
观点 | 增强流行病“免疫力”,全球合作势在必行!

Geeta Kochhar 复旦发展研究院 2020-09-15
新冠疫情正在全球蔓延,3月13日,钟南山院士接受采访时介绍:“美国(新冠)病死率接近3%,这说明可能很多病人没有被发现,他们并没有认真排查密切接触者。对于新冠肺炎,预防还是关键,早发现早隔离才是最关键的,只有全球合作,才有可能较早控制疫情。” 近日,复旦发展研究院印度籍访问学者康婧(Geeta Kochhar)于中国日报国际(Chinadaily Global)上发表文章《Coronavirus shows need to establish regional and global public health security networks》,呼吁建立全球性公共卫生安全网络,并强调中国应在其中发挥重要作用,我们将其翻译成中文,方便读者阅览。以下为全文双语版:

Cooperation can strengthen global immunity to epidemics


康婧(Geeta Kochhar)

The author is a visiting scholar at Fudan Development Institute and an assistant professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University. 



Coronavirus shows need to establish regional and global public health security networks新冠疫情突显建立区域性、全球性公共卫生安全网络的必要性Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is the Chinese New Year, and the holiday is an opportunity for a large number of Chinese people, both at home and abroad, to return to their hometowns to see out the old year and ring in the new with family and relatives. However, this year began on a very depressing note for many Chinese, just when they were busy preparing for Spring Festival. The news of a deadly virus hitting Wuhan and within days spreading like wildfire, caused fear and panic.春节对中国人来说是最重要的节日:是中国农历新年,也是大批中国人回到故乡,与亲朋欢聚,辞旧迎新的时刻。然而,就在许多人忙着为过节打扫置办时,今年的春节却在愁云惨雾中开启。致命病毒的信息突袭武汉,数日之内,便如荒野之火般蔓延开来,引起了恐慌和焦虑。Although, it is not the first time China has faced a national level epidemic; the scale of the novel coronavirus worried even the most ordinary citizens living far away from Wuhan, Hubei province, where the virus first emerged. Earlier, between November 2002 to July 2003, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak had a huge human cost in China. But the Chinese government and people were able to effectively control it and since 2004 there was no nationwide epidemic reported. The key questions are what has made the novel coronavirus epidemic such a global threat and what has China done to control it? In particular, are there any lessons for other countries to deal with the epidemic on their soil? No state is an exclusive entity in the present day world and the more we advance to a globalized interconnected world, the more local issues and problems no longer remain within the territorial domain of a particular state. Thus the current spread of the novel coronavirus is an issue of common concern and China's actions are worth assessing.虽然这并非中国第一次面对全国性的流行病,但新冠病毒来势汹汹,让首次遭逢此疫情的湖北武汉市居民,甚至使许多居住在远离武汉的普通人都倍感焦虑。早在2002年11月至2003年7月之间,严重急性呼吸道综合症(SARS)在中国爆发,造成了巨大的人员伤亡。但是,中国政府和人民有效控制了疫情,自2004年以来,从未出现全国范围的流行病。关键问题是,是什么使新冠病毒成为全球性的威胁,而中国对其采取了哪些措施加以控制? 尤其是,其他国家在应对本国疫情时,是否能从中汲取经验和教训?在当今世界中,没有任何一个国家可以独善其身,而随着我们向全球互联的迈进,更多的本地问题都会跨越国土界限。因此,当前新冠病毒的传播是需要普遍关注的问题,而中国的行动值得我们思考。Building a large makeshift hospital in just 10 days to provide basic medical assessment and care of suspected cases of infection was unprecedented in the history of any nation. But, there are issues that need due attention in the present crisis. We need to understand that control or management of a particular disease does not mean that in future some new unknown disease will not threaten us. The chances of the epidemic reemerging remains high even if there seems to be a sharp decline in the number of new infections in China, as reports also suggest some cases where the treated patients show signs of reemergence of the disease. Environmental conditions and dietary habits need to be constantly checked to avoid animal-to-human transfer of diseases. Complete isolation from the world is impossible, and as the disease gets controlled in one area, the number of new cases may rise elsewhere, which is where the main challenge to all counter-measures lies.