
Fudan Fellow Program 2023 |“复旦学者”项目2023年申请






“复旦学者”项目旨在邀请海外优秀学者来复旦校园从事文、社、理、工、医等领域的科研,项目分为Honorary Fudan Scholar、Distinguished Fudan Scholar、Fudan Scholar和Fudan Fellow四类,通过学术论坛、讲座、研讨会等形式促进来访学者与复旦师生的学术交流活动。项目增进了海外学者与复旦大学师生之间的学术联系,为海外学者提供深入了解中国并从事中国相关研究的机会,并积极发展复旦大学与优秀海外大学和学术机构间的合作伙伴关系。

Fudan Fellow Program welcomes outstanding scholars from around the world to Shanghai for on-campus academic interaction with the Fudan community. Fudan Fellows are invited to undertake their on-going research in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, technology and engineering, life sciences and medical sciences in Shanghai, China.

The Fudan Fellow Program consists of four categories: Honorary Fudan Scholar, Distinguished Fudan Scholar, Fudan Scholar and Fudan Fellow. The program provides an excellent environment for research in the form of workshops, lectures, seminars, classes, etc. The program provides fellows with opportunities to further their understanding of China and China-related issues, promotes academic communication between Fudan faculty and international scholars, and builds strong partnerships between Fudan University and leading research institutes around the world.




1、Honorary Fudan Scholar:诺贝尔奖、图灵奖、菲尔兹奖等国际顶尖科技奖项的获得者;

2、Distinguished Fudan Scholar:各个国家(地区)的院士或获得同等学术荣誉称号的顶尖学者,或被专家推荐为具有获得诺贝尔奖、图灵奖、菲尔兹奖等国际顶尖科技奖项潜力的学者;

3、Fudan Scholar:已获得高等教育或科研机构全职冠名教授或教授(终身教职)头衔、具有突出科研能力的学者;

4、Fudan Fellow: 拥有高等教育或科研机构助理教授及以上头衔、或来自顶尖高校且具有突出科研潜力的青年博士后学者,须具备活跃的创新思维,并且拥有一项正在进行的研究项目或课题;


Applicants should be citizens of a foreign country and have a good command of working languages to interact with the Fudan community, where Chinese and English are mostly spoken. Those who have previously been accepted into this program may not apply for the same category again. The programis divided into the following categories:

1. Honorary Fudan Scholar: Applicants who have won the Nobel Prize, Turing Award, Fields Medal, or other similar awards;

2. Distinguished Fudan Scholar: Applicants who are academicians from a country (region) or top scholars with equivalent academic honors, or scholars recommended as having the potential to win the Nobel Prize, Turing Award, Fields Medal and other similar awards.

3. Fudan Scholar: Applicants who are full-time Chair Professors or Full Professors (tenure-track) of higher education and research institutions, and have outstanding scientific research potential;

4. Fudan Fellow: Applicants who are assistant professors or above in higher education or research institutions, or postdoctoral scholarsfrom top universities with outstanding research potential, who are active and innovative thinkers and have an ongoing research project;

5. Applicants with experience working in government or international organizations, well-known enterprises, high-end think tanks or media organizations, with the ability to conduct higher academic communication and scientific and policy research, are recommended to apply for the appropriate category based on their personal circumstances.



1、在校时间:Honorary Fudan Scholar在校时间不少于一周,Distinguished Fudan Scholar在校时间不少于两周。Fudan Scholar和Fudan Fellow在校时间一般应在60天左右,最短不少于30天、最长不超过90天。各类学者均须本人到校开展访问。


3、发表论文:鼓励学者在项目结束后发表相关论文,并注明Fudan Scholar/Fellow身份,于复旦大学留存一份论文。

1. Schedule:Honorary Fudan Scholars are invited to campus for no less than 1 week. Distinguished Fudan Scholars are invited to campus for no less than 2 weeks. Fudan Scholars and Fudan Fellows are invited to the Fudan campus for 60 days, exceptionally no shorter than 30 days and no longer than 90 days. All are required to visit Fudan University in person.

2. Activities: Every four weeks on campus, fellows are asked to give at least one lecture, either to students or fellow researchers, or to host workshops and seminars.

3. Publications: Fellows are encouraged to publish papers after the visit under the title of Fudan Scholar/Fudan Fellow. A copy of the publication shall be presented to and kept by Fudan University.


Allowances & Services

1、机票补贴:项目为每位Fudan Scholar提供至多3.5万元的机票补贴,为每位Fudan Fellow提供至多1万元的机票补贴,实报实销。经济舱和公务舱补贴金额上限如下:

2、生活补贴:不同类型的访问学者的学术报酬设立不同的标准。在校期间,为Honorary Fudan Scholar和Distinguished Fudan Scholar提供1600元/天的生活补贴,为Fudan Scholar提供1000元/天的生活补贴,为Fudan Fellow提供300元/天的生活补贴。(以上金额均为税前。)


1. International round-trip airfare allowance: The program provides an airfare allowance of up to RMB 35,000 for each Honorary Fudan Scholar/Distinguished Fudan Scholar/Fudan Scholar and up to RMB 10,000 for each Fudan Fellow, with actual travel expenses. The maximum Economy and Business Class allowances are as follows:

2. Stipend:

For Honorary Fudan Scholar: 1600 RMB/day * number of visiting days (before tax)

For Distinguished Fudan Scholar: 1600 RMB/day * number of visiting days (before tax)

For Fudan Scholar: 1000 RMB/day * number of visiting days (before tax)

For Fudan Fellow: 300 RMB/day * number of visiting days (before tax)

3. Services:

Designated facilities and offices are provided by the invitation platform or institution during the visit.




1、Honorary Fudan Scholar:申请表、个人简历;

2、Distinguished Fudan Scholar:申请表、个人简历;

3、Fudan Scholar:申请表、个人简历、来访期间拟开展的研究计划;

4、Fudan Fellow:申请表、个人简历、推荐信2封、来访期间拟开展的研究计划。

All applications must be in English. The application form and the research proposal form are attached below. For different categories of applications:

1. Honorary Fudan Scholar: Application Form and Curriculum vitae;

2. Distinguished Fudan Scholar: Application Form and Curriculum vitae;

3. Fudan Scholar: Application Form, Curriculum vitae, and Research Proposal;

4. Fudan Fellow:Application Form, Curriculum vitae, Research Proposal and 2 Recommendation Letters.


How to apply








The first round of applications in 2023 will be open from March 13 to April 13 to receive applications for May-December 2023. To apply, please send application materials to one of the following email addresses based on your research background. The program committee will conduct a centralized review from April 13 to April 27 and provide feedback on admission results at the end of April.The second round of applications is expected to open in September-October 2023 to receive applications for 2024. If you have any questions, please contact the following email address and phone number based on your research background.

1.Natural sciences, technology and engineering, life sciences and medical sciences:

Email: fudanfellow@fudan.edu.cn

Contact: Ms. Peng, +86-21-65648438

2. Humanities:

Email: icscc@fudan.edu.cn

Contact: Ms. Qian,+86-21-55664196

3. Social Sciences:

Email: fdifudan@fudan.edu.cn

Contact: Ms. Zhu, +86-21-55664590


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