
改造未来 | 第八届上海多伦青年美术大展入选艺术家名单&作品①

多伦 上海多伦现代美术馆




作为公共文化的重要平台,美术馆在当代社会文明的演进中扮演着重要的角色,而作为中国第一家关注现当代艺术的公立美术馆,上海多伦现代美术馆自 2004年就创立了“上海多伦青年美术大展”项目,以两年一届的频次,至今已经连续举办了七届展览。历届上海多伦青年美术大展所展出的作品均展现了当代中国青年的文化思考深度,凸显了中国当代艺术的活力。

🎲  按分期公布18位/组入选艺术家作品,本期公布第一批入选艺术家作品↓↓






元方舟,彩色单频三维影像,尺寸可变,2022, 由艺术家本人提供



曹澍的作品往往基于数字模拟影像装置和电子游戏等形式,构造暗藏众多分支的叙事,形成不同媒介之间相互关联的意义网络。这些工作往往基于某个特定地点和空间展开,关于历史事件或个人记忆,并提出开放性的问题。他曾获PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai 2021曝光奖、上海短片电影周新叙事奖、北京国际短片联展杰出艺术探索奖等。除此之外,他的作品也在世界各地的影展主竞赛单元展出,包括莱比锡纪录片与动画电影节,米兰电影节,昂西国际动画节,渥太华国际动画节,汉诺威国际短片节等。




1991年生于杭州,现任教于中国美术学院,工作生活于杭州。2014 年本科毕业于中央美术学院版画系,2016 年和 2018 年于伦敦艺术大学切尔西艺术学院纯艺术系和英国皇家艺术学院版画系获取硕士研究生学位。























风铃,影像装置:单屏幕录像+单独声,高清彩色有声,电路板、铜铃、植物灰等,时长:4‘4‘’ ,2021,由艺术家本人提供


1984 年生于浙江台州,现生活工作于杭州。学士毕业于中国美术学院油画系,硕士毕业于中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院。








川河洲1,纸本喷墨打印,40 x 60 cm,2021,由艺术家本人提供

川河洲2,纸本喷墨打印,40 x 60 cm,2021,由艺术家本人提供

后河,纸本喷墨打印,40 x 60 cm,2021,由艺术家本人提供

咸嘉湖1,纸本喷墨打印,40 x 60 cm,2018,由艺术家本人提供

咸嘉湖2,纸本喷墨打印,40 x 60 cm,2018,由艺术家本人提供















The works solicitation of Shape the Future-The 8th Duolun Youth Art Exhibition which is hosted by Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art has been successfully completed since August in 2021. Through experts' nomination and artists' submission , and after primary election, selection and final evaluation, three judges Wang Nanming, Jiang Mei and Shi Hantao, together with the planning team from the museum carefully selected the received works. A total of 18 artists/groups were selected for this exhibition:Rhett Tsai , Cao Shu, Chen Wencun, Guo Cheng, (He Chenghao, Zhan Shuoyu, Ma Songtao, Ye Guanyun), Long Pan, Pan Zishen, Shu Chutian, Tan Jing, Tong Wenmin, Wu Ziyang, Xia Jingxin, Xiang Zhenhua, Xu Guanyu, Yang Di, Yuan Keru, Zhu Xiang, Zhuo Ying(In alphabetical order).

*The exhibition will open soon. Please stay tuned.

About Shanghai Duolun Youth Art Exhibition

As an important platform of public culture, art museums play a significant role in the evolution of contemporary social civilization. Being the first public art museum in China focusing on modern and contemporary art, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art has founded the project Shanghai Duolun Youth Art Exhibition since 2004, and has been held for seven consecutive exhibitions with a biennial frequency. All the works exhibited in Shanghai Duolun Youth Art Exhibition show the depth of contemporary Chinese youth's cultural thinking and highlight the vitality of Chinese contemporary art.

