
微外教-46 | -ed结尾该如何发音?

蔡雷英语 2020-11-17

"Past" or "passed"? These two words sound the same! In this quick lesson, you will hear how words ending in -ed sound. This will help get rid of pronunciation confusion with similar sounding words.

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Hi again, I'm Adam. Welcome back to www.engvid.com. Today's lesson is pronunciation again. We want to look at the way words that end in "ed" sound. Okay? A lot of the people ask me how do different words sound because sometimes they can't understand the "ed" ending; they don't hear it. Okay? That is because "ed" ending words end in three different sounds: the "d", "de"; the "t", "te"; the "id", "id". Okay?

Now, how do you know when to use which? It all basically works on the last sound before the "ed". If you go through the whole alphabet, you can put every word into one of these categories.Let's start with a short one: "id". When a word ends in "t" and you want to add the "ed" to it or when a word ends in "d" and you want to add an "ed" ending to it, it's always going to sound like "id", "tid", "did", "wanted", "founded". Why? Because "t" and "d" are too close to that last sound of "d", so we need an extra little sound, an extra little syllable almost to separate the two sounds. "Wanted", "founded", "found", "founded". Okay? So those are those two.Next, we'll go to the "t" sound. When a... The last letter, when a word ends in a "s" sound, the last letter is an "s" or an "x" in this case, then this... The "d" sounds like a "t". Again, hard to switch the tongue in time to get the "d" sound, we get the "t": "fixed", "kicked', "dropped", "sniffed". Okay? "Fixed", "kicked", "dropped", "sniffed". "s", "k", "p", "f" ending sounds go with a "t" ending for the "ed".Most of the other sounds come into the "d" sound. "Managed", "fired", "halved", "jogged", "filled", "doomed", "fined". "j" or "g", soft "g", "r", "v", "g" - oh, that's the hard "g", that's a soft "g" - "l", "m", "n". All of these words that end... Words that end in these sounds, add the "ed", sounds like a "d". "Managed", "fired", "halved", "jogged", "filled", "doomed", "fined".Let's go over the whole list again. "Managed", "fixed", "wanted", "founded", "kicked", "fired", "halved", "dropped", "sniffed", "jogged", "filled", "doomed", "fined". Okay?That's all there is to it. Practice these. Any word that you get that you... That has an "ed" ending, you're not sure how to pronounce it: which category is it in? What is the last letter or the last sound before the "ed"? Find out which category it's in, that's your ending sound. Okay?

If you have any questions, please go to www.engvid.com. We have a comment section, you can ask any question you like; I'll be happy to answer them. See you again.

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