
M50展讯 | 五五画廊 | 【立春 · AND THE SPRING COMES】

2018-02-05 五五画廊 M50上海


寻常物结构 · 104x84厘米 · 布面油画 · 2017年


寻常物结构 · 30x40厘米 · 布面油画 · 2017年


纯然之物 · 30x30厘米 · 布面油画 · 2017年


寻常物结构 · 50x60厘米 · 布面油画 · 2017年



寻常物结构 · 44x22厘米 · 布面油画 · 2017年

孟阳阳的近期主要展览包括:“时代质感” (北京中国美术馆,2017年); “连音” (个展,上海五五画廊,2017年); “Utopia & Beyond” (意大利都灵Castello Di Rivara当代美术馆,2016年); “孤·身” (个展,北京龙艺榜画廊,2015年); “Utopia & Beyond” (意大利都灵Paratissima艺术博览会中国馆,2015年); “城市客厅” (第十届上海双年展城市馆项目,2015年); “愿你被世界温柔对待” (个展,成都那特画廊,2014年); “景不徙” (北京三潴画廊,2012年);等。

寻常物结构 · 40x30厘米 · 布面油画 · 2017年

ordinary object structure · 40x30cm · oil on canvas · 2017

Meng Yangyang's second solo exhibition in Shanghai "And the Spring Comes" was opened on the 3rd of February. The exhibition comprises 22 newly completed oil works on canvas.

ordinary object structure ·  60x50cm · oil on canvas · 2017


Meng Yangyang neither creates nor depicts objects. Her creations are results of occasionality. This contingency is not a meaningless brief encounter. It is an individual's vague as yet subtle feelings and thoughts on this objective world, full of melodic emotions.


pure things · 30x40cm · oil on canvas · 2017

For Meng Yangyang, feeling is like a spring in the desert, a source of every creation. She tries to put aside the so-called true objectivity of definition, structure, and concepts, and face it with her pure feeling, hoping to find a way to understand the world through perception, confronting representational objects in non-figurative spirit.


pure things · 40x30cm · oil on canvas · 2017

Meng Yangyang expresses her belief that feeling is the most important through projecting feelings of therepresentational world onto the canvas, extracting pure and noble feeling out of the objective world.


interpretation & recognition · 80x100cm · oil on canvas · 2017

Meng Yangyang was born in China in 1983. She graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts with a B.A. in 2006 and a M.F.A in 2009. Currently, she lives and works in Shanghai.


pure things · 40x30cm · oil on canvas · 2017

Meng Yangyangs recent major exhibitions include: Sense of Time (China Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2017);Legato (solo, Gallery 55, Shanghai, China, 2017); "Utopia & Beyond" (Castello Di Rivara Contemporary Art Museum, Torino, Italy, 2016); "Solitary·Body" (solo, Amelia Gallery, Beijing, China, 2015); “Utopia & Beyong” (Paratissima, Turin, Italy, 2015); “SHE·CONTEXT” (China City Pavilion @ 10th Shanghai Biennale, 2015); “Wishing the world treated you softly (solo, L-Art Gallery, Chendu, China, 2014); “anámnēsis” (Mizuma & One Gallery, Beijing, China, 2012); etc.

