
竞赛公告 | 佛山市顺德区最美校园行动计划 第二季—六所中小学校园新建、扩建设计竞赛


Shunde District Most Beautiful Campus Action Plan Season 2 is officially launched! Construction and expansion projects of six primary and secondary school campuses in Shunde district, Foshan are being set off at the same time. Design institutes from around the globe are welcomed to join the competition.
The competition is host by Education Bureau of Shunde DistrictFoshan and Construction Project Center of Shunde District, FoshanShenzhen Guanzhu Architectural Development & Communication Center is the selected organizer.
The competition aims to build new centennial campuses that are compatible to the urban development, and refine the existed campuses to be in harmony with the original style. Educational and artistic characteristics shall not be omitted.  Integrating "Landmark campus" "Smart campus" "Landscape campus" "Humanities campus" and "Safe campus" as a whole, a group of most beautiful campuses are expected to emerge from the competition and enter the top league throughout the Guangdong Province.

Education is the city's core competence, and campus is where education and teaching happen. This Most Beautiful Campus Action Plan is formulated to further implement the deployment of the district authorities to promote high-quality educational development, taking education as a key element to creating a first-class business environment, attracting high-end talents and enhancing regional competitiveness.

Benchmarking with Shenzhen, the Action Plan makes every effort to crack the dilemma of lagging school design specifications, rigid construction mode, lack of public participation, and neglect of culture cultivation and spirit of place on the campus. We will push forward the innovation of mechanism, complemented by the city-wide curation, inviting architects, educators, and people from all walks of life to build a new consensus on campus design and construction. By collecting state-of-the-art design and the aim to build urban public landmarks, we explore high-quality campus construction strategies and standards that are tailored to the local conditions. Taking cultural construction as the basis, vatality can be infused to the organic combination of campus design, modern education concept and humanistic spirit.

Carry out innovative design in combination with the local environment and cultural characteristics to form a safe, comfortable, and beautiful campus space and cultural landscape;

The campus planning and design should make full use of the indoor and outdoor space of the building to create a relaxing and pleasant space for teachers and students to learn, communicate and interact at anytime or anywhere, intoducing a flexible open campus with diverse spaces;

Strengthen the security, convenience, flexibility, and diversity nature of the space;

Take local climate into account to adopt the designs that are suitable for the area, such as empty space, corridors, etc.;

Designs shall consider overall aspects of project positioning, construction scale, functional zoning, building form, urban landscape, traffic organization, functional organization, architectural features, green ecology, etc. And provide an innovative and operable comprehensive solution.

项目分布 Project Distribution©观筑GUANZHU

01 陈惠南纪念中学校原地重建工程Reconstrucion Project of Chen Huinan Memorial Middle School
陈惠南纪念中学区位图Location of Chen Huinan Memorial Middle School©观筑GUANZHU
陈惠南纪念中学基地视频 Site Video
陈惠南纪念中学全景图Panorama of Chen Huinan Memorial Middle School©观筑GUANZHU

Project Address: South of Luzhu Avenue, Chencun Town, Shunde District, Foshan, Guangdong

Construction Scale: Site area of 64237.84㎡, GFA of about 90175㎡

Investment: RMB 530 million

Project Overview: 

A junior high school with 60 classes (50 students per class) is required after reconstruction. The new campus shall accommodate 3000 students (all boarding). Chen Ruihong Living Building (60 flats for teachers) at the northwest corner of the school shall be reserved.

02 佛山新城义务教育学校(初中)建设工程New Construction Project of Foshan New Town Compulsory Education School (Junior High School)
佛山新城义务教育学校(初中)区位图Location of New Town Compulsory Education School ©观筑GUANZHU
佛山新城义务教育学校(初中)基地视频 Site Video
佛山新城义务教育学校(初中)全景图 Panorama©观筑GUANZHU
项目地址:佛山市顺德区乐从镇万福路以南、银桂路以北建设规模:用地面积64054.53㎡,建筑面积92881㎡投入资金:总投资4.7亿元建设概况:本项目建设内容为新建54班规模的初级中学Project Address: South of Wanfu Road and north of Yingui Road, Lecong Town, Shunde District, Foshan, GuangdongConstruction Scale: Site area of 64054.53㎡, GFA of 92881㎡
Investment: RMB 470 million
Project Overview: Junior high school of 54 classes

