
▼ 10.17 周六 | 全息梦境 Vs. Totally Rad + 全息梦境放映室006: Gremlins ▲

Elevatorshanghai Elevator上海 2021-05-19

Poster layout by OIL Shenzhen <3

Totally Rad Vs. 全息梦境,深圳Retro扛把子与上海最终幻想派对之间的对决!


这晚,次元壁垒将在南丹东路265号地下室被打破!ECTOPLAZM / Velvet Robot / Heatwolves 会共同打造一场颠覆舞池的超音速旅程!从Italo Disco、Synthwave、Retro 80s、Electro、EBM以及Cybernetic Sounds,伴随着霓虹灯的氤氲光线,与令人迷醉的梦幻律动,共同糅合为一场全息之梦!

当晚将在7:30点免费放映乔·丹特执导的《Gremlins | 小精灵》!

Nostalgia vs. Futurism! Anime vs. Live Action! Hologram Dreams Vs. Totally Rad!   

This Saturday, OIL Shenzhen-based retrowave party, TOTALLY RAD, is teleporting to Shanghai to battle against Elevator's monthly night for dark, synth-heavy dance music and raw anime visuals, HOLOGRAM DREAMS

It’s a laser-filled, cybernetic battle for the future, for mature audiences only. Could this mean... the death of Hologram Dreams? 

The first duel on Oct 1 at OIL Shenzhen ended in a tie. Now it's time for round two, the final clash, this Saturday night! 

Come down early, because before the party, we're screening the horror-comedy masterpiece, Gremlins (1984) at 7:30pm. More about that below. First, peep the lineup. 

 ECTOPLAZM (Totally Rad, Junks)
前Party Horse乐队主唱,现Junks乐队制作人兼主唱,带给大家引人入胜的复古合成器音色和retrowave音乐正是他的使命。金发、funky 的装扮和永不放弃的棒球帽,让ECTOPLAZM总是一脚踩在过去,另一脚坚定地伸向未来。    

作为反乌托邦合成器乐队Junks的主唱,ECTOPLAZM 对所有霓虹灯和80年代的复古元素十分着迷。他令人喜爱而欢快 DJ set 也充满着合成器琶音、震撼的鼓点和追踪你复古又未来梦想的声迹。     

居住在杭州的ECTOPLAZM是这个城市派对成长情景中的一部分,曾受邀于迷笛和草莓音乐节并进行演出。同时也在 dada 和 loopy 俱乐部主办自己的系列派对,而昆明、武汉、深圳等城市也时常出现他的身影。   

2018/2019年,ECTOPLAZM 参与了瑞典 synth-wave 艺术家 Robert Parker,Devereaux 85 和 Don Voyage的中国巡演,并作为主办方和嘉宾完成了电子音乐传奇人物 College 和 Local Suicide 在柏林的演出。随着他名为“Totally Rad” 的retrowave派对品牌不断成长,一些脍炙人口的 mixtape 和原声音乐也在不断发行。 


Ex-Party Horse and snake-hipped Junks front-man Ectoplazm is on a mission to bring retrowave and tasty synth revival cuts to the masses. Blonde-haired, funkily dressed and never without his trusty baseball cap,  Ectoplazm likes to keep one foot in the past and the other firmly in the future.   

As the frontman of dystopian-synthwave band Junks,  Ectoplazm is in thrall to all things neon, 80s and retro, and his fun-loving DJ sets are full of arpeggiated synth lines, punchy drums and songs that soundtrack your retro-futuristic dreams.   

Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads…      

 Velvet Robot
Velvet Robot在校玩学生乐队时期就是个新浪潮/寒潮/自赏音乐脑残粉,也受到复古未来主义,科幻小说电影和Intergalactic FM (CBS)的巨大影响。仿佛游离于宇宙中光明与暗物质, Velvet Robot擅长Italo, Electro, Cosmic, Synth, Industrial等, 时不时加入难以捉摸的亚洲非洲元素,却异常地平衡和谐。除了固定派对Synth Crush! 合成迷恋及Discosmic Adventure,也曾为Legowelt, Horse Meat Disco, Honey Soundsystem, Bell Towers等做暖场表演。 

Velvet Robot used to be a stubborn fan of New Wave/ Cold Wave/ Shoegaze when she played in school bands, and also strongly influenced by retro futurism, science fiction, and Intergalactic FM (CBS). Like roaming between luminosity & dark matter in the Universe, Velvet Robot conjoins Italo, Electro, Cosmic, Synth, Industrial etc., and occasionally, mixes Asian & African elements unpredictably but produces a harmonious effect. Running "Synth Crush!" & "Discosmic Adventure" party series, she also played warm-up sets for Legowelt, Horse Meat Disco, Honey Soundsystem, Bell Towers, etc.


DJ Heatwolves 是一位平面插画师,他同时也是艺术与音乐平台 Love Bang、全息梦境和 Barbarism 的创始人。他擅长用三台 CDJ,不受风格流派约束地将不同节奏和时间场景中的具有灵魂和朋克能量的音乐联系在一起。最近,在隔离期间,他猛攻音乐制作,并准备为 电梯带来几首从未全新的曲目和剪辑。还有,Heatwolves 最近每天还在跳绳和玩健身环大冒险,他说这都是为了2-3个小时的演出做准备,不过演出后肯定需要至少一盘儿烧鹅或一个煎饼加三个蛋作为能量补给。 

Heatwolves is a writer, 2D illustrator, and co-founder of the art and music platform Love Bang, as well as the club nights Hologram Dreams | 全息梦境 and Barbarism. His unrestrained sets on three CDJs connect multiple genres, tempos, and decades with music that has soul and a certain kind of punk energy. During the quarantine days, he stepped up his music production game and now has several new tracks and edits in his USBs, which he keeps in that orange case hanging from his neck. Heatwolves jumps rope and plays Ringfit daily to prepare for his extended sets, but still requires at least one post-show meal such as a jianbing or roast goose to recover his energy.

7:30PM | 全息梦境放映室006:《小精灵》(1984)

当晚将在7:30点免费放映乔·丹特执导的《Gremlins | 小精灵》! " 比利之父伦德路经一家古董店,看中一只灵巧的小精灵,想送给比利当圣诞礼物,店主老翁坚持不卖,但是老翁的孙子偷偷将小精灵卖给伦德,一连串不幸的事情就此展开。" 

派对9:30点开始!期待和你见面!放映免费入场,我们将免费提供好吃的Homeslice Pizza。

7:30pm | Hologram Dreams Screening Room 006: Gremlins (1984)

The night begins with a free film screening of the insane 1984 horror-comedy / satire, Gremlins at 7:30pm sharp. Is Gremlins a satire about consumerism? A dark comedy about race in America and the suburban fear of "the other"? Maybe just a magically batshit sendup of classic Christmas films? A B-Movie for kids? All of the above?   

Facts: Gremlins is one of the reasons why the PG-13 rating was invented. A lot of parents brought their little kids to this PG movie and walked out shocked and scarred. A "family" movie like this would never get made today. 

Why Gremlins? This is October, and with Halloween coming up, we spent over a week going through 70s and 80s horror films, from the bizarre to the brutal to the bad. After much debate, we finally settled on this classic. It's also one of ECTOPLAZM's all-time favorites. We've already picked the next movie and it's a much deeper cut.

As usual, we're showing Gremlins with dual English and Chinese subtitles

AND, as always, there will be free Homeslice pizza and B-movie trailers, important PSAs, and degraded VHS splendor before the film. Don't miss it! 


Saturday, October 17 
Film screening at 7:30pm  
Party from 9:30pm until late! 

Elevator Shanghai
Address: There are exactly 29 steps in Elevator's staircase. That is your only clue.
For lazer repair service, please call Toothy. 
Xujiahui Station, Exit 2 


酒吧禁止穿拖鞋进入场地,未经发现入场滑倒摔伤等造成的事故一概由自己负责, 希望大家能配合,谢谢!

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