
原版图书 | Eight Steps to Classroom Management Success [ 完整书名见正文 ]

2017-04-13 蔡雷英语


每期推送 1 本英语原版教科研图书供各位英语教师、英语专业本硕博同学阅读和研究使用!感谢关注,欢迎转发!仅供学术交流,严禁商业传播。



A step-by-step approach to managing your challenging students!

An effective classroom management plan will help teachers engage most of their students, but every classroom has one or two students with more challenging behavioural issues that often require a significant amount of an educator's time. This jargon-free, easy-to-read book guides teachers through the process of helping these students become positive, contributing learners.

Based on sound psychological principles and more than 10 years of empirical evidence, this resource provides general and special education teachers with an eight-step plan for responding to challenging behaviours, including:

  • - Giving simple instructions

  • - Using appropriate warnings

  • - Handling tantrums

  • - Creating behavioural contracts

  • - Managing transitions

  • - Preventing disruptions

  • - Improving behaviour outside the classroom

  • - Developing effective homework routines

Filled with suggestions for adapting each of the steps and practical examples that illustrate potential problems that may arise during the interventions, 8 Steps to Classroom Management Successoffers a coherent system for creating a positive learning environment for all students.


下载提醒:本次精选推送 原版图书 | Eight Steps to Classroom Management Success A Guide for Teachers of Challenging Students,为国外相关研究领域近年难得的理论介绍书籍,希望这次推送的书籍能给大家的学习、教学和研究工作带去便利。

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