
Call for applications: FECCS Grants for Collaborative Research

The Fudan-European Centre for China Studies (FECCS) seeks to support researchers working on China-related topics from European universities or researchers working on European-related topics from Fudan University. The aim of the grant is to strengthen ties between Fudan University and European scholars.

About the grants

This grant will support one to two research groups with a project aimed to foster European-Chinese cooperation. Projects within all academic disciplines are welcome, but projects with an emphasis on topics under the research focal points of FECCS (https://www.hf.uio.no/ikos/english/research/center/feccs/research/) may be favoured. Priority is also given to projects that foster joint research output, not networking activities.

Applicants from Fudan University and Nordic universities will be prioritised.

Grant recipients are expected to produce tangible outputs from the funding in the format of scholarly articles, seminars, a collective forum or similar.

  • Funding scale: 100,000 – 300,000 NOK per project/research group.

  • Duration: project end date no later than March 31, 2025.

  • Application deadline: April 30, 2024.

Application details

Requirements: description of the purpose of research project and the forms of the activities the funding is applied for (3 pages maximum) + simple budget. Please include a section about anticipated outputs and how the project/research idea is relevant to China-related academic collaboration in the Nordic and European context. A brief description of partner institutes and CV of participants should also be included.

The funds can be used in combination with other funded activities but the added value of FECCS should be convincingly laid out in the application.


  • The project must involve collaboration with at least one named partner at Fudan (if from a European institution) or at a European institution (if from Fudan University).

  • The application must clearly and concisely convey the expected deliverables of the project and both the applicant’s and the partner’s roles.

  • Applications must build on established partnerships. Applications to establish first contacts through inter-continental travel will not be granted.

Assessment criteria

  • Relevance to focal areas

  • Academic quality

  • Potential for research output and long-term collaboration


For funding disbursement, the FECCS/IKOS will pay the grantee’s institution reimbursement by invoice. This means that the grantee’s institution will have to cover initial costs with their own means and then apply for reimbursement at the FECCS/IKOS using documentation of said costs. Application for reimbursement of direct and documented costs must be submitted within 1 month after the project end. In order to receive reimbursement, the applicant must submit itemized account reports for their expenses as well as a 1–2-page research report or seminar script.

What can be budgeted: research assistance, travel and field work expenses, proofreading, publishing and other dissemination expenses.

Application can be submitted in Nettskjema. Processing time – approximately one month.

Submit your application via this link:


For any inquiries, please contact ingrid.eskild@ikos.uio.no 

NOTE: FECCS's small grants have been discontinued.


促进海外中国研究中心联动 深化能源与环境问题国际学术合作——复旦-欧洲、复旦-加大中国研究中心在挪威举办论坛复旦-欧洲中国研究中心(奥斯陆)开幕报告会举行复旦大学与奥斯陆大学签署合作共建复旦-欧洲中国研究中心协议招聘 | 2024-2026年复旦-加大当代中国研究中心执行副主任候选人推荐工作启动

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