with his partners!


It’s holiday! Have Fun!


Borned in Chengdu, Rui is a member of 33 STUDIO. Her OCD towards music makes her attidude extrem critical.  Her music style never limited to a certain label. She wants her audiences feel her uniqueness through her music.  TECHNO, HOUSE, INDIEDANCE,DISCO, CHILL... Each style has its true color. She wants to communicate with the audience through music and dance without talking.


777 是超级市场乐队成员田鹏的个人个人声音探索系列的一部分,诞生于2016年末,从那时起开始关注舞池环境的特殊态度,至今发表三张专辑;曾受歌德学院邀请,参加了歌德学院三十周年庆典演出;单曲作品也收录在了大福出品的《合成中国》的合辑里。

Tian Peng aka 777 is a guitarist, songwriter, and producer from Beijing. He’s best known for his band Supermarket, widely lauded as the first rock band in China to pursue a distinctly electronic sound. Supermarket cemented their status as pioneers following the release of their 1998 debut Mu Yang, an early smash hit for the now-global Chinese music brand Modern Sky. Supermarket has won numerous industry awards and critical plaudits over the following two decades, and are regular headliners at music festivals across China to this day, but Tian Peng has also pursued his craft outside of the band, including an electro-pop collaboration with vocalist Long Kuan. Most recently, he’s renewed his status on the underground level with a dynamic solo career as an electronic music producer under the name 777. His latest release with this project was a submission to a groundbreaking new compilation of experimental electronic music, Synthetic China Vol. 1, released by Beijing’s D Force Records.

To make you cum and cry.





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