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Elevator上海 2022-04-13


Laughing Ears 是⼀位现居上海的DJ和电⼦⾳乐制作⼈。在Ran Music 发⾏的个⼈⾸张12⼨⿊胶Tidal Effects》后,2020年以两张EP Metamorphosis和Blue Dusk开启了她新的声⾳版图, 分别由Decisions(墨尔本)和Chinabot(伦敦)⼚牌发⾏。不同于Metamorphosis碎⽚化的氛围合成纤维⼩⼼包裹着⿊暗节拍,Blue Dusk带着脉冲节奏,蜂鸣⻉斯和锋利的迷幻⾳⾊从舞池到未知领空,但始终不变的是⿊暗,融合与神秘。

2021年初在Infinite Machine(墨⻄哥)刚刚发⾏新专辑《Blood》内含10⾸受北欧神话启发的超现实俱乐部⾳乐。“这是她有史以来最激烈且最俱乐部的作品,但是⼜带着⼀丝克制。” Laughing Ears ⽤她超凡的⾳⾊设计呈现⼀个世界尽头感的史诗。最近她刚在Hemlock发⾏了新EP《Losing Track》。

Laughing Ears is an electronic music artist who currently lives in Shanghai. After her debut 12" Vinyl album “Tidal Effects” on Ran Music and EP “Shame” on Functionlab, Last year two releases with international labels Decisions (Melbourne) and Chinabot (London) showcasing the shape-shifting artist’s range and command of atmosphere. While Metamorphosis is driven by ‘fragmented ambient synths carefully woven together with dark footwork-inspired beats’, the subsequent Blue Dusk finds the artist kicking things into higher gear, riding pulsing percussion and buzzing bass with razor-sharp psychedelic sound design, creating a sound that may have been born on the dance floor but has veered superbly off-course into ‘uncharted territories’, which unchanged is the Dark, Hybrid and Cult-feel mystery.

Laughing Ears kicks off 2021 with new album <Blood> via club music vanguards Infinite Machine. Blood consists of 10 tracks that highlight Laughing Ears’s knack for building otherworldly atmospherics within club-ready, dance music structures. Her newly released Losing Track EP on Hemlock Recordings explains Laughing Ears’ ambitious and unselfconscious creativity.


很少有 DJ 能像 Knopha 一样在广泛的音乐品类中穿梭畅游。听起来像陈词滥调,但他就是既能自如地用碎拍 Techno 击破仓库派对,又同时传递柔和惬意的空灵音乐。

凭借这种多功能性(意味着抗打的技术能力和发现不同风格刁钻音乐的怪异胃口),Knopha 在中国地下舞曲音乐场景中赢得了一席之地。他是以一种典型的偷偷摸摸的方式做到的——头几年的演出稀疏不定期,间隔中悉心打理自己策划的 Beatween 派对(座上宾有Orpheu, TheWizard, MNDSGN, YuSu, MrHo, Pender, StreetSteppers, Bell Towers, PLO Man……),同时不声不响地挖掘音乐和精进制作。于是当 Efdemin, Hodge, Laurel Halo, Dixon, Project Pablo 等艺人来到国内时,Knopha 成为助燃的最佳人选。

而后经过一连串在招待所、Elevator、宀(香港)、Savage(河内)、Darker Than Wax(新加坡)等地作为 headliner 的出演,又给了他机会展现与暖场风格截然不同,面对高峰时刻的另一面,他不仅是一个有力的支持者,还隐藏着点燃舞池的深水炸弹。游离在 DJ 台背后的他有着对周遭环境人事敏锐的感知力,随着群体能量的变化升迁同步调整不同形态的律动。

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Few DJs on the globe - let alone China - traverse musical worlds as fluently as Knopha. It sounds like a cliche, but he is literally as comfortable smashing a warehouse rave with broken techno, as he is channeling the gentle seaside ambient vibe of his adopted hometown Xiamen.

It's with this versatility (meaning both technical skills and a monster appetite to find different styles of incredible music) that Knopha has earned a place in the top tier of Chinese dance music. He's done it in a characteristically sneaky way - just a few years ago, gigs were few and far between besides his own impeccably curated Beatween events (Orpheu The Wizard, MNDSGN, Yu Su, Mr Ho, Pender Street Steppers, Bell Towers, PLO Man and others). 

None knew how hard he was digging, and learning a production craft. When they caught on, things moved fast - Knopha quickly become the go-to to support cutting edge acts across the country (Efdemin, Hodge, Laurel Halo, Dixon, Project Pablo). But now, after headlining nights himself with Elevator (Shanghai), Minh (HK), Savage (Hanoi), TAG (Chengdu), Zhao Dai (Beijing), Loopy (Hangzhou), and Darker Than Wax (SG), it's dawned on bookers and ravers alike, that he's not just a strong support - he had been hiding peak-time bombs all along.

What to expect from a Knopha set? Safest not to expect at all - but if you must, think organic rhythms, psychedelic turns, head-snapping percussion and entrancing melody - flowing together as part of one unbroken narrative. And a mustache.



可爱的 Slowcook 是独立网络电台百会联合创始人,北京招待俱乐部驻场 DJ,「鸡兔同笼」派对的主理人,音乐厂牌DCYY/到此一游的1/3,英国DIY音乐场景的忠实拥护者,Slowcook可以随时随地在舞池施展她的魔力。



作为一名注重多样性和深度挖掘的DJ,Frau在歌单中排满来自House和Techno族谱里的远亲——他们是律动、低音,也是氛围、人声。Frau是NTS上海电台的主理人,也是创意和派对策划平台China Social Club的创始人之一。

Frau’s sets delve into the deeper offsprings of house and techno, encompassing rhythm driven electronics, deep bass groove and dance floor ambience.

FRAU 整晚黑胶

