

米诺Mino Mstudio 2020-09-02

Mstudio Art  exhibition







轱辘  2018-05

"LWDH is just the beginning" & "SXRJ to be continued" -- are just silly little wordplays I did with the namesof my last two photo albums (published in 2015 and 2017).


These two Chinese names are designed to be sarcastic in away, and they also explain my philosophy in photography quite a bit -- in theform of adult nudity, underneath there is the innocence; the pain; the sadness;the anxiety; and the madness of love, of death, of life. The Ukiyoe of lifedisplayed in a raw, sarcastic way.


Although I have participated in other group & flashexhibitions before -- most of which just goofed around with the idea of taboo-- this one is my first official solo exhibition. It's more serious andsupposed to be a summary of the 10 years of my life as a photographer. It's aconversation about sex; it's a protest against sexism and objectification; it'sa celebration of the beautiful human body; also it's an Ukiyoe of the"misfits" in China and their so called "subculture" --those lovely people who had been dropping away from mainstream society,living on the edge, fighting against the authorities and perusing freedom in their own different ways.


Growing up in a female dominate single parent family madea huge impact on my perspectives of the world. I've always been curious aboutwomen and more importantly, having great respect for them. Naturally, women'sbodies are the most common subjects in my work. I sincerely hope that my workdoesn't fail those who believed in me.


Every individual is unique in his/her own way; and everypiece of art is a fruit of love. As the saying goes, there are a thousandHamlets in a thousand people's eyes. Myself, as the anxious artist, is readyfor your criticism.


"LWDH", you will know it when you see it.

 Gulu  May 2018









Just one more feeling than “The 5 mixed feelings”, the additional one is full of marks of “The beat generation” of the new century, it is not only the expression of subculture, but also the perspective of Gulu himself, and his whole experience of life. 

Persistence is the key to success, is it the record of marginal groups? is it the resistance of materialization? is it the proof of existence? Photography is not a weapon, it is an action, that links your heart to the outside world. 

If Gulu could ever express himself through his empty tongue, this is the way to get to know his attitude -  self-deprecating humor but not decadent. 



Gulu’s solo exhibition: LWDH


Producer:Yang Sen


Curator: Mino


Organizer:Yan Jie


Date: May 19 - June 18, 2018

开幕:2018年5月19日 PM2:00

Opening time:14:00, May 19, 2018


Location:Elephoto, Qikeshu Park, Chaoyang, Beijing




轱辘近十年的生活,只有两件事,拍照和写小说。在我们为这次个展《六味地黄》挑选作品的时候,沦陷在海量照片的世界,突然有一种恍惚感,就像看了近十年的那本书《Please kill me》,隐隐浮现一种“垮掉派”的气质。所以我非常愿意把轱辘的摄影内容定义为新世纪“垮掉的一代“范畴之内,虽然定义微不足道,但我们能从中窥见来自艺术家个体化的拍摄视角和他做为艺术家的拍摄态度。



















 米诺Mino 2018-05


Vacuous coated tongue or the Beat Generation 


For the past 10 years, there are only two main focuses inGulu’s life -- photography and writing. Drown in the ocean of his huge picture collection, we were greatly over whelmed. It felt like a deja vu as when Ifinished reading the book《Please kill me》-- the madness and the anxiety of the"Beat Generation". Therefore I would love to call Gulu’s works as the"new Beat Generation".


 So, what's thisexhibition "LWDH" really about?


1. Storytellers -- the love story of the subjects in thephotos. The private emotions shown in the photos are not so private anymore,and they bring live into the photos.


2. Portraits -- born in the 80s, as one of the"misfits", Gulu is drawn to the subculture scene. A lot of thesubjects of his works are underground musicians, artists and rebels, or as Isaid earlier, the "new Beat Generation".


3. Experimental photography -- such as picture collage,double exposure and Polaroid. These little experiments and side operations ofhis says a lot about what kind of a photographer he is -- ambious, adventurous,and most importantly, a lot of fun.


4. Body parts -- they carry personal experience andprivate emotions, they are little channels leading to a person's soul.


Although what's being exhibited is only a tip of theiceberg, the content is impressively diverse. Some are dark, emotional; someare visual feasts; some are sarcastic; some are humorous and witty -- in Gulu'sown words: "life is way too short to be bitter. If you can find humor inanything, just laugh."


Sex and nudity has always been a controversial subjectregarding to photography. As an artist in China, you can easily get labeled,misunderstood, or even targeted if you focus on it. But what if the"sex" in the artist's work is a protest to sexism? What if the"nudity" is a manifesto to freedom?


Gulu calls himself a feminist. He worships the beauty ofthe great nature. He arms himself with the weapon of camera, fighting againstsexism and objectification, and as we can see in his works, it's reallypowerful.


The choose of content, the unconventional point ofview,  the use of diffrent color andlight, the composition of the pictures, altogether shaped his own unique style.He is truly an observant and outstanding artist.


It's takes great courage to take an unusual path, andGulu has been doing it for his whole life. Just like those people in his works,he himself is struggling to find himself and be himself.


If you can just get in touch with the real emotion fo rone moment, even if it's painful, it's worth coming here and give Gulu a shot.Isn't it?



May 2018




Gulu,Beijing, China, Gemini, freelance photographer, image and text creator brings the state of life into practitioners and lives practitioners whose styles are sometimes fresh and rough but never stopped thinking and experimentation. Published  novel "Instant"  in 2008, and created as independent photographer; held "Young Color Photography" in Los Angeles 2013; published personal photo album "LWDH" 2015. At the same year, exhibitions were held at Today Art Museum in Beijing; 2017 published photo album "TXRJ", In the same year, "LWDH" underground photography exhibition and Beijing co-Peking Kirin Society held "sight mutilation" photography exhibition, 2018 novel "Summer faint causes" began to read in Douban.