03 龙江中学“一校一区”扩建工程Expansion project of Longjiang Middle School - One Campus
龙江中学区位图 Location of Longjiang Middle School©观筑GUANZHU
龙江中学基地视频 Site Video©观筑GUANZHU
龙江中学全景图 Panorama of Longjiang Middle School©观筑GUANZHU
项目地址:佛山市顺德区龙江镇文华路南侧建设规模:总用地面积为83379.573平方米(其中教育用地为78973.174平方米,防护绿地 4406.3988平方米),拟扩建用地约15970平方米,总建筑面积约60643平方米投入资金:总投资约3亿元
  • 运动场北侧地块,建设1栋师生食住一体的生活楼,该楼可满足3600个学生和420名教职工同时就餐(教职工用餐区域需要单独设立);同时,提供3600个学生宿位和70套教师公寓;

  • 体育馆东侧地块,建设两栋满足28个教学班的教学楼;

  • 体育馆北侧地块,建设一栋满足28个教学班的综合楼

Project Address: South of Wenhua Road, Longjiang Town, Shunde District, Foshan, GuangdongConstruction Scale: The whole campus occupies an area of 83379.573㎡ (including 78973.174㎡ for education purpose and 4406.3988㎡ for greenland). The expansion area is 15970㎡, and the GFA is around 60643㎡Investment: Around RMB 300 millionProject Overview: - A living building integrating dining and housing for teachers and students will be built on the north side of the sports ground. The building can satisfy the dining needs of 3600 students and 420 teaching staff at the same time (the dining area for teaching staff needs to be set up separately), and provide accommodation for 3600 students and 70 teachers;- On the east side of the gymnasium, two teaching buildings for 28 classes will be built; - On the plot to the north of the gymnasium, a comprehensive building for 28 teaching classes will be built.

04 伦教小学分校区新建工程(原伦教城北学校新建工程)New Construction Project of Branch Campus of Lunjiao Primary School (the original Lunjiao Chengbei School New Construction Project)
伦教小学区位图 Location of Lunjiao Primary School©观筑GUANZHU
伦教小学基地视频 Site Video
伦教小学全景图 Panorama of  Lunjiao Primary School©观筑GUANZHU
项目地址:佛山市顺德区伦教伦桂路以东、水厂路北侧,万科沁园后面建设规模:用地面积37414.21㎡,建筑面积57108㎡。投入资金:工程建安费约2.8亿元建设概况:拟新建72个教学班的伦教小学分校区Project Address: East of Lungui Road, north of Shuichang Road, Lunjiao Town, Shunde District, FoshanConstruction scale: Site area of 37414.21㎡ and GFA of 57108㎡
Investment: About RMB 280 millionProject Overview: Primary school of 72 classes

05 佛山新城未来学校新建工程

New Construction Project of Foshan New Town Future Primary School

佛山新城未来学校区位图 Location of Foshan New Town Future Primary School ©观筑GUANZHU
佛山新城未来学校基地视频 Site Video
佛山新城未来学校全景图Panorama of New Town Future Primary School©观筑GUANZHU

项目地址:位于佛山市顺德区乐从镇小布村,地块北侧临近佛山市气象公共服务中心建设规模:用地面积36984.48㎡,建筑面积45000㎡投入资金:总投资约2.8亿元建设概况:新建一所功能完善、设计合理、富有教育内涵的现代化学校,办学规模为36个教学班Project Address: Xiaobu Village, Lecong Town, Shunde District, Foshan, GuangdongConstruction Scale:  Site area of 36984.48㎡, GFA of 45000㎡
Investment: About 280 million yuan
Project Overview: Modernized primary school of 36 classes

06 佛山市顺德区勒流中学二期扩容提质工程Phase ll Expansion and Improvement Project of Leliu Middle School, Shunde district, Foshan
勒流中学区位图 Location of Leliu Middle School©观筑GUANZHU
勒流中学基地视频 Site Video©观筑GUANZHU
勒流中学全景图 Panorama of Leliu Middle School©观筑GUANZHU
项目地址:广东省佛山市顺德区勒流镇环镇路1号建设规模:学校总用地面积为120916.41 平方米,可扩建范围用地面积为32580平方米,总建筑面积约44110平方米投入资金:总投资约2.4亿元
  • 一栋包含2500个学生宿位、2000人同时就餐的生活楼;
  • 一栋满足36个教学班的教学楼;
  • 一栋满足24个教学班及其他功能场所的综合楼,该综合楼应配套专业教室及专业辅助用房。
Project Address: No. 1, Huanzhen Road, Leliu Town, Shunde District, Foshan, Guangdong Construction Scale: The whole campus occupies an area of 120916.41㎡, of which expansion area is 32580㎡, GFA is around 44110㎡
Investment: About RMB 240 millionProject Overview: - A living building that can accommodate 2500 students and 2000 people can dine at the same time; - A teaching building for 36 classes; - A comprehensive building for 24 classes and other functional places. The building must have supporting classrooms and auxiliary rooms

The competition is divided into three stages:

The first stage - Open Solicitation of Conceptual Design

① 公开征集报名文件要求:Requirements for application documents:
Applicants should submit application documents, including credit documents and conceptual design. Find the "VI. Registration Document" of this competition document for details. If the applicant has registered for more than one project, the applicant shall prepare the application documents for each school project.

