
写作 | 英语写作高分范文60篇:43 - 经验还是书本知识?(附音频可背诵)

蔡雷英语 2020-11-17





It has been said that "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Some people think that experience teaches more than books. In your opinion, which is more important-experience or books?

写作范文:The Importance of Experience

Should experience be credited with more importance than books as some people claim? Or do books still play a pivotal role in the learning process? Given my personal experience, I agree with the former.

Admittedly, students can learn all the necessary principles or theorems through textbooks. And a high-quality book should contain the essence of a certain subject, The importance of books is corroborated by the fact that almost all learning institutions employ textbooks to disseminate knowledge. Nonetheless, one should not belittle the significance of hands-on experience. In some circumstances, experience may count more than books and this trend is gradually gaining ascendancy. It makes sense that employers expect their prospective staff a to acquire some experience so that they do not have to learn from scratch. In addition, it is true to assert that there are a myriad of things which cannot be learned simply by reading a book, The underpinning goal of any education is to impart knowledge and to cultivate the ability to apply the knowledge to a real-life situation. Principles learned from books amount to almost nothing if students cannot use them to solve problems they encounter in their jobs. Finally, it is undeniable that books are a useful device in terms of conveying knowledge; however, the importance of experience should not be underrated either.

On balance, I believe that books and experience actually complement each other: knowledge learn.ed through books will be effectively reinforced by the accumulation of experience. (243 words)


1.I believe that the initial stage of learning consists mainly of learning from books.

2.Gaining relevant experience constitutes the second phase of learning in which students apply principles written in books to reality.

3.Studying from books is analogous to laying down a solid foundation before building a house.

4.One should not be constrained by the limits of books.

5.Books are certainly not the only means by which one can obtain knowledge.


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