
“吴杉:绵延” |BOXES 新展预告


2022.05.10 - 2022.07.03


Artist: Wu Shan


开幕时间:2022.05.10 16:30

Openning: 2022.05.10 16:30


Curator: Ji Ran, Deng Zhiting



Organizer: Boxes Art Museum



Coordinator: Oil Painting Department Curatorial Group of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts



Consultant: Institute of Art and Culture Innovation Research and Development, Sun Yat-sen University


Supporting: Platform China Contemporary Art Institute


学术总监:周力 陈海涛

Academic Director: Zhou Li, Chen Haitao


工作团队:郭燕 邓子军 袁泽强 邓芷婷 陈思佳 曾芸 林昀 石嘉琦

Work Team: Guo Yan, Deng Zijun, Yuan Zeqiang, Deng Zhiting, Chen Sijia, Zeng Yun, Lin Yun, Shi Jiaqi



Graphic Design: Lin Wanting


展览时间:每周二至周五10:00-18:00  周六,周日10:00-20:00

Exhibition time: Tuesday to Friday 10:00-18:00  Saturday, Sunday 10:00-20:00



Address: Boxes Art Museum, Shunfeng Mountain Park(South Gate), Shunde District, Foshan City.


- 前言 -














Lines are Wu Shan's way of understanding and disenchanting the world in his mode of observation. In the silk-like lines, we can’t seem to feel the artist’s intention. These lines flow without purpose, speed, or pattern, forcing the viewer to get close enough to see their trends. Therefore, his abstract schemas do not make people feel dizzy, dislocated, sublime and other classic aesthetic feelings, but provide the viewer with a calm and unobstructed viewing experience from a "prescribed" distance from the picture. These lines only begin to change in front of the viewers who can stop and stare, reaching a state of absolute condensedness, so as to show the spatial picture in which the viewers themselves do not exist. The space divided by lines seems to be the "gift" of the picture form. They exist as the purposeless purposefulness of the artist's creation. In the process of shrinking, internalizing and closing, they generate the  expansion of viewing angles, and presents the layering of viewing itself and the viewpoint placed outside.
Lines are also his "tools" for maintaining focus, and are also the result of "focusness" in his creation. Concentration of focusness constitutes the pictures formed by closed lines, forms and blocks are intertwined by lines and attached by time, and between the duree of time, the space is naturally revealed. These lines are so light, yet so "complex". Lightness refers to the calm, ancient, composed and hairspring-like brushstrokes of the lines; while the "complex" is reflected in the constantly changing perspective, the constantly transforming orientation, and the unity formed by the mutual extrusion, blending and reconciliation of the blocks. From a methodological point of view, it is indeed cubism, but Wu Shan does not only stay in cubism. Rather than classifying his works into a certain doctrine, it is rather the lines on the picture that spontaneously make the artist wander in that time of coexistence of passion and hesitation. There, he put serenity, elegance, restraint, and most importantly, the sense of security on every line, and in the subtle differences between lines, he slowly move towards the "future" and bid farewell to the "past". The long farewell is so light that it is difficult for the viewer to perceive what has changed. It is true that abstract art is dedicated to the prepared viewer, and while closing the picture schema with lines, he also further delimits the viewer's scope. Such an anti-propagation, anti-repetition approach is simply too unmodern. Therefore, the contradiction extends from the connotation and extension of the work, which is so modern and so pre-modern. He found his own and unique "modern" among these contradictions that are difficult to detect by ordinary people.
In the artist's early works, we can relate the visual illusion to the specific reference of the schemas formed by the sketches, which are like mountains and rivers, gardens, stele, and rivers. In recent years, in his creation of works, firstly, the coloring on paper was withdrawn, and the colorful colors attached to the body blocks were lost, and then the sense of volume gradually faded. Those fine lines representing light and shade sank into the volume itself and disappeared. The line drawing is becoming more and more refined, and the lines are becoming more and more pure, showing a kind of self-confidence and uprightness with twists and turns.
At the same time, the line itself is also changing. In the middle and early stages of creation, there were some sudden stops and sharp turns, which like penetrating the back of the paper in wrinkle method, but now the lines are less sharp, and the lines are leisurely in soft and gentle transitions. The richness of these lines is not only the diversity of shapes, but also the quality and content of the same line unfolding in unexpected variations. If there are levels of abstract schemas, his creations have gone through a process from formal abstraction to pure abstraction. Lines start from the edge of things, rise into the sky, and stick to the horizon of pure thinking. In this evolutionary process, the line eventually regressed to the line itself. This point can also be seen from the title of the work. Although "Sikuaiyu", "Chaoyuange", "Shangjingma" and "Yijiangfeng" are unclear to say how they related to the specific schema of the picture itself, they places the ideological background between the lingering and gentle, soft and distant tension of Kunqu Opera.
From paper to lacquer, it is an upgrade of the artist's mature control of medium, texture and line in his middle age. The classicism, warmth and serenity contained in the lacquer are inseparable from its slow production process and unique material charm. The "light" in the lines and the "slow" in the lacquer meet unexpectedly in his creations. The decoration and elegance of lacquer, the inflexible aesthetic, the brisk and rhythmic line drawing form a contradictory yet unified aesthetic picture.The sinuous line drawing gradually peels off the worldliness brought by the decorative sense of the lacquer, leaving only the pure ancient charm that fits the line, making the line more hidden and more spiritual. In the traditional lacquer production process, in case of uncertainty of natural factors such as temperature and humidity, it is often remade to correct these unexpected pictures, but Wu Shan will keep these "accidents". If the line drawing is the accumulation of experience, mood and years, before the closed schema is completed, it represents a predictable uncertainty, then after the uncertainty of natural factors is layered, the plasticity of time and space is mixed, so that it has a unique cultural core and is separated from the aesthetic inertia of traditional lacquer.
So far, the line in his brush no longer resembles objects, because it refer to all things; it no longer attach to space, because of it, space can be unmasked; no longer rely on color, it infiltrates, merges, and fuses with lacquer. Lines are both form and content in his brush, and to understand the deep meaning, one must open the "cover" of color and read it carefully. The unity of opposites that remains in his creations is not intentional, but his creative techniques and observation methods place the contradictions at the source of his thoughts, and bring multiple dualities to the surface of the paper.
Ji Ran