② 竞赛流程:
Competition process:
The organizer shall set up a Scheme Review Committee according to law to review the conceptual design submitted by the applicants for each project and determine six shortlisted applicants and two candidate applicants by open ballot (elimination round by round);
2)通过公开征集确定的6家入围参赛申请人应按时提交《参赛确认函》;The six finalists determined through open solicitation shall submit the "Confirmation Letter" on time;
Suppose the applicant who submitted the "Confirmation Letter" withdraws or abandons the competition due to non force majeure. In that case, the organizer reserves the right to reject the applicant to participate in any other construction project bidding competition and other organizer activities.

The second stage - Conceptual Design Development stage

Competition process (Tentative. Find the  "Conceptual Design Development Stage" in the competition document for details) :
① 每个项目通过公开征集产生的6家入围单位进入本阶段(第二阶段-概念方案深化阶段);For each project, six finalists will enter the second stage through open solicitation;
② 每个项目6家公开征集入围参赛单位提交符合设计任务书要求的设计成果文件,每家只允许提交一个竞赛设计方案;Six finalists of each project submitted deliverables. Only one conceptual design scheme for each applicant (consortium) shall be submitted;③ 主办方依法组建方案评审委员会,对参赛方案进行评审。方案评审委员会采用记名投票法(逐轮淘汰),对入围方案评选出3个无排序的设计方案进入定标环节。其余3个方案为优秀入围方案。
According to law, the organizer shall establish a scheme Review Committee to review the participating conceptual design schemes. The Scheme Review Committee adopts the open ballot method (elimination round by round) to select three non-sequenced conceptual design schemes for the shortlisted schemes to enter the bid determination process. The other three schemes are excellent shortlisted schemes.
 The third stage - Bid Determination
① 结合专家评审意见和公众参与意见,报顺德区人民政府审定,从3个无排序作品中选出第一、二、三名,第一名为中标方案。Combined with expert review opinions and public opinions, it shall be reported to Shunde District People's government for approval. The first, second, and third prizes shall be selected from three non-ordered conceptual design schemes. The the 1st place selected by the Scheme Review Committee shall be the bid winner.
② 每个项目公开征集6家入围单位按照竞赛结果获得相应奖金。The six finalists for each project will receive corresponding bonuses according to the results of the competition.
③ 中标单位额外获得方案深化合同,进行概念方案深化,深化设计需达到方案设计的要求深度。The bid winner (including consortium) shall additionally obtain the design optimization contract to further optimize its scheme, and the design development shall to the extent required.

Bonus and follow-up work fee

(1)单个学校投资 3 亿以上的三个项目:
Three projects in which a single school investment more than 300million:
Reconstruction project of Chen Huinan Memorial Middle School.New construction project of Foshan New Town Compulsory Education School (junior high school).Expansion project of Longjiang Middle School - One Campus.

包括3个优秀入围方案,奖金各 15 万元第三名奖金 25 万元第二名奖金 35万元第一名奖金 45 万元方案深化合同费用 50 万元
Including three excellent shortlisted schemes, award of 150,000 yuan for each. The third prize will award 250,000 yuan. The second prize will award 350,000 yuan. The first prize will award 450,000 yuan. Fee of the design optimization contract is 500,000 yuan.

(2)单个学校投资 3 亿以下的三个项目:
Three projects in which a single school investment less than 300million:
New construction project of branch campus of Lunjiao primary school (the former Lunjiao Chengbei school new construction project).New construction project of Foshan New Town Future Primary School.Phase ll expansion and improvement project of Leliu Middle School, Shunde district, Foshan.

包括3个优秀入围方案,奖金各 10 万元第三名奖金 20 万元第二名奖金 25 万元第一名奖金 35 万元方案深化合同 45 万元
Including three excellent shortlisted schemes, award of 150,000 yuan for each. The third prize will award 200,000 yuan; The second prize will award 250,000 yuan; The first prize will award 350,000 yuan; Fee of the design optimization contract is 450,000 yuan.

