
征文 | 第五届复旦— 拉美大学联盟年会征稿通知

第五届复旦-拉美大学联盟年会5th FLAUC Annual Meeting

Sustainable Growth and Social Vulnerability in Latin America and China: Challenges in the Post-Pandemic Era

November 9-10,2023

University of Campinas, Brazil

In the first decade of the 21st century, many Latin American countries had relatively high economic growth and implemented public policies which resulted in a reduction in the social vulnerability of a large contingent of their populations. Yet, this virtuous dynamic was interrupted by a combination of external and domestic problems. On the other hand, China has had high economic growth for more than 40 years now, associated with radical changes in the productive structure and the virtual elimination of poverty in the country. The pandemic of the Covid-19 is very eloquent in showing the differences in the two cases, since in China the social consequences of the "coronacrisis" were much softer than in Latin America, where social inequalities, poverty and food insecurity increased substantially over the last few years. Stimulating debates around these crucial issues, University of Campinas (Brazil) and Fudan University (China) are organizing the 5th Annual Meeting of the Fudan-Latin America University Consortium (FLAUC), entitled "Sustainable growth and social vulnerability in Latin America and China: challenges in the Post-Pandemic era".

The Conference will have six thematic areas:

● Poverty & Food Insecurity

● Sustainable Development

● Governance, Geopolitics & Financial Order

● Investment & Trade

● Society and Culture

● Urban Development

Call for Papers

The FLAUC 2023 Annual Meeting organizers invite researchers to submit their paper proposals before June 30, 2023. These proposals must include title, author, institution, an abstract of a maximum of 300 words, and between 3 and 5 keywords. The authors must also indicate the thematic field in which their work applies.

Please, fill the form and upload your proposal in the following link (if you have any problem in accessing the link, you may send your abstract to the email addresses below): https://forms.gle/8ynRV55KHYSU4D1b7

Keynote Speakers

• Prof. José Graziano da Silva, University of Campinas and Former Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

• Prof. Wang Xiaolin, Professor and Vice President of the Institute for Six Sector Economy of Fudan University; Executive Director, Shanghai (Fudan University) Institute for Cooperation & Development

• Prof. Li Xiaoyun, Lead Chair Professor and Honorary Dean of the College of International Development and Global Agriculture at China Agricultural University


• English will be the language of the Conference

• The Meeting will be held at the University of Campinas, Campinas-SP, Brazil


Institute of Economics and International Office, University of Campinas, Brazil


Prof. Bruno De Conti

Email: deconti@unicamp.br

Camila Ventura

Email: camilaie@unicamp.br


