

Poster by shuangshuang

今年夏天,开山刀开启了她的专辑 —– 《Homeland》,在中国20个城市的发行巡演。 


作为狂热七月的收尾, HTTP x 开山刀将在电梯给高能的地下室再加一把火,在深圳,北戴河,厦门,福州,温州,义乌,青岛,济南,西安,北京,呼和浩特,锡林浩特,武汉,长沙之后,为上海的听众带来带来家园巡演的收官一站。

This summer, Kaishandao embarked on her Homeland album release tour of 20 cities across China. With support from beloved friends, artists, and venues, Homeland 2021 is the apex of Kaishandao’s years of work as a musician and organizer - ecstatic musical evolution through slog, sweat, and soundsystems, with a little madness to boot.

Finishing off feverish July HTTP x Kaishandao are adding fire with fire at Elevator July. 31 with one of the finale performances of the tour.

《家园》是常驻成都的制作人 Kaishandao(又名 Kristen Ng)发行的首张 EP,六首曲目探讨了我们称之为家的地方、空间和人们。

点击 Homeland 专辑封面看更多专辑信息

在一个充斥着反思与无常的时期,唱片的雏形出现在成都( Kaishandao 的第二家园)一间卧室的即兴演奏中。


2020年春天,国内的俱乐部和厂牌夜进入解封后的复兴期时,这些曲目在与本地 DJ 和音乐人的多个周末共演中被重新加工和完善,在舞池中不断进化,又在零散的深夜修补和录音后最终就位。

融合了低保真 electronica、minimal、techno、RnB、house 和 garage 的元素,《家园》的错位叙事由微型的节奏进攻、失真的残余音频与怀愁的叠录吉他构成;还有被提炼的零碎记忆——高中时代的音乐榜首遇到被过滤的碎拍,一盒来自惠灵顿医院的治疗磁带通过鼓机传出声来,重叠的时间线在一簇缓缓燃烧的火堆周围汇聚。

在新西兰一座孤立而迎风的山边出生长大,又在当代中国的音乐节奏中快速融合,开山刀找回失落的文化背景,创造出一系列有着复杂起源的高辨识度声响和古怪的不完美之音。受到摇滚乐,碧昂丝和保利中心低音炮的影响,开山刀的棱角分明的鼓点在 minimal,techno 和后朋克的边缘试探着;一些四处收集的卡带音频共同组成了这个无法定义的叙事片段。

开山刀是 1990.12.12出生于新西兰惠灵顿,祖籍广东台山的Kristen Ng。从学生博主,转为 livehouse 策划 ,转为俱乐部常驻霸王,她自2013 年以来一直活在中国梦中。由鼓机、样本、吉他和 FX 驱动,挑战minimal,techno ,lo-fi house和后朋克的边界,为听众重新定义一个由不同影响,文化和经历打造的音乐背景。


她是 Kiwese(多媒体厂牌/DIY巡演) 的发起者,cdcr.live(在线电台/离线啤酒)的联合创始人,也是 SYNC、Blah Blah、Faux Club、XII、Subterranea...的策展人。

NU SPACE 的前活动经理。HTTP的老朋友。她的作品曾在 Siamese Twins 和 Crater Records 发行, Boiler Room 和 NTS Radio 也有她的演出收录, BBC World、Resident Advisor、Mixmag 和 Under the Radar 也有关于她的报道。她是具有前瞻性思维的场所和社群的合作者,包括Morning早上好、Steam Hostel、.TAG、13Lounge、Another Language 等等。

太阳射手 + 上升摩羯 = 派对工作两不误;)

Kaishandao is Kristen Ng. Born 1990.12.12 in Wellington, New Zealand, roots in Taishan, Guangdong. Student blogger-turned-livehouse booker-turned-resident club rascal, living the 中国梦 since 2013. Driven by drum machines, samples, guitar and FX, teasing the borders of minimal, techno, lo-fi house and post-punk, re-contextualizing a background of divergent influences and experiences for the open-minded listener.