在短短10天之内建成大型临时医院,以保障对疑似感染病例的基础医学评估和护理,这在任何国家历史上都是前所未有之事。但是,在当前危机下,有些问题需引起足够重视。我们需要意识到,管控住特定疾疫并不意味着可以避免将来新的未知疾病的威胁。即使在新发感染人数急剧下降的,疫情卷土重来的可能性仍在,因为有报道表明,在某些情况下,治愈患者仍有可能再次染病。需要不断监察环境条件和饮食习惯,以避免动物-人的传染。由于不可能做到完全的与世隔绝,随着某种疾病在一个地区得到控制,新的病例又可能会在另一地区发展,这对各国的防疫措施都是一大挑战。In lieu of the above considerations, we need to be prepared for all kinds of disasters that threaten human existence, armed with a focus on deeper scientific research. As China has experience in successfully dealing with the SARS outbreak and has even managed to restrict the novel coronavirus death rate to only 2 to 3 percent of the total more than 80,000 affected cases, there surely are lessons for many other countries to learn. China's fight against the coronavirus outbreak has shown that individual's awareness along with timely intervention of local actors as well as state bodies can prevent the spread of a pathogen to a large extent. It has been proven that the collective efforts of communities and ruling authorities are the need of the hour to control the scale of the epidemic. The novel coronavirus outbreak has raised the public health consciousness of people around the world and rooted the notion of people-centric development as one of the underlining requirements for human security.基于以上考量,我们需要为威胁人类生存的各种灾难做好准备,并将重点放在更为深入的科学研究上。由于中国有成功应对SARS疫情的经验,甚至设法将新冠病毒的死亡率抑制在2%至3%(基于8万多例受感染病例),因此也必定有许多其他国家可以学习的经验教训。中国抗击新冠病毒的经验表明,个人意识、地方组织和政府的及时干预可以在很大程度上防止病原体的传播。事实证明,社区和政府部门的协同努力是控制流行病规模的必要条件。新冠病毒的爆发提高了全世界人们的公共卫生意识,并将以人为本的发展观念树立为维护人类安全的基本要义之一。While development and security goals have been the main priorities for almost all developing countries, especially China and India; the objectives of development need to be broadened from just rooting out poverty to the overall well-being of citizens. The United Nations Human Development Report of 1994 calls for expanding the notions of threats to human existence in contemporary times by including both "freedom from fear" and "freedom from want".尽管发展和安全目标已成为几乎所有发展中国家,特别是中国和印度的主要优先事项,但发展的目标需要从消除贫困扩展到提高公民的整体福祉。1994年《联合国人类发展报告》呼吁扩大“对人类生存构成威胁”的概念范畴,将“免于恐惧”和“免于匮乏”纳入其中。Protection and advancement of individuals within societies is significant to counter the new challenges nature and evolving human societies face in changing times. As our social environment undergoes change, our ability to adapt many times falls short of what is required for the severe challenges around us.瞬息万变的时代,保护和促进每个社会中人们的福祉,对应对自然和人类社会面临的新挑战具有重要意义。随着我们社会环境的变化,在很多时候,我们的适应能力都可能不足以应对周围的严峻挑战。Therefore, sustainable protection against diseases and access to healthcare facilities should be made globally available. As countries pursue goals to ensure the material well-being of their citizens, the nature of unforeseen and unknown diseases create existential vulnerabilities that individual states cannot deal with on their own. Hence management networks are needed both regionally and globally to produce a pool of resources, comprising medical practitioners, medical equipment and medicines and services. China, which has rich experience in countering epidemics, can and should be a pioneer in advancing such networks for the well-being of humanity.因此,应在全球范围内提供抵御疾病的可持续性的保护措施和医疗设施。当各国都在追求保障公民的物质生活富足的时候,不可预见的未知疾病导致的生存威胁却是单个国家无法独自应对的。因此,需要在区域和全球范围内搭建(公共卫生安全)管理网络,以形成包括医务人员、医疗设备、药品和服务在内的资源库。而在此种促进人类福祉的网络搭建过程中,中国可以而且必将凭借抗击流行病方面的丰富经验,发挥主导和先锋作用。

来  源 | China Daily Global

供  稿 | 复旦发展研究院

翻      译 | 黄  晨

微信编辑 | 欧阳君怡


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