- 作品 -


Wu Shan, Qiu Ye Yue, Lacquer, Hemp, Board, 80cm×60cm


Wu Shan, Feng Chun Shi, 2020, Lacquer, Hemp, Board, 60cm×50cm


Wu Shan, Sheng Sheng Man, 2021, Lacquer, Hemp, Board, 40cm×30cm


Wu Shan, Chao Yuan Ge, 2020, Lacquer, Hemp, Board, 40cm×30cm

- 艺术家 -


Wu Shan







Born in 1960, Hang Zhou, China.

Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts in 1982.

Studied at the Research Institute of Chicago Academy of art and received a master's degree in 1983 to 1986.

Currently working and living in Hangzhou.


His international academic background and artistic resume, which with interleaving balance of the picture language of concise, rational and sensual and the fusion of traditional Chinese materials make him become one of the pioneers of contemporary abstract art in China. Based on the aesthetic properties of lacquer materials, the artist produces his own aesthetic language and rhythm of lines in the process of slow production and overlapping.

He has held exhibitions in major galleries and art galleries at home and abroad: Boxes Art Museum, Shunde, Foshan, China; BeiQiu Museum of Contemporary Artm, Nanjing, China; OCAT Art & Design Gallery; Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, China; National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China; Art Museum of Hubei, China; Art Museum of Fujian, China; Art Museum of Zhejiang, China; Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, China; School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA; MOWA, USA; The Snite Museum of Art, Indiana, USA; MERWIN Gallery, Illinois Wesleyan University, USA; Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, USA.

- 策展人 -


Ji Ran


Ji Ran, a doctoral student of art theory at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a master's degree from the French Institute of Higher Art, a master's degree from the Paris International Business School, and a bachelor's degree from the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts. The research direction is the study of new art museums, national cultural strategy, etc. He has curated exhibitions such as “The Law of Perspective” Wang Peng solo exhibition, “The interval in flux” Jin Yanan solo exhibition, “Unlimited Light” Macular Art Collective. Articles are published in journals such as Art Journal , New Art Museum Studies, Art Monthly, and so on.

Deng Zhiting


Curator of the Boxes Art Museum, writer, art translator. MA graduate from University of Leeds, UK. Her recent research based on modern contemporary art history, focusing on female identity awareness and philosophy. She has curated exhibitions such as "Lin Zheng, Pan Zegia: Alter-ego”, "Wu Zhuozhao, Huang Yizhe: Relative Order" and "Ma Wenyi: Merry-go-round".




Boxes Art Museum

Boxes Art Museum is built and financed by the OCT Group, a non-profit public organization operated and managed by the Curatorial Group of the Oil Painting Department at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Boxes Art Museum has invited Fan Bo to serve as Museum Director, Zhou Li to serve as Artistic Director, and Liu Ke to serve as Executive Museum Director. Boxes Art Museum’s official opening was on September 28, 2017. It is located in the Shunfeng Mountain Park in Guangzhou’s Shunde District, and consists of four standard exhibition halls and outdoor public exhibition spaces. The museum strives to integrate regional and international resources in manifesting cultural activities of the highest caliber, and draws resources from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts as an integrated research and educational platform. Boxes Art Museum combines Shunde’s local strengths with contemporary development strategies, uniting art exhibitions, public discourse and local culture in fostering new directions for local and international art practices and cultural production.

地址 /Address

OCT Boxes Art Museum, Shunfeng Mountain Park, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province.

开放时间 /Opening hours
10:00-18:00 (周二至周五)
10:00-20:00 (周末)
10:00-18:00 (Tuesday to Friday) 
10:00-20:00 (Weekend)

3D展厅 / https://www.artvrpro.com/1512629135720992
Email / 电子邮箱 boxartmuseum@163.com
Website / 官网 http://www.boxesart.com
Instagram / boxesartmuseum
TEL / 电话 0757-22916960
盒子美术馆 BoxesArtMuseum

