
▼ 5.2 | 快乐大王:冷静の一天 ▲

Elevator上海 2021-05-19

在过去的一年零十一个月中,快乐大王一直以积极乐观的态度感染着每一个到访的听众,而常年累月的生活压力与令人失望冷笑话让它决定在电梯度过两岁生日之前宣布!快乐大王 歇逼了!

In the past year + 1 months, KUAI LE DA WANG has consistently infected Elevator's dacefloor with a positive, cheerful attitude.  But after all this time, the stress of life has and disappointment of jokes wasted has become too much - please take note KUAI LE DA WANG this month is very sad!

适当的emo能让生活变得更加有实感,悲伤的情绪往往带有一丝冷幽默,“冷静的一天” 成为我们每个周年前的保留节目,炙热而欢快的情绪将不再是这个夜晚的主旋律,危险而冷峻的内在体验将伴随着你的舞步流淌在这个熟悉的地下室。

Swimming in a pool of emo feelings, "A calm day" is KUAI LE DA WANG's pre-anniversary depression. Hot and happy moods will no longer be the main melody of the night.  Instead, dangerous and coldly flowing inner experience will haunt your steps in this familiar basement.

来自上海的三人乐队 Snuff Disco 将用发自肺腑的段落引领我们游离在哥特式的巨大浪潮中,绝对而又纯粹的情绪流将精准的击中快乐大王的B面!合成迷恋 Synth Crush的½  Velvet Robot  将筑起层层音墙把听客封印在舞池里沉醉忘我。

Snuff Disco, a trio from Shanghai, will lead us to freedom in the depths of their gothic emotions.  The dark side of the Kuai Le Da Wang is revealed in their massive sound.  Meanwhile Synth Crush's Velvet Robot will build walls of sound to seal listeners inside the dance floor.

Snuff Disco 育音堂公园演出

将展示一些感性秘密,有力的鼓点裹挟着合成器发出的怪异声响,尖锐或饱满的声音都将和谐在他的时间里共存,禁欲式的自我感动将紧凑与舞池连接。而 Go See 将在这个夜晚释放最后一丝冷静能量,缓慢的回归到快快乐乐两周年的序章中!

Golgol will share some of his sensual secrets, powerful drums wrapped in the sounds of strange synths, sharp daggers and voluptuous textures coexisting harmoniously to bring the dancefloor to a climax.  And Go See will release the last traces of calm energy of the night, slowly returning the King to his dream of Happiness before turning Two Years Old!

希望你 开心

 Snuff Disco  Snuff Disco是由Flip House的Ryan Martin和Tyler Littlejohn还有Rachel McInerney [Gargoyle Girlfriend]在上海组建的哥特后朋克风格三人乐队。这个三人组将诡诞的鼓点和来自灵魂深处的即兴表演还有让人难以忘怀的的旋律完美结合,在舞池真实演绎让人犯罪的传说。

Snuff Disco is a post-punk goth-tech three piece formed in Shanghai between Ryan Martin and Tyler Littlejohn of Flip House, and Rachel McInerney [Gargoyle Girlfriend]. The trio fuses eerie drum loops, visceral riffs and haunted melodies to bring tales of true crime to the dance floor.

 Velvet Robot 
Velvet Robot在学生乐队玩键盘乐器时期就是个新浪潮/寒潮/自赏音乐脑残粉,也受到Intergalactic FM (CBS)的巨大影响。小时候沉迷于科幻卡通及电影,对声码器的液态金属人声情有独钟,选曲风格常带着自己化身为机器战士乘着合成器战舰穿梭在多重宇宙中光明与暗物质之间的奇思妙想。
Born in Taiwan, Velvet Robot was a stubborn fan of New Wave / Cold Wave / Shoegaze when playing in school bands and is also strongly inspired by Intergalactic FM (CBS). Influenced by sci-fi animation and films during childhood, she particularly likes the “liquid metal tones” by vocoders, & her set often shows the fantasy about a Robot Warrior who is taking the synth spacecraft & roaming between light & dark matter in the Multiverse.

Go See 
Go See (sanya)是来自上海的DJ,贝斯手以及唱片爱好者,唱片店员,神出鬼没试图找到她喜欢的能打动人的一切好音乐。情绪的表达、律动和适当的改变是最重要的,当然适当的休息也很重要,如果不是太紧迫,她总是喜欢慢慢来。在开始 DJ 之前,她从六年前活跃出现在上海的乐队场景,现在出于对热闹夜晚的喜爱,go see作为上海地下俱乐部 Elevator 的驻场以及一员活跃着。
go see is a Shanghai born and bred DJ, bassist, record lover, and record store clerk who trying to find everything she likes that moves people. Her musical preferences always seem to be associated with the with everything upbeat, yet romantic and soulful.
Before she started DJing, Sanya started to appear in Shanghai's band scene six years ago, now go see is active as a resident and member of the underground club Elevator in Shanghai, and can be found on the dancefloor and in front of the dj scene, playing her favorite rhythms.

Golgol 在动车站内抽电子烟被工作人员大声喝止,羞愧的深刻反省之后想当一个环保男孩,开始进行垃圾分类与绿色出行,约喜欢的女孩一起去买菜被一句”你自己不会去吗”击碎灵魂。而转眼到了相亲的年纪,虽然他每天还是会喝两瓶可乐,讲无聊的冷笑话,打一个半小时游戏, 但当妈妈第一次问他有没有女朋友的那一瞬间,他还是长大了。

Golgol always happy, for life is full of confidence.


Kuai Le Da Wang was born in a strange spring dream.  As a local party in Shanghai,  attracts so many people with its unique dance floor charm. Playful, lovely rhythm always fill in every single corner of the party, Kuai Le Da Wang mixing his night with pure simple texture and vibe from 80s 90s, weird characteristic of the times and the wave of the new era, this time will once again exchange the energy with you, with his strange emotional night.