Creator of Kiwese (multimedia musings / DIY tours). Co-founder of cdcr.live (online radio station / offline beers). Curator of SYNC, Blah Blah, Faux Club, XII, Subterranea... Released by Siamese Twins and Crater Records. 

Former events manager at NU SPACE. Regular at HTTP. Featured on Boiler Room and NTS Radio, covered by BBC World, Resident Advisor, Mixmag and Under the Radar. Collaborator with forward-thinking venues and collectives including Morning早上好, Steam Hostel, .TAG, 13Lounge, 另一种语言Another Language, and more.

Sagittarius, Capricorn rising = Party Hard, Get Shit Done ;)

Kaishandao Homeland Tour 2021

5.22 周六 深圳 OIL
5.29 周六 阿那亚 招待会
6.18 厦门 ATP
6.19 福州 瀑布
6.25 温州 地下超市
6.26 义乌 隔壁
7.02 青岛 Soup
7.03 济南 Key
7.09 西安 未来
7.10 北京 wigwam
7.16 呼和浩特 方块儿
7.17 锡林浩特 好家伙
7.23 武汉 404club
7.24 长沙 CAVE42
7.30 杭州 Loopy

7.31 上海 Elevator

8.06 重庆 坚果
8.07 成都 .TAG

 - HTTP -

HTTP. ——可以拆解为Half Transgender Tomboy P“婆”。是国内目前主打女性酷儿群体的派对厂牌,但是当然,不论你的性取向在彩虹光谱的哪个位置,都欢迎你来。他们注重视觉和音乐的前瞻性,也注重每一场嘉宾的质量,他们的视野不只拘泥于多元化,而是在此之上将国内派对场景中最尖端的人才推介出来。

HTTP. ——Can be disassembled as Half Transgender Tomboy P "Mother". It is currently the main domestic party label for female-identifying queer groups, but of course, no matter where your sexual orientation is in the rainbow spectrum, you are welcome to come. They pay attention to the foresight of vision and music and also pay attention to the quality of each guest. Their vision is not only limited to diversification, but on top of this, they promote the most cutting-edge talents in the domestic party scene.




Venus Flytrap

Venus Flytrap投喂舞池就跟她投喂家里的venus flytraps(捕蝇草)一样,及时、适量、蛋白质充足。她相信每种流派存在的价值,digging的一大乐趣就是在某种特别讨厌的流派里意外找到特别喜欢的音乐。为舞池服务时,Venus Flytrap不爱规矩的4/4拍,更喜欢以Electro、Breakbeat和Leftfield Techno为基底,在不断变化的鼓点之上,撒上Acid、Trance和人声元素。

Venus Flytrap feeds the dance floor like she feeds her venus flytraps - timely, not too much, with extra protein. One of her greatest pleasures when digging is to find a song she loves in a genre she hates - Venus Flytrap believes there's a time and a place for any type of music. Often finding herself bored of 4/4 structure on the dance floor, she prefers building a set with ever-evolving percussions from Electro, Breakbeat and Leftfield Techno, adding elements of Acid, Trance and vocals throughout.




OFFSKII是酷儿聚会HTTP的组织者之一. HTTP是一个致力于为女性身份的创作者赋能的酷儿聚会。

Scotland in the 90s was embracing rave like a lost lover and she was ankles-deep (literally, in a field of mud, dancing to hardcore). 00’s came and OFFSKII went into hibernation from rave and found sanctuary with gay club culture.

Mixing these two elements sums up an OFFSKII set. A Queer raver, unable to separate these two parts, but neither too much of any to be completely one thing at all.

OFFSKII is one of the organizors of queer party HTTP. HTTP is a queer party dedicated to the empowerment of female identifying creators.


Slime Green 

'Homeland' Cassettes

w/ Double Panel J-Card + Digital Download

Designed by Kiwese

Limited Edition of 100

Available on Tour


80RMB Each