🎲 The works of 18 selected artists will be announced in stages, and the first batch of selected artists will be announced in this issue.↓↓

Rhett Tsai

Rhett Tsai (b. 1995) teaches at Open Media Department in the School of Intermedia Art at China Academy of Art (CAA) and lives in Hangzhou, from which he also graduated with a bachelor’s degree. He has his master’s degree from the Center for Chinese Visual Studies, CAA.

Focusing on the Internet environment and the media society under China’s unique context, Tsai concerns about the issues including art and technology, the Internet culture, smart city, the hypertext of Chinese characters, the soundscape of Chinese social media, etc. He expresses his critical reflection on current media society through a wide range of artworks (including virtual reality, computer animation, sound, and dynamic sound video).

Exhibited works

MetaVessel Color Digital Animated Video,Size Variable,2022,Courtesy of the Artist

Cao Shu

Cao Shu (b. 1987, Shandong Province) teaches at China Academy of Art and lives in Hangzhou.

Cao’s works often take different forms including digital and analog image, and interactive games. Through constructing a narrative with many hidden branches, he creates a network of interconnected meanings across different media. The works are often based on a specific place or space, of either historical events or personal memory, raising open-ended questions to the audience. He won the Exposure Award of PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai 2021, the New Narrative Award of the Long Week of Short Films in Shanghai, and the Outstanding Art Exploration Award of the Beijing International Short Film Festival. In addition, His works have also been shown in main competition units of film festivals worldwide, including Leipzig International Documentary and Short Film Festival, Milano Film Festival, Annecy International Animation Festival, Ottawa International Animation Festival, Hanover International Film Festival, etc.

Exhibited works

Ideology,Stereo camera, Graphical data conversion program, 4K TV, Split screen, Cables,2021,Courtesy of the Artist

Chen Wencun

Chen Wencun (b. 1991, Hangzhou) teaches at China Academy of Art and lives in Hangzhou. He graduated from the Printmaking Department in Central Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor’s degree. He got his M.F.A. at UAL Chelsea College of Arts in 2016 and MA Print at Royal College of Art in 2018.

Chen’s art is self-exploration. The experience of studying in the West makes him pay more attention to the commonalities of people rather than differences. His concerns about identity, language and collective experience get reflect in his diverse artworks. Observing and responding is how he keeps his art alive.

Exhibited works

Ben the Book,Artist's Book,2016,Courtesy of the Artist

Guo Cheng

Guo Cheng (b. 1988, Beijing) lives and works in Shanghai. He graduated from Tongji University in Shanghai with a bachelor’s degree, and he got a master’s degree from Royal College of Art in London.

His artistic practice focuses on the social impact and cultural shock brought by existing/emerging science and technology, as well as the relation between the individuals in this society and the social activities. Guo’s works often take the form of sculpture or installation. By using humorous yet grim form language, he connects grand issues with everyday objects that seem to be random, providing a critical perspective for imagination and discussion.

Guo was selected as one of the funded artists of Art Production and Exhibition Support Program (2022) raised by New Century Art Foundation. His rewards include Porsche Young Chinese Artist of the Year (2021), Honorary Mention of Prix Ars Electronica (2020), CAC://DKU Research-Creation Fellowship (2020), Digital Earth Fellowship (2018-2019), Special Award of Huayu Youth Award (2018), Bio Art & Design (BAD) Award (2017), etc.

Exhibited works

Wind Verification,Installation: Flag, Air compressor, Wire bed, Web server rack, Raspberry pie, Stepper motor, Screen, Speakers, Custom circuit, Custom program,2021,Courtesy of the Artist

He Chenghao, Zhan Shuoyu, Ma Songtao, Ye Guanyun

He Chenghao is co-founder of Continuous Tracks Studio, studying Art and Technology in the School of Design & Innovation at China Academy of Art. His works concern the behavior of code itself, marginalized digits, and hidden future.

Zhan Shuoyu studies in the Research Institute of Media & Interaction Design in the School of Design & Innovation at China Academy of Art. His works involve interactive games, augmented reality, films, exploring artistic solutions to metaphysics.

Ma Songtao majors in Art and Technology in the School of Design & Innovation at China Academy of Art. His works cover short film production, games, object perception. He is passionate about using various mediums to realize his ideas and explore the possibilities of short film narrative.

