
▼ 虚拟展览:十年 of Love Bang 海报 | Ten Years of Love Bang Posters ▲

Elevator上海 2021-05-19

Love Bang 10 Year Anniversary Virtual Exhibition,

With Your Friendly Host, Hai Shifu

Hai Shifu, Editor and Virtual Curator

"Hello folks! Love Bang made it to ten years! That's considered young for a turtle, but ancient for a party in Shanghai! Ahead of the latest tour, we've put together an exhibition of  posters from the last ten years of our life. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1. Pencil Shavings and The Primordial Ooze

Chapter 2. The Genesis of Love Bang

Chapter 3. When We First Met Dongmei

Chapter 4. 2017 Was Very 累

Chapter 5. Evolution

Chapter 6. Rebirth!

"Well folks, that concludes our tour for now. And that was just a LITTLE bit of Love Bang's history. There is always more to discover if you keep digging! I hope to see you on Saturday at Elevator Shanghai, or perhaps in your city soon!"

- Hai Shifu


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