Bonus payment
The finalist of each project shall sign a bonus contract with the competition organizer according to the competition results, and the organizer shall pay the corresponding fees according to the contract requirements.
(2)中标单位应于竞赛主办方签订方案深化合同,履行合同义务,按照合同要求,主办方支付相应的费用。The bid winner shall sign the design optimization contract with the competition organizer, perform the contract obligations. According to the contract, the organizer shall pay the corresponding fee.
(3)参赛人的奖金、方案深化费用应由各参赛人出具正式税务发票,税金由参赛人自理。Each applicant shall issue a formal tax invoice for the applicant's bonus and design optimization fee, and the applicant shall bear the tax.
(4)参赛过程所发生的费用由各参赛人自理,不进行经济补偿。参赛人应承担报名、踏勘现场、编制参赛文件、递交参赛文件等参加本设计竞赛所涉及的一切费用。The applicants shall bear all expenses incurred during the competition, and no financial support shall be provided by competition organizer. Applicants shall bear all the costs involved in the design competition, such as registration, site survey, preparation of competition documents, and competition documents submission, etc.

Competition form
(1)参赛单位不限资质、不限参加学校项目的数量。(2)参赛申请人如报名参加多个学校项目的,需分别为每个报名的学校项目编制公开征集报名文件。Six projects of Shunde District Most Beautiful Campus Action Plan Season 2:
  • Reconstruction project of Chen Huinan Memorial Middle School.
  • New construction project of Foshan New Town Compulsory Education School (junior high school).
  • Expansion project of Longjiang Middle School - One Campus.
  • New construction project of branch campus of Lunjiao primary school (the former Lunjiao Chengbei school new construction project).
  • New construction project of Foshan New Town Future Primary School.
  • Phase ll expansion and improvement project of Leliu Middle School, Shunde district, Foshan.

The competition adopts the method of open solicitation. The specific form is as follows:1. Applicants(consortiums) are not limited to the qualification and the number of projects.
2. Applicants(consortiums) shall prepare open solicitation application documents for each project if applicants apply to participate in multiple projects.
2.报名要求Registration requirements
Applicants must satisfying the following qualification requirements:

(1)须具有独立法人资格并依法取得有效的营业执照(或事业单位法人证书),如委托分公司参与竞赛的,须提供总公司授权文件。法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司,不得同时报名参赛;Applicants must be domestic or overseas legally registered companies or organizations. Two or more parent companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries and their holding companies with the same legal representative shall be regarded as the same applicant and shall not apply for the competition at the same time.
(2)本项目接受联合体投标,联合体成员单位不得多于2家。Consortium is permitted. One consortium shall include no more than two members.
(3)参赛人信誉要求:参赛人在本行业领域声誉良好,没有处于被有权机关吊销营业执照、吊销资质、停业整顿或者财产被接管、冻结、进入破产程序等状况。Reputation requirements of the applicants: The applicants have a good reputation in the industry and are not in the situation of having their business license revoked, qualification revoked, business suspended for rectification, or their property taken over, frozen, or entered into bankruptcy proceedings by the competent authority.
(4)不接受个人或个人组合的报名。Individual or teams of individuals will not be accepted.
During the evaluation or publicity of this project, if a participant is determined not to satisfy any of the above credit requirements, the competition organizer reserves the right to disqualify the applicant from participating in this project and will not pay any compensation or bonus to the applicant.

Deadline and method for application documents submission
(1)截止时间 / Deadline:
15:00, July 4, 2022, Beijing time (see the website of Shunde District Public Resources Trading Center, Foshan City for details)

(2)递交方式 / Delivery method:
On-site submission or sealed mailing. Please find the Competition Document for details.
(3)现场递交或邮寄地点 / On-site submission or mail address:
中国广东省佛山市顺德区大良新城区行政服务中心西座东门East Gate, West block, Shunde Administrative Service Center, Daliangxincheng District, Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong, China

(4)咨询电话 / Hotline:
刘工/Mr Liu:+0755-26915731、18370796386

(5) 咨询邮箱 / Enquiry email:

(1)竞赛公告及后续答疑、补遗文件的官方发布平台为佛山市顺德区公共资源交易中心网。请前往“佛山市顺德区公共资源交易中心网”,查看公告及下载竞赛文件(点击文末“阅读原文”可直接跳转)。The official platform for announcement, follow-up Q&A and addendum documents is the Foshan Shunde Public Resources Transaction Center website. Please go to the website to view the announcement and download the prequalification document (click “read more” at the bottom).

Release platform of competition announcement: Foshan Shunde Public Resources Transaction Center website.




