
[OCAT工作室] Federico & Christooher + Roxana

OCAT深圳馆 2021-09-26

OCAT Residency in 2019



9月28日,我们迎来了第三组入驻艺术家:克里斯·滨本(Chris Hamamoto)和费尔德雷克·佩雷斯·维洛罗(Federico Perez Villoro)。在十一月中旬,策展人、艺术史家罗克珊娜·法布斯(Roxana Fabius)会加入这个二人组。克里斯和费尔德雷克的作品调查和研究了新兴技术对当代文化和政治的影响。它包括了以电脑为基础的媒介,出版物,录像,写作,和教育倡议。二位艺术家自2015年开始合作。在驻留期间,他们会与罗克珊娜展开紧密合作。

OCAT Shenzhen welcomed the arrival of its third artists-in-residence of this year’s Residency Program, Chris Hamamoto and Federico Pérez Villoro, on September 28, 2019. The duo will be joined by curator and art historian Roxana Fabius in mid-November.

Chris Hamamoto and Federico Pérez Villoro’s work investigates the impact of emerging technologies in contemporary culture and politics. It often includes computer-based media, publications, video, writing, and educational initiatives. They have been working together since 2015. During the residency they will work in close collaboration with Roxana Fabius. 


Chris Hamamoto and Federico Pérez Villoro in the OCAT library


In their time at OCAT they will look at the technical capacities of technologies that automatically scrape the web looking for copyright infringements in online marketplaces and the development of strategies to prevent detection by sellers of unauthorized replicas. They will look at how these methods manifest in the production ecosystem of Shenzhen and its surrounding areas, where the logics of incremental sharing of technical knowledge and open source systems are key to the local economy — and in how this contrast western capitalist tendencies. 

耐克Air Vapormax “Triple Black”在dhgate.com网站中被修改过的图片

Modified image of Nike Air Vapormax “Triple Black” in a listing at dhgate.com

图片来自于网络,picture from the Internet 


Taking as a starting point images they found at e-commerce stores where logos and other brands signifiers are digitally modified to avoid detection by policing algorithms, the artists will reflect on the capacities and implications of contemporary computer vision. The possibility for code to depict a Nike swoosh within a photo — to detect an image within another image — is a recent development and is the same type of technology performed by facial recognition software and other forms of labeling of digital content. In the era of surveillance capitalism and algorithmic behavioral profiling, data collection in the form of automatic object segmentation within images is the next frontier for commercial and political enterprises. 


Automated image segmentation

图片来自于网络,picture from the Internet 

在2004年发表于《Phantom》的图片论文中,哈伦·法罗基(Harun Farocki)指出“经过处理后的图片”并非是代表现实的被动对象,而是过程的主动部分。在与罗克珊娜的谈话中,克里斯和费尔德雷克将会考虑“逃逸图像”的可能性。对比被设计来进行修改的图片,研究中的图片是人类对于无形的监察系统的反应。如果网络可以永久性被算法“看见”,那么要如何从无交感的计算机处理中逃离?如果图片有一定的修改兼容度,他们能够通过行为视角被理解吗?

In his 2004 Phantom Images essay, Harun Farocki proposes ‘operational images’ as images that are not passive objects that aim to represent reality, but rather are active part of processes. Hamamoto and Pérez Villoro, in conversation with Fabius, will consider the possibility of "fugitive images.” In contrast to images which are designed to be involved within operations, the studied images are human responses to invisible surveillance systems. If the internet is permanently being “seen” by algorithms, how to escape the non-consensual sight of computing? If images have operational capacities, can they be understood through behavioral perspectives?


War at a Distance, 2003 – missile footage from the Iraqi war

图片来自于网络,picture from the Internet 

<<  滑动查看部分往期工作室图片  >>

Slide to view the part of pictures of previous residences.

“OCAT工作室”项目是OCAT深圳馆的主要项目之一。自OCAT深圳馆于2005年成立以来, 2006年至2013年间连续举办了八期。2018年重新启动,至今共邀请了来自20个国家和地区的40位策展人、艺术家及研究者


The “OCAT Residency” program is one of the main projects of the OCAT Shenzhen. Since the establishment of the OCAT Shenzhen in 2005, eight consecutive sessions have been held between 2006 and 2013. Relaunched  in 2018, the program has  invited a total of 40 curators, artists and researchers from 20 countries and areas:

 (sorted by  initials):


Birgit Hopfener(德/Germany)

Che Jin Suk(蔡珍淑)(韩/Korea)

Henry Seng(盛海)(瑞/Switzerland)

徐坦(Xu Tan)(中/China)


Alistair Francis Leighton Gentry

(英/United Kingdom)

Feisal Arahmaiani(印尼/Indonesia)


" Honggang Garden" 

(Chu Yun, Liu Chuang, Li Jinghu ) 


Jesus Palomino(西班牙/Spain)

Thanos Zakopoulos(希腊/Greece)


Claire Louise Staunton

(英/United Kingdom)

黄小鹏(Huang Xiaopeng)(中/China)

Paola Yacoub (黎巴嫩/Lebanon)& 

Michel Lasserre (法国France)

Susanne Burner(德/Germany)


Dinu Li(李典宇)(英/United Kingdom)

梁美萍(Liang Meiping)

(中国香港/Hong Kong)

Mimi Tong(澳/Australia)

Neno Belchev(保加利亚/Bulgaria)


Grant Stevens(澳/Australia)

Halldór Ásgeirsson(冰岛/Iceland)

Keren Shavit(以色列/Israel)

罗永进(Luo Yongjin)(中/China)


Frank Havermans(荷兰/Netherlands)

Nika Oblak & Primoz Novak


Paula Orrell(英/United Kingdom)

Thomas Adebahr(德/Germany)


Constant Dullaart(荷兰/Netherlands)

刘诗园(Liu Shiyuan)(中/China)

Marko Daniel(英/United Kingdom)


Adam Avikainen(美/United States)

蔡青(Cai Qing)(中/China)

Dirk Braeckmans(比利时/Belgium)

Dierk Schmidt(德/Germany)

Nav Haq(比利时/Belgium)

Patrick Flores(菲律宾/Philippines)


李消非 Li Xiaofei (中/China)

 Karolina Breguła(波兰/Poland)

Giuditta Vendrame(荷兰/Netherlands)

姚明峰&王叶子 Mingfeng Yao and Yezi Wang



[ OCAT工作室 ] 2019年获选者公布

[OCAT工作室] 卢恒 Henry Heng Lu

[OCAT工作室] 罗宝 Elizabeth Lo



开放时间:10:00 - 17:30(逢周一闭馆)


微信公众号:OCAT深圳馆(ID: OCATShenzhen)



Facebook:OCT Contemporary Art Terminal - OCAT Shenzhen



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