Ye Guanyun is a new media artist living in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The forms of his works include but are not limited to real-time interactive, audiovisual performance media. He is good at infusing his thoughts and analysis into existing content, combining with logical and flexible digital creation methods, and then presents artworks that implement novel concepts.

Exhibited works

Words++,Experimental interactive game,2022,Courtesy of the Artist

Long Pan

Long Pan (b. 1991, Yichun) based in Jiangxi and Hangzhou. She graduated from China Academy of Art in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree and in 2019 with a master’s degree.

Long pays attention to microscopic creatures in nature. She often uses plants, fungi, and other organisms as materials for her artistic creation, but mostly she researches on the living characteristics of organisms. Based on these special biological perspectives, she finds the key point to intervene in social issues, which becomes the cornerstone of her understanding of reality and artwork. She was shortlisted for the Youth Innovation Award section of China Sustainable Design Award (2021); she won the Research Award of the Youth Support Program of Raiden Institute; and she got nominated for Huayu Youth Award (2021) and Wang Shikuo Award (2021).

Exhibited works

Wind Bell,Video installation: Single channel video + Solo soundtrack, HD, Color, Sound, Circuit boards, Copper bells, Plant ash, etc..  Duration:  4’4’’,2021,Courtesy of the Artist

Pan Zishen

Pan Zishen (b. 1984, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province) lives and works in Hangzhou. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the Oil Painting Department in China Academy of Art (CAA) and with a master’s degree from the School of Intermedia Art, CAA.

She creates art as a practitioner of spatial multimedia narratives. Her works involve various media such as installation, video, and painting. Her long-term creative projects focus on the body, healing, and internal appearance.

Exhibited works

The Seed Pod,Installation(Glass, Stainless Steel, Resin, etc),Size Variable,2020,Courtesy of the Artist 

Shu Chutian

Shu Chutian (b. 1995, Changsha) lives and works in Changsha. She received her M.F.A at Pratt Institute in 2019.

Many of her works are recreation using everyday life and things as scenes. She expresses a sense of alienation after being misplaced through specific actions and the combination with the scenes, a sense of unfamiliarity in familiar surroundings, and the self-doubt and yearning for infinite possibilities.

Exhibited works

Chuanhezhou 1,Inkjet printing on paper, 40 x 60 cm, 2021,Courtesy of the Artist

Chuanhezhou 2,Inkjet printing on paper, 40 x 60 cm, 2021,Courtesy of the Artist

Houhe,Inkjet printing on paper, 40 x 60 cm, 2021,Courtesy of the Artist

Xianjiahu 1,Inkjet printing on paper, 40 x 60 cm, 2018,Courtesy of the Artist

Xianjiahu 2,Inkjet printing on paper, 40 x 60 cm, 2018,Courtesy of the Artist

Tan Jing

Tan Jing (b. 1992, Guangdong Province) lives and works in Guangzhou. She got a bachelor’s degree at Chelsea College of Art and Design in 2015 and an MA at Royal College of Art in 2017.

Tan’s artistic practice focuses on sculpture and multimedia installations. Her creations often come from the interweaving of personal experience with biological and folklore material. Tan is keen on experimenting how the senses are mobilized by experimental materials in a specific field, and the overlapping of individual feelings and semi-fictional stories under the influence of objects and spaces. Through her artistic practice, she explores how imaginary spaces are drawn by the experiential empathy of fluidity and exodus, allowing viewers to make speculative associations with the narratives she constructs. Tan is the recipient of a fellowship at HB Station of Contemporary Art/Research Center at Guangzhou for 2019-2020.

Exhibited works

Trancing Lap Hung

Material: Herbs and spices, Aromatic plaster, Aroma essence, Soil, Pigment, Rice paper, Resin


Commissioned by Rockbund Art Museum and HB Station


Trancing Lap Hung

Single channel video, Duration: 13’9’’, Glass

Video collaboration: Zheng Ke

Commissioned by Rockbund Art Museum and HB Station







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